In Microsoft Word's Word Options it is possible to disable using the Insert key to permanently control overtype mode. Is there a way to permanently do the same in notepad++?
I downloaded the notepad++ manual and word searched OVR and overwrite and came up empty. Also Googled for an answer. That also came up dry. I also searched this site for an answer for permanently disabling that feature.
Please do not reply 'press the insert key' to toggle between OVR and INS. I know that already. I do not want to toggle. I want that feature disabled permanently.
I am unfortunately 'double jointed' in both hands. On good days I still type well over 80 WPM. And I once scored 120WPM on a test years ago when I was young and cocky. But now I'm older and less dexterous and my pinky is constantly hitting that insert key instead of backspace. When I look up often significant blocks of text I had previously typed are gone because I unknowingly hit the insert key, hundreds of characters back. So I'm forced to copy and paste the existing content and then control-z to get the old content back, then copy and paste the two to get the combined intended content. Disabling INS/OVR toggle would be so much nicer.
Often times I want to delete a highlighted code or lines, the habit comes from other languages like Java, C++: I would high light the code that I want to delete, then hit the delete key. But in Xcode when I high light, let us say "Dictionary", it would pop up a new frame which tells me the API or something else, and Xcode would switch focus onto the new frame and don't respond to the delete key like in the link above.
What do I do to get this fixed, so that I can highlight something and hit delete key to delete it, or is there a better way to delete stuffs in Xcode?
That's Quick Help. The problem is that you held down the Option key when clicking on the word. Don't do that.
If you have a recent mac or an external Apple trackpad, try just tapping twice instead of pressing.
It seems to me like you're pressing too hard, which the trackpad can detect since it has "force touch", and it shows information about what you are pressing.
I'm currently saving 200/300 PDFs a day (work related), they all have a sentence in that's the same, I'm unable to use Ctrl C/V as I have to copy other parts before saving.
Is there a way for me to have a keyboard shortcut that puts the sentence in for me when saving the file?
(Windows 7 and limited admin access)
Many Thanks,
You could use a Macro editor which records keystrokes and repeats them.
This one is a free portable example (doesn't require an installation).
On windows 7 you can only have one Item in the Copy&Paste Memory, so there is no other easy way than to simulate keyboard input. You can also "Drag and Drop" the sentence from somewhere else (like a website) by selecting it and then clicking on it and dragging it into the Document.
Maybe that works better for you.
I'm not sure I've understood completely your problem, but in all likelihood a clipboard manager would suit your case.
They don't (usually) allow you to have a sentence inserted automatically before saving, but they let you save many instances of "clippings" and paste them conveniently.
There are a lot of them, I personally like Clip and used also ClipX and Ditto.
Many of these clipboard managers include features to associate a specific hot key to insert a specific snippet of text.
There also programs that are focused specifically on that HotKey -> specific snippet functionality, or that include it among others.
Also, if clarified what software you're using to do these "pdf savings", it would help (it's possible that it does include facilities to include a sentence before saving).
And in any case you can almost for sure do what you want with a macro/scripting utility such as AutoHotKey (but it would usually be pretty complex if you're not already familiar with it).
Not sure what is happening to my installation of Sublime Text, when ever autocomplete drop down appears it is populated with a bunch of corrupted looking suggestions, this just started recently. I have Googled around and have not yet seen another person with the same issue. I've already tried uninstalling, throwing out User/me/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3 folder, and re-installing, but still the corrupted text shows up in my autocomplete. I am working on a Macbook Air, I also use a Macbook Pro at work with the same setup and have never seen this happen before?
As established in the comments, you have base64-encoded strings (likely an inline image) elsewhere in your file. Sublime's default autocomplete populates its choices menu with elements from your file, and uses fuzzy matching to bring up selections. Since base64 can contain all letters and numbers, chances are that any sequence you're typing may match, and that string will be brought to the top of the autocomplete dropdown.
There are a couple of ways around this. First, if the base64 content is actually scoped as a string (i.e., it's surrounded by single or double quotes), you can add the following line to your settings (Preferences -> Settings-User):
"auto_complete_selector": "source - comment - string, meta.tag - punctuation.definition.tag.begin"
This should hopefully solve your problem for the time being, with the downside that you lose any other string-encoded information that you may wish to be in autocomplete.
You can also try using an autocomplete engine like SublimeCodeIntel (works for multiple languages, including JS) or TernJS. These can have the option of turning off Sublime's internal autocomplete mechanism, and just filling in the choices with their generated content.
I much prefer Visual Studio's way of displaying invisibles... a simple dot for spaces, and an arrow for tabs. When you change the color to be a light-light-gray, they provide excellent help when viewing code alignment and such but they're barely noticeable so you can leave them turned on all the time without really getting in the way.
Xcode4 however (and maybe other versions as well) instead display some truncated-'U' shape for a space and don't appear to show anything for a tab, Worse, as I mentioned in another post, Xcode doesn't respect its own setting for invisibles color.
Still, this question is about changing the default character used. I don't care if it's a hack of a plist file or even digging around in the contents of Xcode's app bundle (knowing any updates would revert it if it was) but as they are now, they're just too unusable because of how much they obstruct whitespace and thus skimming of code. (VS really nailed that.)
The only way (I could figure out) to do it is to find the symbol that it uses (note they change along with font) open the font in a font editor and copy paste the glyph you want to the one in spot occupied by the character you want to change. There are a few free editors and some really expensive ones I was able to use ttfedit to find and change the character XCode used for spaces on one of the more silly fonts I have to make sure it worked before I answered. Saved font to desktop, double clicked and installed it, osx complains that it is duplicate font, say resolve differences and pick your new file and say resolve to turn off the old font. Next time you open xcode you should see your new symbol for space.
Probably another way to do this, but may be the only way without getting deep into XCode source to find where it makes decision for symbol to use (note many use white diamond but helvetica for instance uses a kinda floor bracket thing, you may see the pattern but I didn't).
Is there anybody who knows the history of appearance of Ctrl+Enter ↵ hotkey which means "Send"? It is pretty "classic" now. I remember that for the first time I've met that hotkey in ICQ 99, but now almost every IM have such hotkey and many popular social networking sites. Some time ago I was surprised that in the "Commit" dialog of eclipse IDE that hotkey also available with the same meaning.
I think Ctrl+Enter ↵ doesn't mean "Send". It means, "double-click", or "do the default".
In email clients Ctrl+Enter ↵ was the shorcut for finish-editing-and-send. I remember using it in Microsoft Internet Mail and News back in Win95 days. Probably Mirabilis copied it for ICQ and others copied from ICQ.
Of course, it's impossible to answer something like this for certain, but I'll offer myself as a candidate for creating this standard.
In the summer of 1992, I was a junior programmer at America Online (AOL), working on what was to be version 1.0 of the Windows AOL client software. Part of my duties included refining many of the UI forms, including E-mail composition and Instant Message composition. Like many techies of that era, I was a keyboard jockey... using a mouse just slowed me down. I wanted a way to send messages quickly. Some of my colleagues suggested that I could just hit TAB until input focus was on the "Send" button, then hit the spacebar to activate the button. That was true enough, but for me the problem was that every composition form was structured differently... maybe the E-mail form needed Tab ↹ Tab ↹ Tab ↹ Space , while the IM form needed Tab ↹ Tab ↹ Space . Sometimes it even varied for new messages vs. replies. Yuck.
One day I became tired of the inconsistency, and decided to add a consistent keyboard shortcut for "Send" to all composition forms. My first choice was actually the Enter key on the numeric keypad. Seemed easy enough, but I soon realized that many people used the numeric keypad to move the input cursor, and would sometimes mistakenly hit the Enter key, prematurely sending their message. Not good. Next beta release, I changed all those shortcuts to Ctrl+Enter ↵, with the idea that it was virtually impossible to press Ctrl+Enter ↵ by mistake, but quite easy to hit that key combo with one hand if that was your intention.
There were no reported complaints about that shortcut, nor did I explicitly document it anywhere. However, before long, various "guides to America Online" had published the shortcut, and it remains to this day, AFAIK. At the time I selected that shortcut, I was not aware of any other software that used Ctrl+Enter ↵ to mean "Send".
Over the following few years, the Windows America Online client was arguably the single most popular way to send online messages, and I know the Ctrl+Enter ↵ shortcut became very popular amongst power users. This solidly predated Windows 95 and its related apps. Was this the true genesis of the shortcut? I don't know for sure, but I like to think so. :)
I think the first, and probably still most obvious, use for Ctrl+Enter ↵ was to insert a new line, in a text box where usually you don't need more than one line, and thus the simple Enter is used to confirm the entry.
In applications where you do need to enter many lines, such as e-mail clients, it comes natural to do the opposite, that is assign Ctrl+Enter ↵ to the function normally associated with simple Enter (usually confirm the entry, which can be regarded as send the message in an e-mail client).
I don't have historic references, so I can't say for sure, but I saw Ctrl+Enter ↵ used for line inserting a lot earlier than seeing it used to send a message.
The thing is that it's usually an hidden use, in that you rarely need it and is rarely documented, but if you try you'll see a lot of apparently single-line text boxes accepting a Ctrl+Enter ↵ to insert a new line, and that often turns out as a big time-saver and a major increase in the usefulness of the functionality.
The shortcut is probably harmed significantly by the use of Alt+Enter ↵ in Excel to enter new lines, with Ctrl+Enter ↵ left for a more obscure functionality (and probably just as a side-effect for confirming the entry without moving to another cell). It's likely that more people know about this than the (to my knowledge) much more widely used Ctrl+Enter ↵.
Of course it's also possible that Alt+Enter ↵ came first, I'm not really a software historian