How to create a method that returns Observable that emits result of 2 Promises that need to be executed one after another? - promise

I asked a question
Is Observable from chained promises equivalent of observables created with from and chained with concatMap?
on totally false premises. It seems that neither of my solutions had nothing to do with my intention.
I created a method that returns Observable and calls 2 methods returning Promise. I tried 2 ways:
public setItemInfos(itemInfos: IItemInfo[]): Observable<number> {
return from(this.db.selectionItemInfos.clear().then(() => {
return this.db.selectionItemInfos.bulkAdd(itemInfos);
public setItemInfos(itemInfos: IItemInfo[]): Observable<number> {
const clear$ = from(this.db.selectionItemInfos.clear());
const bulkAdd$ = from(this.db.selectionItemInfos.bulkAdd(itemInfos));
return clear$.pipe(concatMap(() => bulkAdd$))
the use will be:
myService.setItemInfos(itemInfos).subsribe(count => {
console.log(`Cleared the table 1st and then added ${count} new items`);
I thought from both versions that:
table clear is execution is finished when bulkAdd starts
when bulkAdd is finished i get the count from that in subscribe
How this should really be done? Or can it be done?

This is (from what I can tell here), how I would do it.
In general, defer (or any higher-order operator) is a better way to create an observable from a promise. Defer lets you take the eager evaluation semantics of promises and turn them into the lazy evaluation semantics of observables.
Then all the usual observable operators and such will function as expected.
public setItemInfos(itemInfos: IItemInfo[]): Observable<number> {
const clear$ = defer(() => this.db.selectionItemInfos.clear());
const bulkAdd$ = defer(() => this.db.selectionItemInfos.bulkAdd(itemInfos));
return concat(clear$, bulkAdd$);
Update 1:
So I think I might know what you're after. This isn't really idiomatic RxJS since it's such an interleaving mix of declarative, imperative style of code. Even so, this should work? I haven't tested it fully, but some tinkering and I think this should do what you're after.
There's most assuredly a better way to accomplish the same thing, but without seeing the bigger picture of what you're after, it's hard to say.
interface Tagged<T> {
payload: T,
tag: number
class abitraryClass{
private setItemInfoSub: Subject<Tagged<IItemInfo[]>>;
private processItemInfo: Observable<Tagged<number>>;
private itemInfoTag = 0;
this.setItemInfoSub = new Subject<Tagged<IItemInfo[]>>();
this.processItemInfo = this.setItemInfoSub.pipe(
concatMap(({tag, payload: itemInfos}) => this.db.selectionItemInfos.clear().pipe(
concatWith(defer(() => this.db.selectionItemInfos.bulkAdd(itemInfos))),
map(response => ({
payload: response,
// Make the processing pipeline live at all times.
public setItemInfos(itemInfos: IItemInfo[]): Observable<number> {
const myTag = this.itemInfoTag++;{
payload: itemInfos,
tag: myTag
return this.processItemInfo.pipe(
filter(({tag}) => tag == myTag),
map(({payload}) => payload)


Angular 11 finalize is not called when the subject type value emitted is null and not processed in switchmap

I have a subject which emits a string value and the code is as below: when the components get initialized, the subjectTypeSubject is null. But there is another method in a component get subscribed to this observable where i set isLoading to true. Because the finalize is not getting called, the loading is always set to true. How to make it work so it gets completed when the value is null as well.
private subjectTypeSubject = new BehaviorSubject<string>(null);
private getPage() {
filter((selectedSubjectType) => {
console.log('subject type', selectedSubjectType); //first time it comes as null. so it wont go inside switchmap.
return selectedSubjectType && selectedSubjectType !== '';
switchMap((selectedSubjectType) => {
return this.customListsService
map((customItemsData) => {
return customItemsData
private _getPage(pageNumber: number, search: string) {
this.loading = true;
this._pageSubscription = this.getPage({
pageSize: this._config.pageSize,
.pipe(finalize(() => (this.loading = false))) //this is not called
.subscribe((p) => {
this._currentPage = p.pageNumber;
this.options = p.options;
this._allLoaded = p.isLast;
this.loading = false;
Adding a takeWhile() instead of filter worked for me. If there is any other better solution. please let me know. thanks
BehaviorSubject doesn't complete unless you complete it
There are multiple ways to call complete an observable in a pipe. take, takeWhile and takeUntil are some of them. Calling .complete on the BehaviorSubject is also an option.
But you should ask yourself: is this really what you want to achieve here? After completion it's not possible to pass any data to the subscription, even if the initial BehaviorSubject emits a new value.
One thing that this strange about your code: it should not work at all. In getPage() you are creating a new observable (by piping the BehaviorSubject), but you are not returning it. Therefore it should return undefined. It‘s also a little bit odd that you are using pipe in a function call. You should either declare the pipe during initialization or directly subscribe to a newly created observable.

How to return true if either one observables returns true of unknown amount of observables

I have a function in which there could be a number of unknown observables defined:
class Foo {
show$(multipleObservables$: Observable<boolean>[]): void {
// ...
And in the locations where I use this class, the number of observables vary. It could be 1, but it could also be three:
const observableOne$ = of(false);
const observableTwo$ = of(true);
const observableThree$ = of(false);
const observables$ = [observableOne$, observableTwo$, observableThree$];$(observables$);
How can I write the show$ function to return true when any observable is true, or false when they are all false?
I've read this post, but that assumes you already know the number of observables. Is there a way that you can create this function without knowing the observables on forehand?
This is going to depend on whether the source Observables are going to complete or not. If you're going to use just of() you could do it like this:
show$(multipleObservables$: Observable<boolean>[]) {
return forkJoin(multipleObservables$)
map((results: boolean[]) => results.some(Boolean)),

is there a Better way rather than to chain subscribe inside a subscribe with an if condition

Is there a better way to re-write this code and avoid chaining of subscriptions ?
Why am I chaining? because I need to the output of source1$ in child subscriptions
And also I have if conditions because I want to call child subscriptions conditionally
PS i checked solution in this post
Here is the stackblitz link and code
import { from } from 'rxjs';
//emit array as a sequence of values
const source1$ = from([1]);
const source2$ = from([2]);
const source3$ = from([3]);
const useCond1 = true; // this is dynamic can be false too
const useCond2 = true; // this is dynamic can be false too
source1$.subscribe(val => {
if (useCond1) {
source2$.subscribe(() => {
console.log('val from source1 in source2', val);
if (useCond2) {
source3$.subscribe(() => {
console.log('val from source1 in source3', val);
Not sure, but it seems that you need switchMap or mergeMap and iif
from rxjx doc:
import { fromEvent, iif, of } from 'rxjs';
import { mergeMap, map, throttleTime, filter } from 'rxjs/operators';
const r$ = of(`I'm saying R!!`);
const x$ = of(`X's always win!!`);
fromEvent(document, 'mousemove')
filter((move: MouseEvent) => move.clientY < 210),
map((move: MouseEvent) => move.clientY),
mergeMap(yCoord => iif(() => yCoord < 110, r$, x$))
Yes, there is a better way!
RxJS provides many different operators and static functions for combining, filtering, and transforming observables. When you use what the library provides, you do not need to have nested subscriptions.
In general, I find it simpler to not do any logic at all inside the subscribe, but rather design observables that emit the exact data that is needed.
A simplistic example could look like this:
someValue$ = source1$.pipe(
switchMap(val1 => useCond1 ? source2$ : of(val1))
switchMap will subscribe to an "inner observable" whenever it receives an emission. The logic above says to either return the value emitted from source1$ (val1) or return whatever source2$ emits depending on the value of useCond1.
So source2$ will only get subscribed to when useCond1 is true;
Note: the function inside switchMap should return an observable (because switchMap subscribes to it), so of was used to turn the emitted value into an observable.
In your case, let's assume you want to emit some calculated value, based possibly on the other two sources.
We can use combineLatest to create a single observable based on 3 different sources. Since you only want to optionally call source2$ and source3$, we can define the sources based on your conditions. We can then use map to transform the array of values from the 3 sources, into the desired output:
someValue$ = source1$.pipe(
switchMap(val1 => {
const s1$ = of(val1);
const s2$ = useCond1 ? source2$ : of('default val2');
const s3$ = useCond2 ? source3$ : of('default val3');
return combineLatest([s1$, s2$, s3$]);
map(([val1, val2, val3]) => {
return ... // your logic to return desired value
combineLatest will emit an array containing the latest emissions from each source whenever any source emits. This means someValue$ will emit the latest calculated value whenever any of the sources change.

Nested observables / subscribe within observable

Having read that you should never subscribe within another observable, I am having major difficulties understanding how to properly handle nested observables.
For every Candidate emitted, I want to match against multiple regular expressions, provided as an observable getPatterns$(). If one is found, it will be attached to the Candidate object.
class Candidate {
public name: string;
public matchingRegularExpression: RegExp;
listOfCandidates = [new Candidate('one'), new Candidate('two')];
private matchCandidates$(textToMatch: string): Observable<Candidate> {
return from(this.listOfCandidates)
map(f => {
f.regExp = this.getRegExp(f); // sequential
return f;
map(cand: Candidate => {
this.getPatterns$().subscribe(patterns => {
if ( some regexp matching...){
cand.matchingRegularExpression = pattern;
I tried using mergeMap or switchMap, but those seem to be used when you want to merge 1 outer object with n inner ones. But my inner observable should simply extend my Candidate object and emit 2 values in this example.
So first, it's considered as a bad practice because you completely lose the reference of your second subscription, which could result in a leak if the source continue emitting.
Fortunately we have an operator called switchMap, it allows us to switch on a new observable, and thus, avoid subscribing inside the observer function.
The main difference between switchMap and other flattening operators is the cancelling effect. On each emission the previous inner observable (the result of the function you supplied) is cancelled and the new observable is subscribed. You can remember this by the phrase switch to a new observable.
edit: add snippet
class Candidate {
public name: string;
public matchingRegularExpression: RegExp;
listOfCandidates = [new Candidate('one'), new Candidate('two')];
private matchCandidates$(textToMatch: string): Observable<Candidate> {
return from(this.listOfCandidates)
map(f => {
f.regExp = this.getRegExp(f); // sequential
return f;
switchMap(cand: Candidate => {
return this.getPatterns$().pipe(
map(patterns => {
if ( some regexp matching...){
cand.matchingRegularExpression = pattern;
return cand

Chaining HttpClient calls in Angular 6

I think I have read 100+ posts on the topic, and I still cannot figure out how to chain two HttpClient calls using rxjs in Angular 6.
Let's say I have a service with that signature:
GeoService {
getState(): Observable<string> {
return this.http.get<string>(stateURL);
getCities(state: string): Observable<string[]> {
return this.http.get<string[]>(citiesURL + state);
I can't for the life of me figure out how to obtain both the state and the corresponding list of cities in my component:
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { map, flatMap, mergeMap, filter, switchMap } from 'rxjs/operators';
ngOnInit() {
pipe(map((state) => {
this.state = state;
return this.svc.getCities(state);
mergeMap((cities) => this.cities = cities))
The code above in one of my 20 random attempts at combining pipe/map/mergeMap/subscribe in every way I could think of... a working example would be really really appreciated :)
Edit: None of the "possible duplicate" posts contain an actual example that works
The 21st attempt would have been correct ;-)
pipe(mergeMap((state) => {
this.state = state;
return this.svc.getCities(state);
tap((cities) => this.cities = cities)))
.subscribe(() => console.log('done'));
The chained Observable goes inside mergeMap. You can think of it as:
First, map the incoming notifaction to an Observable, then merge the resulting "inner" Observable into the "outer" Observable
Also, use tap instead of map if you intend to change an outside state.
You were almost there:
mergeMap((state) => {
return this.svc.getCities(state).pipe(map(cities => {
return { state: state, cities: cities }
).subscribe(stateAndCities => console.log(stateAndCities));
I advise you to read this article:
It also explains why you shouldnt interact with global variables in rxjs operators.
You can do something like this
//got the cities
the map operator is here to transform the emited value, but the tap operator is used to do something without modifying emited value of the observable.
note that switchMap(this.svc.getCities) is equivalent to switchMap(state=>this.svc.getCities(state)
