How do I implement oauth2 with kong api gateway? - laravel

I want to implement an api gateway for a bunch of micro services running on laravel. In front of the gateway there is an angular client where the user has to login with the username and password. The idea is that the user sends the request with the credentials to the gateway which forwards it to the authentication service. If the data is correct, a token will be issued, which will be included in every further request.
I think I will implement the gateway with kong and the oauth2 plugin. I have already looked at their documentation but I don't really understand the flow.
Does the angular client have to communicate directly with the authentication service on the first request? And if so, does the authentication service need an own url? I think it would make more sense if all the request would go through the gateway, wouldn't it?
Thank you!

From what I understood, your angular app can send username:password to kong gateway and that will proxy the request to your authentication service. You can verify if the user is legit in your auth service.
1) if legit, then make a request to /oauth2/token endpoint provided by kong's oauth2 plugin. Kong will return your auth service an access_token which you can return back to the user
2) If not legit then throw an error.
Does the angular client have to communicate directly with the authentication service on the first request?
Only if your auth service is a third party service you can do that.


Can AWS LAMBDA Web API authenticate by middleware if you send jwt token in the header

I have a .net core 3.1 web api authenticated by jwt in the middle ware pipline.Works fine. I converted the web api to a lambda web api by adding a aws Lambda entry class and published into aws with an API Gateway in front
All the endpoints without Authorization attribute worked fine.
All the endpoints with Authorization attribute gets 401.
All request has a jwt Authorization Bearer token header
One endpoint without Authorization attribute reponses with all the headers converted to a string.From that i can see the request's jwt is getting thru to the endpoint.
1.Why isnt the endpoint giving me 401 even tho there is a token?
2.Does AWS lambda or the API getway not pass the header direstly?
3.Do I need to configure the api geteway to send the header to the lamdbda endpoint?
4.Can Lambda authenticate by pipline like a normal web api?
Another solution was to use authorization Lambda with the API GETWAY.
If I use authorization Lambda does that mean my end point wont need the authorization attriibutes any more because it done in the getway?
JWT is generated and authenticated by Firebase.
It works I finally figured the reason. Its so awesome you can have Web api as a Lambda in aws. I can now spend less money in AWS.

Using Kong API Gateway key-auth plugin with keycloak protected rest apis

My setup is as follows:
Rest APIs (Spring boot)
Front-end application (Angular 8)
Auth Server (Keycloak)
Current scenario:
User enters the username and password in the angular login page.
Angular makes a POST request and gets the access token, refresh token etc. from keycloak server.
In all subsequent request to rest api server(which is bearer only), the access token is passed in
header as "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"
Rest api looks at the role of the user and based on that either returns the desired data or throws a 403 Forbidden exception.
What I want:
To authenticate external users using an api-key and then add rate-limiting to it. For that, i am using Kong API Gateway. For internal or trusted users that login through the angular app, the existing access token flow should work.
When using apikey in Kong, it does pass the Kong's authentication but the rest api server still expects an access token and hence get the 401 unauthorized error.
I found the solution for this. Basically you need to configure an anonymous consumer and enable multiple authentication methods using the Kong's key-auth plugin for api-key based security and openid-connect plugin for keycloak based security.
For those who don't have Kong Enterprise, since openid-connect plugin is not open source, you can configure just the key-auth plugin with anonymous access enabled and then handle the keycloak based authentication in your rest application.

How to validate the user in jwt

I have a rest service which stores comments from the users in the database, my architecture is an angular fronted which connects to a load balancer server (zuul) which connects to an auth server to generate the jwt.
With the jwt the frontend generate the requests to the same zuul server with the jwt, this zuul server validate the jwt and if valid will connect to another backend service to store the comment.
The backend service where the comment is stored doesn't have any security validation all endpoints are accessible as the route of this microservices are not going to be exposed? Is there any risk on this?
As there is no jwt reaching the "comment backend service" how can I get the user that actually made the request? Should I implement some kind of filter in the zuul server to get the logged user from the jwt token and include the information in the request that is being sent to the "comment backend service"? If this is possible, any ideas on how to implement it?
By default, Zuul considers the Authorization header as a sensitive header and it will not pass it downstream. So the first thing you need to do is to update Zuul configurations. Read the documentation here.
After that, in each of your downstream service, you need to add the capability to read the JWT token from the Authorization header and extract relevant information such as username, etc.

Is there any Spring boot Security specific solution to my needs?

I started using spring 4 mounth ago, I want to try any idea that I got and now I want to know if what I m trying to do is possible, if so is there any specific security mechanism that I m not yet aware of.
I successfully implmented a secured API that have Authentication and Authorization using the basic auth and ssl enabled, this API handles a cruds of pizza fabrication with it ingerdiants.
Now I Want to create another API that will handle billing of pizza so this api is going to use the previous.
this reuse principle got my attention is it possible to implement a security mechanisme in my second api that ask my first if my current user is loged in ?
the scenario in my head is looking like
user authentication and authorization in API pizza
user ask api bill to get a bill of a pizza (some request with headers ...)
the bill api asks the pizza api if the request source is already authenticated
pizza api answers if is authenticated or not
bill api store in memory the authentication state
By googling I m not sure if the spring security token based authentication is a solution.
NB: I m using only http Request there is no form or front end
High-level overview of the solution would be as follows:
Establish OAuth2 Server and Zuul gateway.
Service "A" authenticates against OAuth2 authentication server and calls service "B"'s Rest endpoint via Zuul gateway (i.e Zuul proxies call to Service "B") with OAuth2 token stored in the session and adds OAuth2 token in HTTP "Authorization" header on request.
Zuul looks up service "B" endpoint, propagates service "A"'s OAuth2 token using it's filter by inspecting Headers and and forwards call with the same token in "Authorization" header.
Service "B", which is protected resource, receives request, inspects headers and validates recived token against OAuth2 server.
You can also let Zuul automatically propagate OAuth2 access tokens further and authorize incoming requests against the OAuth2 service by using the #EnableOAuth2Sso annotation.

API gateway and microservice authentication

How API Gateway and Micro services works.
Could anyone explain the basic flow of Micro service architecture with Gateway. I couldn't find the proper answer.
Say we have auth server and customer micro service running on separate instances and in front of all the services we have an API gateway.
My question is.
when user try to log in using username and password, the API gateway call auth server and return the access token to user.
Then user trying to access the specific url (/customers - customer micro service) that is running on separate instance.
what API Gateway do ?
validate the token with auth server and get the user id and pass the request to customer service with the user id ?
validate the token and pass the request to customer microservice with the access token ? and customer microservice responsible is to the check the user id (Make an HTTP call to auth server) ?
I think that the most common approach is to use API gateway also as a security gateway, which means that API gateway is responsible for SSL termination and token validation. If token validation is successfully you can put user ID or user API key as a header and forward the request to microservice. Moreover you may also decide to perform not only authentication but also authorisation on the API gateway (usually with help of API management solutions).
Regarding your option #2 - I see no point in validating token 2 times. Best practise is to perform security validations on the edge, because in case of failed validation you use less resources (reject earlier)
To Answer your question , it is close to option #2 that you have mentioned . The API gateway will generally check the validity of the authentication token and then pass over the request to your micro-service . However you need to decide at design time if your micro-service will also do another level of verification of the token.
Please do note that the API gateway will not be enforcing Authorization , the authorization is something that your micro-service will have to enforce.
