MS ACCESS table default value code line for autogenerated sequential and unique alphanumeric number - format

I am new to MS Access and I would like to generate an autogenerated sequential and unique alphanumeric number of the format SYYMM001, SYYMM002, SYYMM003... (ex for 2023 january: S2301001, S2301002, S2301003).
I use MS Access 2016.
I am in my table, in View mode, in the column InvoiceCode in which I want the number to appear, in the general sheet, in Default Value I used the following code:
= "S" & Format(Now(),"yymm") & Format((DCount("[InvoiceID]","InvoiceTable")),"000")
where InvoiceID is the autonumber column and InvoiceTable the name of the table.
This code does not work and generate the following error:
"Unknown function "Dcount" in validation expression or default value on "Invoice Table.InvoiceCode"
I tried another code that I found online which works but instead of giving me a sequential number it generate a random number ex S2301586, S2301236 ...
="S" & Format(Now(),"yymm") & Format(Int(Rnd()*1000),"000")
Would you have a code that would do what I need?
Thanks in advance for your help

You can't set this in the table.
You could try this in your form you use for data entry - in the BeforeInsert event of the form:
Me!InvoiceID.Value = "S" & Format(Date,"yymm") & Format(DCount("*","InvoiceTable"),"000")


Netsuite Saved Search Criteria Formula with 2 fields

I'm trying to do a saved search filter with a formula (text) criteria based on 2 fields, an item field and custom field.
How can I write the correct formula text in criteria? to create the correct filter to find a specific word in this 2 fields
Eg: I have items called with special nomenclature (SERIAL NUMBER_CODE) and also I created a custom field into journal entry line called (SERIAL NUMBER_CODE_RELATED not an item) now I need to find in the saved search all type of transaction with a specific SERIAL NUMBER_CODE + journal entry that have that SERIAL CODE as well into the line, also add a filter that a user can type the SERIAL CODE and bring transactions + journals.
I used this formula (text) in criteria:
CASE WHEN {custom_field} = 'SERIALCODE' OR {item} = 'SERIALCODE' THEN '1' ELSE '0' END
IS = space
Type = all kind of netsuite transaction
in available filter tap I added formula text show in filter region
the result doesn't bring me anything
Thank you
formulatext NVL({custom_field},{item}) is %
formulatext {custom_field}||' '||{item} contains space

Change a field to YesNo in Web Forms

I need to create a field in Web forms as a Yes/No field. However, on the web page it only takes values as 1,-1 or 0. How can i change this
Below is the code i am using and i want the StateID field to be a Yes/No field and the Card number field that can take a 16 digit value
Dim sSelectSQL As String = "CREATE TABLE Guests"
sSelectSQL &= "([GuestID] Number, [LName] TEXT(20),"
sSelectSQL &= "[FName] TEXT(20), [ZipCode] Number,"
sSelectSQL &= "[StateID] YesNo, [CardNo] Number)
In MS SQL there is no YE/NO field You need to set it a Bit (1 or 0)... Since i am new i am not able to comment, so just posting it as answer..
in dropdown you can replsent it as YES/NO or in actual 1 0r 0 replsents TRUE/FALSE state

Access 2013 - Updating a Table using a calculated field in a Form

I have a Table called Records with the following four columns:
ID | StartChainage | EndChainage | DistanceTraveled
The DistanceTraveled is the difference between EndChainage and StartChainage. For each new record, the StartChainage should be equal to the EndChainage of the previous one.
I have created a Form called Record1 where I can only add values in the field called EndChainage, while in the field StartChainage I use the following expression:
Where I actually say that for the first record in the Table "Records" (i.e. ID=1) the value in the StartChainage must be 0, else it should obtain the value of the EndChainage field of the previous record.
This works fine and I have a Form with fields where I only input the value of the EndChainage and the Form sets the value of the StartChainage for the next record and it also calculates the DistanceTraveled.
The problem is that the calculated fields are NOT updating the relevant fields of the Table. In the Table the only updated fields are the EndChainage ones, i.e. the ones I only type manually the values.
How can I make the Table to get automatically updated by the calculated fields of the Form?
Maybe I could use calculated fields in the Table itself, but this is not what I really want.
Try with:
=IIf([ID]=1,0,DLookUp("[EndChainage]","Record","[ID]=" & Forms![Record1]![ID]-1 & ""))
Check if you get the ID:

Calculated control displays the total number of records that appear in the subform

My assignment is to create a calculated control that displays to total number of Members in the subform. How can I accomplish this when there is no definitive field that I can use in the expression. There are only three fields in the subform: First Name, Last Name, and Phone. If I do something like this =[frmPlanMemberSubform].[Form]![FirstName] that only calculate and displays the first name of the member in the subform. Actually there are only two names in the subform. Theoretically I suppose to get back a count of 2. But I can't figure out how to do it with the existing fields in the subform. Any Access experts out there? Please help. Here is what the database looks like in form view.
As you can see there is nothing in the Total Members control box.
Follow these steps:
1) In the code of the master form insert a function similar to this:
Private Function NumRecords()
Dim rec As Recordset
On Error GoTo lbErr
Set rec = Me!<subform-name>.Form.RecordsetClone
NumRecords = rec.RecordCount
Exit Function
MsgBox Error, vbExclamation
Resume lbExit
End Function
2) In the field to display the number of records insert the following string in the value property:
3) Create the Form_Current trigger as follows:
Private Sub Form_Current()
End Sub
enter image description here

How to get sets of Records in VB6?

Hey guys, just want to ask you a simple question that I know you're familiar with... I am using VB6, I just want to get sets of records from my database. What I mean is that I have UserID and with a part of code provided below, it only gets a single set of record. Like for instance, the value of UserID is A12, and so, all sets of records with the UserID of A12 must display in Textboxes respectively with the aid of datPayroll.Recordset.MoveNext.
With datPayroll
.RecordSource = "select * from tblpayroll where empid like '" & UserID & "'"
Me.txtRegularHours.Text = .Recordset.Fields!reghours
End With
-datPayroll : DataControl
-txtRegularHours : Textbox
-UserID : Variable
You probably want to look at MoveFirst, MoveNext, etc. and also EOF
Here is a link or two to get you started:
MoveFirst, MoveNext
You need to check that you have some data in your Recordset using EOF, then MoveFirst to move to the first record, and loop through using MoveNext.
