Rxjs return an Observable from inner observable - rxjs

I have an outer observable that i use with its result in the inner observable
and that I need to return the result from the inner observable
In the following example, I need to return the result allPersons from the second observable
the result from that function is Observable I want the it will return Observable
getAllPerson(): Observable<Data1[]> {
return this.dataService.getIds().subscribe(
(ids) => {
return this.dataService.getPersons().pipe(
map((allPersons) => {
//filter persons according to ids
return allPersons;
Also tried: and get
Argument of type 'Observable' is not assignable to parameter of type 'OperatorFunction<any, any>'.
getAllPerson(): Observable<any> {
return this. dataService.getIds().pipe(
switchMap((data) => {
(allPersons) => {
//filter persons according to ids
return allPersons;

It's going to be somthing like that :
function getAllPerson(): Observable<Data1[]> {
return this.dataService.getIds().pipe(
switchMap((ids) => {
return this.dataService.getPersons().pipe(
map((allPersons) => {
return allPersons.filter(...); //filter persons according to ids
And subscribe the whole thing.

Okay, I see you're using TypeScript (nice), but there's a type error in the first two lines of your code.
getAllPerson(): Observable<Data1[]> {
return this.dataService.getIds().subscribe( /*more code here */ );
The type check is going to look at this is complain. It will say something like, "Denotationally, you've declared that this function returns an Observable object. By inference, I can see you're returning a Subscription object. As far as I can tell, Observable objects and subscription objects cannot be unified. This is a type error.
It's right.
The issue is that once you subscribe to an observable, you're no longer in RxJS land. You're left with an imperative way to end an observable, but you're done dealing with observable.
Think about subscribing as your way to exist the RxJS library. So if operators like of, from, fromEvent, new Subject, new BehaviorSubject, ect are ways to enter the RxJS library, then subscribe, lastValueFrom, firstValueFrom, behaviorSub.value, etc are ways to exit the RxJS library.
So how to avoid that dreaded subscribe. This is where RxJS hiher order operators come in. They let you chain, combine, merge, etc streams
for Example:
function getAllPerson(): Observable<Data1[]> {
return this.dataService.getIds().pipe(
switchMap(ids => this.dataService.getPersons().pipe(
map(allPersons => allPersons.filter(/* filter code ...*/))


subscribing to nested observables

I'm creating an observable that needs to perform a few steps, each step is reliant on the previous - for example something like get an ID, use that ID to get a user, use that user to get an article. Each step makes a call to the database, which in turn returns its own observable. I'm really not sure how to deal with nested observables without subscribing to them, or ensure that when the outer observable is subscribed to eventually all the nested observables are subscribed to as well.
newArticle(article: Article): Observable<any> {
// db api returns an observable of requests
return this.db.get(`select id from user_ids where name = ${article.name}`).pipe(map((id) => {
return this.db.get(`select user from users where user_id = ${id}`).pipe(map((user) => {
return this.db.put(`insert into articles(user_name, title, content) values (${user.name}, ${article.title}, ${article.content});
Using this current method doesn't work, when the observable returned from newArticle is subscribed to only the outermost observable is subscribed and executed it seems. Is there something I'm missing in the way to deal with nested observables? I'm relatively new to rxjs and having a hard time completely grasping observables. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
In RxJS, the solution to avoid nested subscriptions is to use a "Higher Order Mapping Operator" (switchMap, mergeMap, concatMap, exhaustMap). These operators will subscribe to an "inner observable" for you and emit its emissions.
I won't go into the differences between these operators here, but switchMap will work for your case.
Your sample code is very close; you can basically use switchMap instead of map.
function newArticle(article: Article) {
return this.db.get(`select id from user_ids where name = ${article.name}`).pipe(
switchMap(id => this.db.get(`select user from users where user_id = ${id}`)),
switchMap(user => this.db.put(`insert into articles(user_name, title, content) values (${user.name}, ${article.title}, ${article.content}`))
You may find the code easier to follow if you define separate functions with specific purpose:
function getUserIdForArticle(article: Article): Observable<string> {
return this.db.get(`select id from user_ids where name = ${article.name}`);
function getUser(id: string): Observable<User> {
return this.db.get(`select user from users where user_id = ${id}`);
function storeArticle(user: User, article: Article): Observable<Article> {
return this.db.put(`insert into articles(user_name, title, content) values (${user.name}, ${article.title}, ${article.content}`);
function newArticle(article: Article) {
return getUserIdForArticle(article).pipe(
switchMap(id => getUser(id)),
switchMap(user => storeArticle(user, article))

How to create a method that returns Observable that emits result of 2 Promises that need to be executed one after another?

I asked a question
Is Observable from chained promises equivalent of observables created with from and chained with concatMap?
on totally false premises. It seems that neither of my solutions had nothing to do with my intention.
I created a method that returns Observable and calls 2 methods returning Promise. I tried 2 ways:
public setItemInfos(itemInfos: IItemInfo[]): Observable<number> {
return from(this.db.selectionItemInfos.clear().then(() => {
return this.db.selectionItemInfos.bulkAdd(itemInfos);
public setItemInfos(itemInfos: IItemInfo[]): Observable<number> {
const clear$ = from(this.db.selectionItemInfos.clear());
const bulkAdd$ = from(this.db.selectionItemInfos.bulkAdd(itemInfos));
return clear$.pipe(concatMap(() => bulkAdd$))
the use will be:
myService.setItemInfos(itemInfos).subsribe(count => {
console.log(`Cleared the table 1st and then added ${count} new items`);
I thought from both versions that:
table clear is execution is finished when bulkAdd starts
when bulkAdd is finished i get the count from that in subscribe
How this should really be done? Or can it be done?
This is (from what I can tell here), how I would do it.
In general, defer (or any higher-order operator) is a better way to create an observable from a promise. Defer lets you take the eager evaluation semantics of promises and turn them into the lazy evaluation semantics of observables.
Then all the usual observable operators and such will function as expected.
public setItemInfos(itemInfos: IItemInfo[]): Observable<number> {
const clear$ = defer(() => this.db.selectionItemInfos.clear());
const bulkAdd$ = defer(() => this.db.selectionItemInfos.bulkAdd(itemInfos));
return concat(clear$, bulkAdd$);
Update 1:
So I think I might know what you're after. This isn't really idiomatic RxJS since it's such an interleaving mix of declarative, imperative style of code. Even so, this should work? I haven't tested it fully, but some tinkering and I think this should do what you're after.
There's most assuredly a better way to accomplish the same thing, but without seeing the bigger picture of what you're after, it's hard to say.
interface Tagged<T> {
payload: T,
tag: number
class abitraryClass{
private setItemInfoSub: Subject<Tagged<IItemInfo[]>>;
private processItemInfo: Observable<Tagged<number>>;
private itemInfoTag = 0;
this.setItemInfoSub = new Subject<Tagged<IItemInfo[]>>();
this.processItemInfo = this.setItemInfoSub.pipe(
concatMap(({tag, payload: itemInfos}) => this.db.selectionItemInfos.clear().pipe(
concatWith(defer(() => this.db.selectionItemInfos.bulkAdd(itemInfos))),
map(response => ({
payload: response,
// Make the processing pipeline live at all times.
public setItemInfos(itemInfos: IItemInfo[]): Observable<number> {
const myTag = this.itemInfoTag++;
payload: itemInfos,
tag: myTag
return this.processItemInfo.pipe(
filter(({tag}) => tag == myTag),
map(({payload}) => payload)

is there a Better way rather than to chain subscribe inside a subscribe with an if condition

Is there a better way to re-write this code and avoid chaining of subscriptions ?
Why am I chaining? because I need to the output of source1$ in child subscriptions
And also I have if conditions because I want to call child subscriptions conditionally
PS i checked solution in this post
Here is the stackblitz link and code
import { from } from 'rxjs';
//emit array as a sequence of values
const source1$ = from([1]);
const source2$ = from([2]);
const source3$ = from([3]);
const useCond1 = true; // this is dynamic can be false too
const useCond2 = true; // this is dynamic can be false too
source1$.subscribe(val => {
if (useCond1) {
source2$.subscribe(() => {
console.log('val from source1 in source2', val);
if (useCond2) {
source3$.subscribe(() => {
console.log('val from source1 in source3', val);
Not sure, but it seems that you need switchMap or mergeMap and iif
from rxjx doc:
import { fromEvent, iif, of } from 'rxjs';
import { mergeMap, map, throttleTime, filter } from 'rxjs/operators';
const r$ = of(`I'm saying R!!`);
const x$ = of(`X's always win!!`);
fromEvent(document, 'mousemove')
filter((move: MouseEvent) => move.clientY < 210),
map((move: MouseEvent) => move.clientY),
mergeMap(yCoord => iif(() => yCoord < 110, r$, x$))
Yes, there is a better way!
RxJS provides many different operators and static functions for combining, filtering, and transforming observables. When you use what the library provides, you do not need to have nested subscriptions.
In general, I find it simpler to not do any logic at all inside the subscribe, but rather design observables that emit the exact data that is needed.
A simplistic example could look like this:
someValue$ = source1$.pipe(
switchMap(val1 => useCond1 ? source2$ : of(val1))
switchMap will subscribe to an "inner observable" whenever it receives an emission. The logic above says to either return the value emitted from source1$ (val1) or return whatever source2$ emits depending on the value of useCond1.
So source2$ will only get subscribed to when useCond1 is true;
Note: the function inside switchMap should return an observable (because switchMap subscribes to it), so of was used to turn the emitted value into an observable.
In your case, let's assume you want to emit some calculated value, based possibly on the other two sources.
We can use combineLatest to create a single observable based on 3 different sources. Since you only want to optionally call source2$ and source3$, we can define the sources based on your conditions. We can then use map to transform the array of values from the 3 sources, into the desired output:
someValue$ = source1$.pipe(
switchMap(val1 => {
const s1$ = of(val1);
const s2$ = useCond1 ? source2$ : of('default val2');
const s3$ = useCond2 ? source3$ : of('default val3');
return combineLatest([s1$, s2$, s3$]);
map(([val1, val2, val3]) => {
return ... // your logic to return desired value
combineLatest will emit an array containing the latest emissions from each source whenever any source emits. This means someValue$ will emit the latest calculated value whenever any of the sources change.

RxJS test equality of two streams regardless of order

RxJS provides the sequenceEqual operator to compare two streams in order. How would one go about testing equality of two streams regardless of order?
//how do we implement sequenceEqualUnordered?
from([1,2,3]).pipe(sequenceEqualUnordered(from([3,2,1]))).subscribe((eq) =>
console.log("Eq should be true because both observables contain the same values")
In my particular use case I need to wait until a certain set of values has been emitted or error but I don't care what order they're emitted in. I just care that each value of interest is emitted once.
Here's my solution:
import { Observable, OperatorFunction, Subscription } from 'rxjs';
export function sequenceEqualUnordered<T>(compareTo: Observable<T>, comparator?: (a: T, b: T) => number): OperatorFunction<T, boolean> {
return (source: Observable<T>) => new Observable<boolean>(observer => {
const sourceValues: T[] = [];
const destinationValues: T[] = [];
let sourceCompleted = false;
let destinationCompleted = false;
function onComplete() {
if (sourceCompleted && destinationCompleted) {
if (sourceValues.length !== destinationValues.length) {
emit(JSON.stringify(sourceValues) === JSON.stringify(destinationValues));
function emit(value: boolean) {
const subscriptions = new Subscription();
next: next => sourceValues.push(next),
error: error => observer.error(error),
complete: () => {
sourceCompleted = true;
next: next => destinationValues.push(next),
error: error => observer.error(error),
complete: () => {
destinationCompleted = true;
return () => subscriptions.unsubscribe();
As many of RxJS operators have some input parameters and as all of them return functions, sequenceEqualUnordered also has some input parameter (mostly the same as Rx's sequenceEqual operator) and it returns a function. And this returned function has the Observable<T> as the source type, and has Observable<boolean> as the return type.
Creating a new Observable that will emit boolean values is exactly what you need. You'd basically want to collect all the values from both source and compareTo Observables (and store them to sourceValues and destinationValues arrays). To do this, you need to subscribe to both source and compareTo Observables. But, to be able to handle subscriptions, a subscriptions object has to be created. When creating a new subscriptions to source and compareTo, just add those subscriptions to subscriptions object.
When subscribing to any of them, collect emitted values to appropriate sourceValues or destinationValues arrays in next handlers. Should any errors happen, propagate them to the observer in error handlers. And in complete handlers, set the appropriate sourceCompleted or destinationCompleted flags to indicate which Observable has completed.
Then, in onComplete check if both of them have completed, and if they all are, compare the emitted values and emit appropriate boolean value. If sourceValues and destinationValues arrays don't have the same lengths, they can't equal the same, so emit false. After that, basically sort the arrays and then compare the two.
When emitting, emit both the value and complete notification.
Also, the return value of function passed to the new Observable<boolean> should be the unsubscribe function. Basically, when someone unsubscribes from new Observable<boolean>, it should also unsubscribe from both source and compareTo Observables and this is done by calling () => subscriptions.unsubscribe(). subscriptions.unsubscribe() will unsubscribe from all subscriptions that are added to it.
TBH, I haven't wrote any tests for this operator, so I'm not entirely sure that I have covered all edge cases.
My first idea. Use toArray on both then zip them together finally sort and compare results?

Chaining HttpClient calls in Angular 6

I think I have read 100+ posts on the topic, and I still cannot figure out how to chain two HttpClient calls using rxjs in Angular 6.
Let's say I have a service with that signature:
GeoService {
getState(): Observable<string> {
return this.http.get<string>(stateURL);
getCities(state: string): Observable<string[]> {
return this.http.get<string[]>(citiesURL + state);
I can't for the life of me figure out how to obtain both the state and the corresponding list of cities in my component:
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { map, flatMap, mergeMap, filter, switchMap } from 'rxjs/operators';
ngOnInit() {
pipe(map((state) => {
this.state = state;
return this.svc.getCities(state);
mergeMap((cities) => this.cities = cities))
The code above in one of my 20 random attempts at combining pipe/map/mergeMap/subscribe in every way I could think of... a working example would be really really appreciated :)
Edit: None of the "possible duplicate" posts contain an actual example that works
The 21st attempt would have been correct ;-)
pipe(mergeMap((state) => {
this.state = state;
return this.svc.getCities(state);
tap((cities) => this.cities = cities)))
.subscribe(() => console.log('done'));
The chained Observable goes inside mergeMap. You can think of it as:
First, map the incoming notifaction to an Observable, then merge the resulting "inner" Observable into the "outer" Observable
Also, use tap instead of map if you intend to change an outside state.
You were almost there:
mergeMap((state) => {
return this.svc.getCities(state).pipe(map(cities => {
return { state: state, cities: cities }
).subscribe(stateAndCities => console.log(stateAndCities));
I advise you to read this article:
It also explains why you shouldnt interact with global variables in rxjs operators.
You can do something like this
//got the cities
the map operator is here to transform the emited value, but the tap operator is used to do something without modifying emited value of the observable.
note that switchMap(this.svc.getCities) is equivalent to switchMap(state=>this.svc.getCities(state)
