Can't Clear or Stop File Caching while Building Site - caching

Working on a site, using Chrome Incognito to review my changes, but files are still being cached and I can't review what I've done. Incognito isn't supposed to cache files. I just had a session with my hosting server to be sure nothing is being cached there, and it's not. To be certain, I deleted the file I'm working on from the server, then logged into a remote computer where I tried accessing the file and got a 404 error, so I know it's not cached on the server. I then completely shut down Chrome in this computer, restarted, opened an Incognito Window, went to the URL, and the file is still showing in a state before I made the most recent changes I'm trying to verify. I've repeatedly cleared the Chrome cache, but that doesn't effect Incognito. How do I clear whatever is caching these files in my system? Or maybe a better question would be, how are developers avoiding cache issues when building?


How to clear "memory cache" and "disk cache" from chrome?

I'm building a NextJS application, which uses SSR. I'm soon going to host this website online, but I need to check how much bandwidth is used, by first-time users, when they load our application. I try resorting to the chrome developers tool for that but it seems that even after clearing browsing data, cache, temporary files, prefetch, and restarting the PC it does not removes the files at any cost.

Website files not updating

I have a seemingly simple issue, but it's been driving me insane for the past few hours. My website does not update any made changes on any of my files, until about 30 minutes later.
I've tried both Safari and Chrome, cleared their history and caches, refreshed the page, and yet it loads the old files. In my ftp client (I'm using Filezilla) everything appears to be in order too: Directory listing gets logged as successful, and correctly shows the new file and date of modification. When I checked back about half an hour later, everything seemed to have updated everything perfectly... File permissions are ok, Firewall is ok, Connection speed is reasonable...
I have no idea what the problem is. The only thing that I can think of is that I'm currently in another country, so far away from my server, yet I've updated my sites before without any problems. Does anyone know of this issue?
Thanks in advance!

Joomla content not displaying on other computers

I've build a Joomla website and it has been online for like 2 years now, always worked fine.
Recently I added a Google maps plugin and changed some header images.
Strange thing is, those changes are only displaying on my own laptop. The problem is not that I'm by accident viewing a local website, I'm 100% visiting the website online. I just opened the website on chrome with and it displays all changes made in the backend. When I log out and back in again to the backend trough /administrator I can see the changes.
Now when I open the website on another computer (tried like three different ones), the changes are not displaying. Even when I log in to the backend through /administrator, still online on the same network, I am not seeing the changes made on my laptop and vice versa.
Frontend sometimes can have problems with caching, but the cache is disabled so this can't be the problem. And even if so, why would the backend display other data on 2 different computers..?
Also I've already tried removing the browser cache on those other computers.
Has anyone experienced this problem? I'm guessing it might be a problem on the side of my hosting company..
It had to do with a rule in the hosts-file on my laptop which directed to an old location/ip-adress of the website which has been moved to another server.

Browser always keeps cache

I'm working on a project for school, and have run into a problem.
My browser takes a very long time to re-read the files on the localhost server.
I'm on a mac using Google Chrome, but have seen the same problem with Safari and Firefox.
Using cmd+shift+r does not work, and even dumping the cache through the browser does nothing. All I seem to be able to do is wait untill it's fetched the latest files.
My project is built in Kohana 3.3.1, in case that might be relevant.

File system storage/access to IE cookies

is there any way to list/decode cookies stored by Internet Explorer, w/o running the browser?
I am now tinkering with SWT Browser component which provides get/set methods for cookies, but is there any way to see what is really stored by IE itself?
UPD: I am using IE7. This location:
C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files
does not contain cookies if I look at the place with Far Manager.
Apparently Explorer mixes them in from some other location or database. Any ideas?
UPD2: Okay, okay. This is my current problem. Some webapp does not work if I restart IE7 and load the same page again (lots of scripting, embedded flash and video streaming). Killing the cookies seems to help, if we do that from within the IE itself. If we programmatically kill the cookies (listed by name) it does not help and page gets stuck on restart/reload sequence.
If I manually wipe the cache folder it indeed helps and subsequent page loads work fine. So the question is - do I really wipe the cookies while wiping the Temporary Internet Files folder or not? I just need to know the cause - is it resource cache or some cookie which we don't list in the cleanup sequence.
Doh... quite a simple question, why noone was willing to answer?
Looks like explorer shows files from c:\Documents and Settings\USER\Cookies mixed in into Temporary Internet Files. This was XP, not sure how other versions behave.
Temporary Internet Files is a pretend folder. The view you see in Explorer is a combination of the actual files on disk, which live in securly unpredictably named subfolders, and the Wininet Url Cache Containers that store the metadata about the files (like what URL they came from, expiry date, etc). If you use filesystem APIs, you'll get what's actually there. If you use shell APIs, however, you can enumerate them in the way you want. Try starting with SHParseDisplayName() and go from there.
