In springboot-oauth2-client, What is the base address of Token URL? - spring

I'm studying spring boot and I'm not very good at it.
Anyway, I make google oauth2 authorization using springboot oauth2 client
It works in the following way:
/oauth2/authorization/google (springboot oauth2 client's base google auth address)
google login
/login/oauth2/code/google (springboot oauth2 client's base google redirect address)
authorization finish
So I made google oauth2 authorization, and try to use it at 's account linking
I know Authorization URL is /oauth2/authorization/google, because it is springboot oauth2 client's base google auth address.
But I don't know what url to put in TOKEN URL.

Try this.
and you can do some practise here too.


Spring boot API with both Oauth 2.0/OpenID Connect and internal authentication?

I'm having a hard time figuring a good way to implement Oauth 2.0 and OpenID Connect authentication alongside an existing internal email+password authentication for a B2B Web app's API using Spring security.
We have a backend REST API that is a Spring Boot servlet application which currently authenticates users with OAuth 1.0 and the password grant. The front-end is an Angular single-page app through which users must log in with their username and password. The API's /oauth/token endpoint then delivers an opaque access token to be used for fetching secured resources that are then displayed within the app.
We'd like to add the possibility to log in using external authentication with OpenID connect, which is a perfect opportunity for switching to OAuth 2.0 and JWT tokens. Our API would then accept JWT tokens it delivered as well as external JWT tokens emitted by accepted issuers.
Reading and validating JWT tokens won't be a problem using Spring security's OAuth Resource Server. However things get complicated with how to make the classic username+password login flow work with JWT tokens.
We thought about delivering JWT access tokens the same way we used to with our old OAuth 1.0 tokens. The thing is, newer OAuth specifications advise against using the password grant, plus it simply isn't supported in the Spring authorization server project we're planning to use. The authorization-code flow w/ PKCE seems like too much for this case as we do not want the back-end API to render a login form but use credentials entered in the existing login form that is part of the single-page app.
I've read a lot about not using OAuth for 1st party login since its primary use is for external authentication, but again, that doesn't apply since we also want 3rd party authentication.
What would be a secure way to implement a Spring boot authorization server that can deliver JWT access tokens to a 1st party client in exchange for a user's credentials, all this using the existing log in page, and given the password grant type no longer being supported?
I thought about implementing a preliminary step that would be a POST request with Basic authentication to a /login endpoint that just returns a 200 HTTP status, then proceeding to the /oauth2/authorize request that would deliver the authorization code immediately without redirecting since my session is authenticated.
I'll be happy to provide more details if needed. Here are the resources I'm using for this project.
What about setting up an authorization-server capable of identity federation?
In such configuration, the authorization-server is responsible for providing with identities, proxying one or more sources (your existing user database for instance, plus maybe Google, Facebook, Github, etc.)
Keycloak does it for instance.
From the client point of view (your Angular app), the authorization-server is used to get:
access-token: put in Authorization header of requests to secured resource-server(s) (can be a JWT or an opaque string, doesn't matter, clients should not try to extract data from access-tokens)
refresh-token: send to authorization-server to renew access-token before it expires
id-token: get user-profile data (email, username, profile picture, etc.)
You should have a look at for connecting an Angular app to an OIDC authorization-server.
From resource-server point of view, access-tokens are the source ofr setting-up security-context, either by decoding and validating a JWT locally or with token introspection on authorization-server.
Have a look at those tutorials for such resource-servers configuration.

Using Kong API Gateway key-auth plugin with keycloak protected rest apis

My setup is as follows:
Rest APIs (Spring boot)
Front-end application (Angular 8)
Auth Server (Keycloak)
Current scenario:
User enters the username and password in the angular login page.
Angular makes a POST request and gets the access token, refresh token etc. from keycloak server.
In all subsequent request to rest api server(which is bearer only), the access token is passed in
header as "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"
Rest api looks at the role of the user and based on that either returns the desired data or throws a 403 Forbidden exception.
What I want:
To authenticate external users using an api-key and then add rate-limiting to it. For that, i am using Kong API Gateway. For internal or trusted users that login through the angular app, the existing access token flow should work.
When using apikey in Kong, it does pass the Kong's authentication but the rest api server still expects an access token and hence get the 401 unauthorized error.
I found the solution for this. Basically you need to configure an anonymous consumer and enable multiple authentication methods using the Kong's key-auth plugin for api-key based security and openid-connect plugin for keycloak based security.
For those who don't have Kong Enterprise, since openid-connect plugin is not open source, you can configure just the key-auth plugin with anonymous access enabled and then handle the keycloak based authentication in your rest application.

How do I implement oauth2 with kong api gateway?

I want to implement an api gateway for a bunch of micro services running on laravel. In front of the gateway there is an angular client where the user has to login with the username and password. The idea is that the user sends the request with the credentials to the gateway which forwards it to the authentication service. If the data is correct, a token will be issued, which will be included in every further request.
I think I will implement the gateway with kong and the oauth2 plugin. I have already looked at their documentation but I don't really understand the flow.
Does the angular client have to communicate directly with the authentication service on the first request? And if so, does the authentication service need an own url? I think it would make more sense if all the request would go through the gateway, wouldn't it?
Thank you!
From what I understood, your angular app can send username:password to kong gateway and that will proxy the request to your authentication service. You can verify if the user is legit in your auth service.
1) if legit, then make a request to /oauth2/token endpoint provided by kong's oauth2 plugin. Kong will return your auth service an access_token which you can return back to the user
2) If not legit then throw an error.
Does the angular client have to communicate directly with the authentication service on the first request?
Only if your auth service is a third party service you can do that.

Using our Own Oauth Authoriztion and Social Login Authorization in same server

We would like to have REST APIs with OAuth2 using our own user table for Authentication. Also, we need to allow Social Login. Below is the flow for social login,
Our OAuth
Client makes auth and access token URL for our servers to receive
the access token
Client sends access_token for further calls in the header as bearer
Social Login
Client makes auth and access token URL to Social Login server(For
ex, to receive an access token
The client sends access_token for further calls in the header.
We have implemented our OAuth with Spring and working perfectly. We have questions on social login,
How to identify our own Oauth access token and social login access
token. We may have many social logins and we should able to identify corresponding social login.
How to validate and integrate with Spring Boot?
If the access tokens are just random strings, you probably cannot tell the issuer of the provided token and you cannot validate it.
I would suggest you to extend your OAuth2 server to accept third party providers (Google, Facebook ...) for authentication. This way would support both local and social users, but in your application, you would always deal with your own tokens. It would make the application security much easier (which usually means safer) and you could also configure your own scopes for access tokens. There are also ready to use solutions for it - e.g. Keycloak.

How to send a CSRF token at first request for authentication

I have an operational webapp based on JHipster. It is already token based authentification with, in addition, CSRF hack protection.
I wrote a rest (remote) client in pure java.
So it is not an API like angular which send the token.
I need to send it when attempt to authenticate against webapp (hosted at a remote web server).
I don't find any example on how to send it.
When I authentificate against "JHisper" web app (through spring security), I got a MissingCsrfTokenException.
How to do ? thanks
