How to fix this error when running home menu with work with plus? - genexus

I got this error when after installing work with plus and running the menu. Is there anyway to fix this problem. Thank you


error connecting to the vysor app running on ios

I want to connect my ipohne to windows. but its howing this error. I have coonected it to my windows laptop via the lighning cabel. also downloadedthe beta app. nothing showing there too rather than redeem button. how can I fix this. please help
Please make sure Apple iTunes is installed on your computer. It will fix the issue.

Error Disk I/O in Quick Help Inspector Xcode9

I have been using Xcode recently when I noticed that the Quick Help tab wasn't showing what is used to show, it was just displaying
Error Code=0 "disk I/O error" UserInfo=
{NSLocalizedDescription=disk I/O error}
I looked up how to fix it, but I got no results.
Does anyone know how to fix this?
I've been facing this issue the past hour or so and the only fix I've found is to restart Xcode. Will report back if it comes back.

i am unable to uninstall firefox. When trying from Control Panel just get the message saying error launching installer

I am trying to uninstall firefox, but get the message error launching installer. How do i go around this. any help is appreciated.
Try uninstalling it manually. The instruction for this can be found here.

Not showing error details in left pane in xcode

When I am running app on simulator it is working fine but when I am installing on device using developer profile it is giving error and showing build failed.But when try to see error detail it is not showing anything.I do not know whats the problem..
Please help me.
Thanks in advance!

Error: in Windows phone7 Emulator

Suddenly when I start running the windows phone7 emulator it started giving me the following error, that I have showed below in the screenshot. It worked properly previousely and also didn't change any of the settings. I am using VisualStudio Express 2010 version that introduced for phone development(The IDE). I re-started the machine and checked again, but not yet any difference. Have anyone previousely experinced the same issue.
Somebody else had the same Problem ;) You have to delete the File. It is also explained in this Thread Error launching emulator of the windows phone 7 Mango RC
Like the message says, just delete the file (or rename it, just in case!) and the problem should go away!
go to run and type below
c:\ ProgramData\Microsoft\Xda
click enter ant delete file(which guid error give in error message).
after then its work fine.
