Additional row with empty header in matrix in power bi - matrix

The problem is probably trivial but unfortunately I can't figure it out. Here are two basics tables:
I tried to create the matrix based on the selected ID (from the Table2) with values from Table1. I created a measure "% Margin" (margin divided by revenue) and tried to add this to the matrix with ID from Table2. Every time besides ID from Table2 I got one additional row with empty ID. Anyone has an idea how to get rid it off? The rest of the matrix is correct.

Instead of using a separate static table, simply add a new column to you table and use that to filter your data for the report.
Here's how this would look like:


Compare Dynamic Lists Power BI

I have a table ("Issues") which I am creating in PowerBI from a JIRA data connector, so this changes each time I refresh it. I have three columns I am using
Form Name
I created a second table and have summarized the Form Names and obtained the Total Effort:
SUMMARIZE(Issues,Issues[Form Name],"Total Effort",SUM(Issues[Effort (Days)]))
But I also want to add in a column for
Total Effort for each form name where the Status field is "Done"
My issue is that I don't know how to compare both tables / form names since these might change each time I refresh the table.
I need to write a conditional, something like
For each form name, print the total effort for each form name, print the total effort for each form name where the status is done
I have tried SUMX, CALCULATE, SUM, FILTER but cannot get these to work - can someone help, please?
If all you need is to add a column to your summarized table that sums "Effort" only when the Status is set to 'Done' -- then this is the right place to use CALCULATE.
Table =
Issues[Form Name],
"Total Effort", SUM(Issues[Effort]),
"Total Effort (Done)", CALCULATE(SUM(Issues[Effort]), Issues[Status] = "Done")
Here is a quick capture of what some of the mock data that I used to test this looks like. The Matrix is just the mock data with [Form Name] on the rows and [Status] on the columns. The last table shows the 'summarized' data calculated by the DAX above. You can compare this to the values in the matrix and see that they tie out.

How to create a DAX cross-sectional measure?

I don't know if I even worded the question correctly, but I'm trying to create a measure that depends on what is showing in the pivot table (using PowerPivot). In the image I posted, "DealMonth" is an expression in the PowerQuery table itself that simply takes the start date of the employee and subtracts it from the month a deal was closed in. That will show how long it took for that salesperson to close the deal. "TenureMonths" is also an expression in the PowerQuery table that calculates the tenure of the person. The values populating this screenshot are coming from a total headcount measure created. What I'm trying to do is create a separate measure that will show when the "TenureMonths" is less than the "DealMonth." So if the TenureMonths is 5, then after DealMonth of 5, the value would be 0. Is this possible?
I should add the following information.
"DealMonth" - Comes from the FactData table
"TenureMonths" - Comes from the DimSalesStart table
These two tables are joined by name. I feel like I'm so close because I can see what I want. The second image below is a copy/paste of the pivot table result but with my edits to show what I'd want to have shown. Basically, if(TenureMonths >= DealMonth,1,0). The trouble seems to be that since they're in two different tables, I can't make it work. The rows in the fact table are transactions, but the rows in the dim table are just the people with their start and end dates.
Desired Result
This is possible with some IF([measure1]<[measure2],blank(),[measure1]), however without seeing more of the data it will be hard to guide you specifically.
However you need to create two separate measures, one for TenureMonths and one for DealMonth, depending on the data this can be done with an aggregator forumla such as sum, min, max, etc (depends if there will be more than one value).
Then reference those two measures in the formula pattern I mentioned above, and that should give you want you want.
I figured out a solution. I added a dimension table for DealMonth itself and joined to my fact table. That allowed me to do the formulas that I needed.

D365/Dataverse - Create Calculated/Look Up Column that is set to the highest date in another table

I have Table 1. It is filled with dates a inspection is going on. Plumbing or Garden inspections for example.
Table 2 links to these appointments and has additional columns with details such as a Person assigned to the inspection, and what property the inspection is at. I need these two tables to be separate as described, and they are linked by a simple ID column.
Is it possible at all to add a column to Table 2 called 'Last Date of Plumbing Inspection'. The idea is for any given Property in Table 2, there can be multiple inspection entries in Table 1 for it. The point of this column is that it should look in Table 1, find the matching ID, find the latest inspection date out of all the Plumbing-related inspections, and then set the column value to that.
The problem I am having with this is it seems like calculated columns can ONLY implement logic using the columns of the table the calculated column was created in. In Table 2, I can't create a calculated column that interacts with Table 1 at all. I could create a look up column, but I can't combine calculated columns with look up columns. Is there a way to build this latest inspection date column without too much complexity?
Actually you can create a Rollup field and put a MAX aggregate function for achieving your requirement from related table. Read more

How to get the sum of values of a column in tmap?

I have 2 columns - Matches(Integer), Accounts_type(String). And i want to create a third column where i want to get proportions of matches played by different account types. I am new to Talend & am facing issue with this for past 2 days & did a lot of research but to no avail. Please help..
You can do it like this:
You need to read your source data twice (I used tFixedFlowInput_1 and tFixedFlowInput_2 with the same data). The idea is to calculate the total of your matches in tAggregateRow_1, it simply does a sum of all Matches without a group by column, then use that as a lookup.
The tMap then joins your source data with the calculated total. Since the total will always be one record, you don't need any join column. You then simply divide Matches by Total as required.
This is supposing you have unique values in Account_type; if you don't, you need to add another tAggregateRow between your source and tMap_1, in order to get sum of Matches for each Account_type (group by Account_type).

SSRS Tablix Cell Calculation based on RowGroup Value

I have looked through several of the posts on SSRS tablix expressions and I can't find the answer to my particular issue.
I have a dashboard I am creating that contains summary data for various managers. They are entering monthly summary data into a single table structured like this:
Create TABLE OperationMetrics
Date date
Plant char(10)
Sales float
ReturnedProduct float
The data could use some grouping so I created a table for referencing which report group these metrics go into looks like this:
Create Table OperationsReport
ReportType varchar(50)
MetricType varchar(50)
In this table, 'Sales' and 'ReturnedProduct' are the Metric column, while 'ExecSummary' or 'Quality' are ReportType entries. To do the join, I decided to UNPIVOT the OperationMetrics table...
Select Date, Plant, Metric, MetricType
From (Select Date, Plant, Sales, ReturnedProduct From OperationMetrics)
UNPVIOT (Metric for MetricType in (Sales, ReturnedProduct) UnPvt
and join it to the OperationsReport table so I have grouped metrics.
Select Date, Plant, Metric, Rpt.MetricReport, MetricType
FROM OpMetrics_Unpivoted OpEx
INNER JOIN OperationsReport Rpt on OpEx.MetricType = Rpt.MetricType
(I understand that elements of this is not ideal but sometimes we are not in control of our destiny.)
This does not include the whole of the tables but you get the gist. So, they have a form they fill in the OperationMetrics table. I chose SSRS to display the output.
I created a tablix with the following configuration (I can't post images due to my rep...)
Date is the only column group, grouped on 'MMM-yy'
Parent Row Group is the ReportType
Child Row Group is the MetricType
Now, my problem is that some of the metrics are calculations of other metrics. For instance, 'Returned Product (% of Sales)' is not entered by the manager because it is assumed we can simply calculate that. It would be ReturnedProduct divided by Sales.
I attempted to calculate this by using a lookup function, as below:
This works great! For the first month... but since Lookup looks for the first match, it just posts the same value for the rest of the months after.
I attempted to use this but it got me back to where I was at the beginning since the dataset does not have the value.
Any help with this would be well received. I would like to keep the rowgroup hierarchy.
It sounds like the LookUp is working for you but you just need to include the date to find the right month. LookUp will return the first match which is why it's only working on the first month.
What you can try is concatenating the Metric Name and Date fields in the LookUp.
Lookup("Sales" & CSTR(Fields!DATE.Value), Fields!FriendlyName.Value & CSTR(Fields!DATE.Value), Fields!Metric.Value, "MetricDataSet")
Let me know if I misunderstood the issue.
