How to keep personal tab active while switching to other tabs in microsoft teams - microsoft-teams

We have embedded an external website as a personal tab in Microsoft Teams. We want to keep the tab active in the background even if the user switches away from the personal tab. How could we achieve this?


How to track active screen in outlook mail using add-in

i'm running timer on task pane Add-in in outlook. when user inactive means if user switch to other tab I need to stop timer and when user back click on outlook mail, I need to resume timer. can anyone guide how to do this?
OfficeJS doesn't provide any events for that. You may consider posting your suggestion to the Tech Community at, feature requests are considered when the team goes through our planning process. Don't forget to use the Github label: “Type: product feature request”.
In case of COM based add-ins (VSTO) you could handle the Inspector.Activate an Inspector.Deactivate events for the inspector windows in Outlook. If you need to deal with Explorer windows you may consider using the Explorer.Activate

MS Teams - detect pop-out was opened

I have an MS Teams "Tab" application. It allows creating a Team tab as well as Personal Tabs. Teams has a feature of the "Pop out tab" button, which opens a clon on my app in the pop-up:
Is there a way how can I detect opening the "pop out"? For example, a user opened a file for editing in the tab and I don't want to allow him to edit it from the tab and pop-up simultaneously.
Also, is it possible to pass context/app state to the newly opened pop-out?
Currently it is not possible to detect pop-out was opened in teams and it is by design.
Microsoft will always focus on customer’s feedback and experience, some new features would be added to the services based on customers' feedback in the future, we also recommend you give your new idea in Teams UserVoice here.

Open a popup (e.g. native browser) from a Teams desktop client app tab

Is there any way to pop open a browser window from a Teams app tab (desktop client)?
I came across the following link and from my interpretation of the reply it seems it's not possible.
Quoted from link for reference:
Unfortunately it’s not possible to use in Teams tabs. Because we block opening of new windows to arbitrary sites within our Teams Desktop Client (for security reasons) you need to always use microsoftTeams.authentication.authenticate (if you want a popup window) or microsoftTeams.tasks.startTask (if you want an iframe-based dialog) to open a secondary app view.
It's not very clear to me what the microsoftTeams.authentication.authenticate reference above is suggesting.
Alternatively, if not a browser window, can we attempt to open another app installed on the device (e.g. Excel)?
Thanks in advance!
Are you just wanting to launch a new browser entirely? If so, a regular anchor tag, with a target attribute (e.g. ...), will work fine (I'm doing this in a tab myself, and it's working without problem).
You could try using a TaskModule to open a custom HTML/ Javascript or an iframe based widget inside a popup from within your Teams tab.
microsoftTeams.authentication.authenticate() will let you Authenticate the user against you tab. You can find the docs for this here.

Showing the in-mail add-in bar in Outlook

Feel kinda silly for having to ask, but anyway... I seem to be missing the add-in toolbar shown inside of an e-mail which for instance contains the button to watch an address in Bing maps. The entire bar is missing. I tried finding an option to view it, that doesn't seem to exist (so it cannot be disabled either :)). Also tried making my O365 the only Outlook account since I have a corporate account where add-ins are not enabled.
To be clear; it's the bar as shown in this video by Jeremy Thake:, the entire bar is missing in both Office 365 OWA and the desktop client, from multiple PC's. Other add-in stuff does work, like the Boomerang add-in pane in an e-mail. I sent myself some e-mails with addresses in them (including the sample ones) to be sure it should trigger, but nothing happens. What am I missing here?
From the desktop Outlook client, click File -> Info -> Manage Add-ins. It will launch the Manage add-ins page in the Outlook Web Application (or click the gears icon in OWA and choose "Manage add-ins"). Do you see the Bing Maps add-in listed? If not, click the + icon and select "Add from the Office Store" and look for the Bing Maps add-in.

Coded UI testing in multiple IE browser windows

I am testing a chat client at a web service. I thought the best way to do this was to open the website in one internet explorer window, log in, open the chat. Then open a new IE window(in private mode so that the log in details will be forgotten) go the the page and then log in with another user and open the chat, and then start chatting with the other user in the other browser window.
The problem is when I have done everything in the first window and I open a new window, all actions are triggered in the first window even though the second window is selected. Is there any way to select which browser window to use? Or are there better ways to test this functionality without opening two internet explorer windows?
Solved: I solved this by opening a new window in private mode. When I wanted to do actions in that window I defined the browser window as:
BrowserWindow privateWindow = new BrowserWindow();
You need to find some characteristic of the two IE windows that is different and ensure that it is included in the search criteria used to find the two windows. However modern browsers are complex, the distinction between windows and tabs it not always clear; window titles can change depending on which tab is selected.
Specific windows are selected by setting the properties of the UITestControl objects (and of derived objects). In the UI Map editor the properties panel has fields for the "Windows Title" and the "Search Criteria". For some controls there is also a "Filter Properties" field. The same fields are available if hand coding rather than recording tests.
