SSRS Tablix Cell Calculation based on RowGroup Value - ssrs-2012

I have looked through several of the posts on SSRS tablix expressions and I can't find the answer to my particular issue.
I have a dashboard I am creating that contains summary data for various managers. They are entering monthly summary data into a single table structured like this:
Create TABLE OperationMetrics
Date date
Plant char(10)
Sales float
ReturnedProduct float
The data could use some grouping so I created a table for referencing which report group these metrics go into looks like this:
Create Table OperationsReport
ReportType varchar(50)
MetricType varchar(50)
In this table, 'Sales' and 'ReturnedProduct' are the Metric column, while 'ExecSummary' or 'Quality' are ReportType entries. To do the join, I decided to UNPIVOT the OperationMetrics table...
Select Date, Plant, Metric, MetricType
From (Select Date, Plant, Sales, ReturnedProduct From OperationMetrics)
UNPVIOT (Metric for MetricType in (Sales, ReturnedProduct) UnPvt
and join it to the OperationsReport table so I have grouped metrics.
Select Date, Plant, Metric, Rpt.MetricReport, MetricType
FROM OpMetrics_Unpivoted OpEx
INNER JOIN OperationsReport Rpt on OpEx.MetricType = Rpt.MetricType
(I understand that elements of this is not ideal but sometimes we are not in control of our destiny.)
This does not include the whole of the tables but you get the gist. So, they have a form they fill in the OperationMetrics table. I chose SSRS to display the output.
I created a tablix with the following configuration (I can't post images due to my rep...)
Date is the only column group, grouped on 'MMM-yy'
Parent Row Group is the ReportType
Child Row Group is the MetricType
Now, my problem is that some of the metrics are calculations of other metrics. For instance, 'Returned Product (% of Sales)' is not entered by the manager because it is assumed we can simply calculate that. It would be ReturnedProduct divided by Sales.
I attempted to calculate this by using a lookup function, as below:
This works great! For the first month... but since Lookup looks for the first match, it just posts the same value for the rest of the months after.
I attempted to use this but it got me back to where I was at the beginning since the dataset does not have the value.
Any help with this would be well received. I would like to keep the rowgroup hierarchy.

It sounds like the LookUp is working for you but you just need to include the date to find the right month. LookUp will return the first match which is why it's only working on the first month.
What you can try is concatenating the Metric Name and Date fields in the LookUp.
Lookup("Sales" & CSTR(Fields!DATE.Value), Fields!FriendlyName.Value & CSTR(Fields!DATE.Value), Fields!Metric.Value, "MetricDataSet")
Let me know if I misunderstood the issue.


D365/Dataverse - Create Calculated/Look Up Column that is set to the highest date in another table

I have Table 1. It is filled with dates a inspection is going on. Plumbing or Garden inspections for example.
Table 2 links to these appointments and has additional columns with details such as a Person assigned to the inspection, and what property the inspection is at. I need these two tables to be separate as described, and they are linked by a simple ID column.
Is it possible at all to add a column to Table 2 called 'Last Date of Plumbing Inspection'. The idea is for any given Property in Table 2, there can be multiple inspection entries in Table 1 for it. The point of this column is that it should look in Table 1, find the matching ID, find the latest inspection date out of all the Plumbing-related inspections, and then set the column value to that.
The problem I am having with this is it seems like calculated columns can ONLY implement logic using the columns of the table the calculated column was created in. In Table 2, I can't create a calculated column that interacts with Table 1 at all. I could create a look up column, but I can't combine calculated columns with look up columns. Is there a way to build this latest inspection date column without too much complexity?
Actually you can create a Rollup field and put a MAX aggregate function for achieving your requirement from related table. Read more

Custom function by date for related tables

"In a crosstab, latest month where Actuals has any data, show Actuals data for that and all previous months. Future months, show Forecast data."
I have two tables- Forecasts and Actuals- and the common columns between them are Team, Month, Value.
I'd like to show the data in a crosstab with Month as columns and Team as rows. I'm trying to write an expression to do this in the crosstab: The most recent month where Actuals has any data, I'd like to show Actuals data for that and all previous months, for all teams. For following months, I'd like to show Forecast data.
Any suggestions about how to go about this would be appreciated. I'm still piecing together my knowledge :)
Create a third table from a transformations:
Create Third table from - Pivot date on Team & Month (to ensure every possible combination) from first table
Add Rows from transforming the second table (pivot on Team & Month)
Join the two original tables to your newly created table (has every possible combination of Team & Month) so that both your data sets are now in one table.
Now use the third table in your cross table.
If you try using column matching instead of the above method only dates from the main table will show as the dates are matched and ones missing from the other will not display.

How to create a measure in Power Bi dax which is to be related to Date Column in matrix

I want to make the following table with such data:
Columns: Dates from the selected week(based on calendar table) in WeekMonth slicer
Subcon: Subcontractor distinct list, created with power query from the Subcontractor values in the data table
Plan and Actual: count of set dates, which were set in the data table which looks like:
siteid, subcontractor, milestone, plan date, actual date
Milestone slicer allows to filter data table for a specific milestone and is linked to datatable[milestone]
WeekMonth slicer allows to filter data table for a specific week, only one week can be displayed in the table, by default the "current week is selected".
Filtering data table using the Relatationships between the Calendar[WeekMonth] and the data table is not possible because it contains two types of dates.
As I understand the DAX measures for Plan and Actual must be designed in a such way so it would refer to the date from the matrix Column. How this can be implemented?
How the table must look like(values are not correct yet!):
"Filtering data table using the Relatationships between the
Calendar[WeekMonth] and the data table is not possible because it
contains two types of dates."
It is actually possible to filter multiple date fields by one calendar table in Power BI.
The way it works:
Connect your Calendar table to plan date field;
Connect the same Calendar table to actual date field. Power BI will add this second relationship as "inactive", as indicated by the dotted line;
Normally, when you use your week slicer, it will filter DAX measures by the active connection only (plan date). However, you can tell DAX to filter by the inactive connection instead, using USERELASHIONSHIP function.
Code typically looks like this:
Metric by Plan Date = SUM(TableName[Field])
Metric by Active Date =
CALCULATE( [Metric by Plan Date], USERELASHIONSHIP(Calendar[Date], TableName[Actual Date])
Here, you first define your DAX measure normally, and it will calculate using Plan Date. Then, you recalculate the same measure using different relations (Active Date).
This article might help you further:

SSRS Matrix Bespoke Headers (Still from datasource!!)

I have to create a matrix in SSRS to detail the number uses leaving an organisation.
The columns will all represent spaces of time spanning 1 week and the rows will all represent departements in the organisation. The detail portion will be a count of people who have left that area in that week.
I have a leaving date field in the DB but nothing that flags the specific intevals I have been told to use. That means that as the matrix is, it counts each of users that have left a specific department however the date range columns is 1 day, not 1 week. Is there a way to force the column headers to respect the week intervals I want given that they are currently coming from the dataset and are not hard coded?
Firstly try to manage your data in sql itself by using Group By with date and making each group as one week period. That way you can manage to get all data in your required format
I don't know what is your columns so I am just showing a way to get the week groups from table and get the count of the people
SELECT DATEPART(wk, datevaluecolumn) weekno
, SUM(peopleleavingcolumn) totalvalue
FROM yourTable
GROUP BY DATEPART(wk, datevalue)

Joining grouped tables

I have two different scripted data sets that I am pulling data from and aggregating (on the same key). What I want to do is to display one one line the aggregated data from both sources. The data is coming from a scripted data source (POJOs).
A simplified example is given below in which an Order has many Components, with each component being for a different customer at a different quoted price. Then when each Order is filled in different lots (or Fills) at different prices. I want to be able to produce a summary of each Order with the total Ordered and Filled quantity, and the weighted average quoted price and filled price.
An Order Component table
Order ID, Customer Num, Qty, Quoted Px
And then a Order Fullfillment table
I would like to display something like this:
Order ID, Order Qty, Fill Qty, Avg Order Px, Avg Fill Px
Ord01, 6, 6, 101, 102
Ord02, 10, 10, 202, 208
I've tried using subreports and that seems to be able to get me the results but in a terrible format. The subtable headers repeat so every order gets it's own headers.
You may want to create a BIRT joined dataset between your two scripted datasets, based on a full outer join on the "order ID" column, and then use this joined dataset in your report. It should meet your needs.
I solved my problem by more or less following the following guide.
So I created a List linked to my first data source. I then added a group on Order ID so that I had one list row per Order. In the group header I added a 2x1 grid, I placed a table of the Order Components into one side of the grid and a table of Fills into the other. I had to add filters to both of these so that they only contained data for the correct OrderId. I then grouped the tables by OrderId, added my aggregation fields.
All that is left is to set the visibilty. So I set the visibility of the table details to false. In order to only show the table header once (instead of once per order) I added a Running Count aggregation to the List and set the visibiity to invisible when this aggregation was greater than 1.
Was actually quite easy in the end but took me ages to work out how to do it.
