Extend a nested SCSS selector - sass

I'm trying to extend a nested class. Currently, I have this…
.button {
&.primary {
input[type="submit"] {
#extend .button;
This works fine; however, my problem is that I want to use the &.primary on my input.
input[type="submit"] {
#extend .button;
#extend .primary; // doesn't work
#extend .button.primary; // doesn't work
Is it possible to extend a nested SCSS selector?


Inline scss variable as the name part in the evaluation of another scss variable

Suppose I have the following scss variables:
$until-xs: "(max-width: 377px)";
$until-sm: "(max-width: 640px)";
$until-xl: "(max-width: 4000px)";
And based on them the following helper css classes are constructed:
.until-sm {
display: none;
#media #{$until-xs} {
display: block !important;
.until-md {
display: none !important;
#media #{$until-sm} {
display: block !important;
/* plus a lot of classes like this */
I am trying to create a mixin that would help me define those classes more easily by passing the $until-x variable as an input to the mixin, like so:
#mixin until($x) {
display: none;
#media #{'$until-'#{$x}} {
display: block !important;
Such that the classes above will be defined simply as:
.until-xs { #include until($until-xs); }
The problem is the media variable inlining part does not evaluate the way I wanted, like:
#{'$until-'#{$x}} (when x is 'xs') =>
#{'$until-xs'} =>
#{$until-xs} =>
(max-width: 377px)
Any way I can achieve this? Since this can be applied in multiple places in my project I am more interested in the possibility of inlining vars like this than the solution to the particular problem from the example.
Instead of defining lots of variables like $until-xs, $until-sm and so on, you can define a map that contains information of your medias like the code below:
#use "sass:map";
$until-var: ("xs": "(max-width: 377px)", "sm": "(max-width: 620px)", "md": "(max-width: 807px)");
#mixin until($x) {
display: none;
#media #{map.get($until-var, $x)} {
display: block !important;
/* using that in your classes */
.until-xs { #include until("xs"); }
.until-sm { #include until("sm"); }
I'm not sure what you mean by inlining vars! But if you want a single mixin that works for different medias, I think that works.

How to render SCSS while keeping nesting?

I am creating a SCSS -> HTML plugin and need to first render SCSS -> CSS while keeping the nesting so I can then parse with PostCSS to then create an HTML tree with.
I would like to render SCSS like this
// myMixin.scss
#mixin myMixin {
.myMixin {
padding: 1rem;
background: yellow;
// main.scss
#import 'myMixin.scss';
$blue: #004AAD;
.button {
.text {
color: $blue;
#include myMixin;
And the output would look like this:
.button {
.text {
color: #004AAD;
.myMixin {
padding: 1rem;
background: yellow;
Basically, I'd like a way to render everything in SCSS while keeping the original nesting. Is it possible? Thanks.
Nesting is specific to SCSS. Also I don't think #import is best practice, use #use instead.
Here is the thing our client(browsers) only support raw CSS and not SCSS, When you use SCSS it compiles down to raw CSS, And CSS doesn't have inbuilt Nesting feature.

scss, same class, different elements html

I use scss,
I have a css class, I need some css property to be different, depending of the html element:
<a class="myClass">...</a><input class="myClass"/>
I've try, but it don't work:
.myClass {
Any idea?
for easy readinf, I need the element to be define INSIDE the class, I can't use something like
input{ &.myClass{...}}
text-area{ &.myClass{...}}
With the #at-root directive you can write your SCSS code in a nested fashion but the resulting CSS will not be nested.
.myClass {
#at-root input#{&} { color: red; }
will result in
input.myClass {
color: red;
But honestly I don't find this better readable than just doing it KISS:
.myClass { ... }
input.myClass { ... }

Extending a placeholder and a regular class

I'm having a little issue with SASS #extend, placeholder class and interpolation.
I'm trying to keep the HTML as clean as possible and that's I decided to go for the #extend function in pair with placeholder classes. However, I'm mainly extending layout-related classes like grid, list etc - that's why I'm mixing a placeholder with a regular class in the declaration, i.e:
.drawer {
Everything was going just fine except for a moment when I noticed the interpolation with the variable being the ampersand in the main class causes some issues. Sample code (with most of the CSS rules removed):
.drawer {
$this: &;
position: fixed;
z-index: 10;
&__content {
right: 0;
transform: translate(100%, 0);
&__optional-element {
background: red;
&--left { // I want this modifier to be applied to the parent element as it may affect more than one children element
#{$this}__content {
left: 0;
transform: translate(-100%, 0);
And the extension code:
.product-drawer {
#extend %drawer;
&__content {
#extend %drawer__content;
However, the compiled CSS output is the following:
.drawer--left .product-drawer,
.drawer--left .drawer__content {
left: 0;
transform: translate(-100%, 0);
You may notice the first line is redundant and actually wrong. In addition, the "&__optional-element" bit is not outputted for the "product-drawer" extension which makes it really strange. It happens only to rules with the $this interpolation.
As soon as I remove the regular ".drawer" class from the original declaration (and just leave %drawer there), the problem is gone but in these layout-related classes (.grid, .list), we want to keep the regular class name as well so in some various, simple cases it can be used as well, without a need to write new CSS and extending it the placeholder class.
I know that this could be resolved by separating the placeholder class (%drawer) from the regular one (.drawer) completely and then extend the placeholder class inside the regular ".drawer" declaration but that would simply duplicate the code... Or maybe my approach is wrong by design?
Thank you!
The problem is not the #extend rule. The thing is that placeholders are a shallow copy of a class. If you extend from a class you are going to inherit all its properties, but if you extend from a placeholder it is only going to copy the first level.
See this example:
content: 'placeholder';
content: 'placeholder__element';
#extend %placeholder;
content: 'class';
content: 'class__element';
#extend .class;
.a {
content: 'placeholder';
.class, .b {
content: 'class';
.class__element {
content: 'class__element';
By using both you're forcing placeholder class to use also the properties:
content: 'class';
content: 'class__element';
#extend %placeholder;
.class {
content: 'class';
.class__element {
content: 'class__element';

Possible to make SASS #extend styles !important?

Is there a way to give SASS styles applied using the #extend feature the status of being !important? I tried this:
.somestyles {
width: 1000px;
.importantstyle {
#extend .somestyles !important;
Didn't work, but how might this be done? Or is it just not possible?
What you're asking for is not possible. You could increase the specificity of the selector that's doing the extending.
body .importantstyle {
#extend .somestyles;
