Is there a way to fix the size of each element in a Wix Repeater? - velo

I'm working with a repeater on Wix that takes data from the Content Manager and displays it. Sometimes the text is too long and it wraps to the next line. The problem is that, when it wraps to the next line, it adds a line into the repeater and makes the rest of the elements uneven. Is there a way to fix the size of a repeater to make sure it doesn't resize itself automatically when there is longer than expected text?


using IUP - Is there any way to clear all the content out of a IupText object?

using IUP - Is there any way to clear all the content out of a IupText object? I'm implementing a very simple 4 line display that is supposed to emulate a hardware device. Unfortunately, through days of experimentation, I found that using IupInsert eventually reaches a limit, so you need to delete the contents. The only way I was able to simulate this was to destroy the IupText object and the IupDialog object containing it. This is very inefficient and ugly, but the documentation is misleading. I also attempted to detach and destroy the text box, without destroying the dialog, but I was unable to insert/append a new text box that would actually show up on the screen. The return value from the append was valid, but even after refresh, IupShow, etc., the dlg would never display the text again. Thank you for any insights
Just set the VALUE attribute to "".

Qtruby ListWidgetItem has blank icon after adding data

I am working on a GUI using qtruby. I have a ListWidget that I am filling with ListWidgetItems. So far these have just contained the text that I wanted to display and everything worked fine. I wanted these items to also hold some hidden data to use when they are clicked on. I used ListWidgetItem.setData() to set the data and I can get the data from it when it is clicked just fine. However once I add the data the text being displayed is now shifted over to the right about 4 spaces. When I click on it a little dotted box appears around the text but not the space that was added. It looks like it is a space for an icon but I have not set any icon and I don't want one. How do I get rid of this extra space so that items containing data are lined up with everything?
The code is very straight forward:
item = #grain_strings[index] )
item.setFont( #font )
# TODO this is causing the text to be indented, removing it removes the indent
item.setData( 1, Qt::Variant.from_value( grain.type ) )
#item_list.insertItem( #end_of_grains+1, item )
The first argument to setData is the role number and for some reason you chose to set it to 1. The documentation says: "The data to be rendered as a decoration in the form of an icon. (QColor, QIcon or QPixmap)". So you are telling Qt to display an icon but you are not giving it a valid icon object.
Try setting the role to Qt::UserRole, which is "The first role that can be used for application-specific purposes." I am not sure how to access that constant from Ruby. If it is not provided by the qtruby gem, you could use 0x100 I suppose.

Is there an ng-repeat reorder drag and drop without jQuery

Anyone have some code to reorder a ng-repeat using drag and drop that does not require jQuery? (angularjs dependency only)
I've had good results with - it's brand new (first commit was last week!), but it's extremely easy to work with. You put an sv-root attribute on the element (probably a div) that's the ancestor of the ng-repeat you want to be able to reorder. Then you put an sv-element attribute on whichever element you're ng-repeating, and drag and drop is handled for you.
You can also optionally put an sv-handle attribute on some element (probably an image, or a Font Awesome icon) inside your ng-repeat, in which case that element gets used as the drag handle. You can also optionally set up "placeholders" (something that shows up as you drag to show where the dragged element will be positioned if you drop it right now) with an sv-placeholder attribute on whatever element is your placeholder. And finally, you can optionally specify an sv-helper attribute on some element to make that element the one that gets dragged. (So if the thing you want the user to see while dragging needs to be different from the thing they see inside the list, that's how you do it).
Oh, and both the sv-placeholder and sv-helper attributes can go either on elements outside the ng-repeat, in which case the same element will be used for every drag situation (use this, for example, if you want a blank gray box as a placeholder the way Trello does it when you drag cards around) -- or those attributes can go on elements inside the ng-repeat, in which case you have access to the local scope of that particular ng-repeat element (use this, for example, if you want your placeholder to be "the text of what I'm dragging around, with opacity 50%, and a dashed border around it").
The demos linked from the repo demostrate the usage pretty well, so rather than say more about it I'll just let you poke around in the demos. My personal experience so far has been very favorable.
Oh, and it has no dependencies other than Angular. No jQuery or anything else required.

How can I programmatically detect if some text is visible or has overflowed in an InDesign document using ExtendScript?

I am building an InDesign panel with ExtendScript which finds text and shows it to the user. To do this, I use the showText() method of the Character object. The problem is that sometimes the text I'm looking for doesn't appear because, even though the method does show the right page at the right place, the text has overflown and is not visible.
Is there a way to check if the text is visible or not? Ideally, I would like to be able to fall back on the story editor if the text cannot be seen as-is...
To check the situation for an individual character, see the parentTextFrames property, it returns an array with 0 or 1 frames. In rare cases of insertion points whose left side is in one frame while the right side is in the following, you get two frames.
You can also compare the index of your character against the last index in the last text container of the story, e.g.
Of course you should first see whether there is overflow at all ...
You may call the baseline property for the text in a try/catch statement. If text is visible, baseline will return a value, otherwise it will raise an error.

When to use a spinner vs a form object

When is using a spinner object appropriate, rather than using a standard text entry object (a.k.a. form, or text box)?
I am looking for information on "best practices" in GUI.
I am thinking that the spinner object should be used only where it makes sense to click small incremental values up and down, e.g. small numbers like the number of copies for a print job.
