Update a cell in Excel Sheet using Power Automate - power-automate

I'm trying to update the "Email Sent" column once an email has sent. Once an email has been sent I want it to say "Sent" instead of "No"
I'm using the "update a row" action however, can't seem to have it updated. I'm not sure what I should enter for the "Key Value" because email can be sent for multiple rows at once. This is what I have so far but it is not working:
My Excel table:

When you use "Update a row", you need to specify a key column (the one with a unique id or value) so Power Automate can search a single row and update it.
Field "Key Column" is the column name where said ID is stored.
Field "Key Value" is the value to search for.
For example, in the following table:
Mentor ID
If you wanted to update the first row, you'd need to specify Key Column = Mentor ID, and Key Value = A001.


MS ACCESS table default value code line for autogenerated sequential and unique alphanumeric number

I am new to MS Access and I would like to generate an autogenerated sequential and unique alphanumeric number of the format SYYMM001, SYYMM002, SYYMM003... (ex for 2023 january: S2301001, S2301002, S2301003).
I use MS Access 2016.
I am in my table, in View mode, in the column InvoiceCode in which I want the number to appear, in the general sheet, in Default Value I used the following code:
= "S" & Format(Now(),"yymm") & Format((DCount("[InvoiceID]","InvoiceTable")),"000")
where InvoiceID is the autonumber column and InvoiceTable the name of the table.
This code does not work and generate the following error:
"Unknown function "Dcount" in validation expression or default value on "Invoice Table.InvoiceCode"
I tried another code that I found online which works but instead of giving me a sequential number it generate a random number ex S2301586, S2301236 ...
="S" & Format(Now(),"yymm") & Format(Int(Rnd()*1000),"000")
Would you have a code that would do what I need?
Thanks in advance for your help
You can't set this in the table.
You could try this in your form you use for data entry - in the BeforeInsert event of the form:
Me!InvoiceID.Value = "S" & Format(Date,"yymm") & Format(DCount("*","InvoiceTable"),"000")

Iterate through each element in a particular column of a dynamic table using cypress

I have a dynamic table displayed based on a value selected from a radio button in my project. The radio button field "Doctor Name" field has different choices like "Frank", "Michael", "Josh", "Jessica". When I select the "Frank" value, it displays a dynamic table with the list of appointments for "Frank", The first column in the table is "Doctor Name". When I select "Frank" from the radio button, I have to validate if all the appointments listed are for "Frank". So I have to write coding in cypress to check if all the first column cell values are "Frank".
How can I achieve this?
retrieve all the first columns using cy.get() with the proper selector, then use the each command to validate the content of each cell, something like this
cy.get("selector for first colums").each(($el, index, $list) => {

Access 2013 - Updating a Table using a calculated field in a Form

I have a Table called Records with the following four columns:
ID | StartChainage | EndChainage | DistanceTraveled
The DistanceTraveled is the difference between EndChainage and StartChainage. For each new record, the StartChainage should be equal to the EndChainage of the previous one.
I have created a Form called Record1 where I can only add values in the field called EndChainage, while in the field StartChainage I use the following expression:
Where I actually say that for the first record in the Table "Records" (i.e. ID=1) the value in the StartChainage must be 0, else it should obtain the value of the EndChainage field of the previous record.
This works fine and I have a Form with fields where I only input the value of the EndChainage and the Form sets the value of the StartChainage for the next record and it also calculates the DistanceTraveled.
The problem is that the calculated fields are NOT updating the relevant fields of the Table. In the Table the only updated fields are the EndChainage ones, i.e. the ones I only type manually the values.
How can I make the Table to get automatically updated by the calculated fields of the Form?
Maybe I could use calculated fields in the Table itself, but this is not what I really want.
Try with:
=IIf([ID]=1,0,DLookUp("[EndChainage]","Record","[ID]=" & Forms![Record1]![ID]-1 & ""))
Check if you get the ID:

Counting a field value response weekly basis in Lotus Notes

I have radio button field in a form whose value can be 1 or 2 or 3. I have a made a view out of this form and there one column will contain the value of this radio button field . Whenever a customer submits the form, a new document will appear in the view. A customer can submit the form many times with different value of this radio button. Is it possible to know how many times a particular customer selected the value 1?
Yes, you can create a view where the first column is your customer name and the second column is their response. Both columns should be "categorized" meaning they'll group the like values.
For each column you can set the formula to include the number of documents within the group. For example:
CustomerName + " (" + #DocChildren + ")"
will show you "ABC Company (12)" if ABC had 12 responses.

how to code the itemchanged event and datawindows

I am using PowerBuilder classic 12.5
am having difficulties in inserting, editing, creating and printing reports.
i have a datawindow, dw_NewEmployee with dataobject, d_newrecord which is update-able.
should i use the columns to insert records through the columns or i
create single line texts on the window object
is the itemchanged event used on columns and rows on dataobject or
on single line texts... I am having trouble figuring out how to implement validation rules.
please give me an example to validate employee ID_Number
I see that you seem confused about the datawindow usage.
Let's try to summarize:
you create a new datawindow d_newrecord (say it is a grid) based on a sql select in your database, say select id_number, name from employee.
in the detail zone of the datawindow (that will be repeated for each record at runtime but that is only once in design), you need to put one column object for each column (here you will have id_number and name) these objects are both to display existing data and receive user input for editing data and inserting new records.
don't forget to set the Rows / Update properties if you need to make the dw updatable.
in the header zone of the datawindow you can have a static text associated to each column that is just here to display the column name, it does not concern table data.
in some window object, you place a datawindow control dw_newemployee where the content of the datawindow will be painted, you set d_newrecord as its dataobject.
you need to set at some point the transaction object of the dw, for example in the open() event of the window:
dw_newemployee.Retreive() //if you are using some retreival arguments, don't forget to include them here
When you want to insert new data in your table (for example with a window button "add"), in the clicked() event of the button you call dw_newemployee.InsertRow(0) to insert at the end.
The ItemChanged() event will be triggered after one cell will be modified, you will be given the row, item (a dwobject) and new data. By choosing the returned value of the event, you can accept or reject the new data.
Here is an example for a field validation in itemchanged() event:
long ll_return_code = 0
string ls_column
ls_column = lower(dwo.name)
choose case ls_column
case "id_number"
if long(data) = 42 THEN
messagebox("validation error", "You cannot use 42 for the ID")
ll_return_code = 1 //reject and stay in cell
end if
case "name"
if data = "foobar" then
messagebox("validation error", "Do not use dummy value...")
ll_return_code = 2 //reject but allow to go elsewhere
end if
end choose
return ll_return_code
