I want to estimate the total resources used by a user from SLURM since the creation of the user.
Most of the answers on the web show how we can check the resources of a finished job, but I want to list the total use of a specific user, no matter which jobs.
The command you are looking for is sreport.
A typical usage would be
$ sreport cluster UserUtilizationByAccount start=2021-01-01 mylogin
Cluster/User/Account Utilization 2021-01-01T00:00:00 - 2022-08-22T23:59:59 (51750000 secs)
Usage reported in CPU Minutes
Cluster Login Proper Name Account Used Energy
--------- --------- --------------- --------------- --------- --------
mycluster mylogin My Login myaccount 5960990 0
Make sure to replace mylogin in the command line by the actual login you want the information about. Your can use $USER for your own login.
Depending on the configuration of your cluster, more trackable resources will be reportable. You can also look for the top users with
$ sreport user top
Assuming the following metric:
cpu_count{machine="srv1", owner="Alice", department="ops"} 8
cpu_count{machine="srv1", owner="Bob", department="ops"} 8
I'd like to be able to prevent starting a new time series on owner change. It should still be considered the same instance, but I would like to be able to look up by owner.
I don't particularly care if it matches only on my_metric{owner=~"Box"} or on both my_metric{owner=~"Box"} and my_metric{owner=~"Alice"}, I just need to make sure it does not count twice on my_metric{machine=~"srv1"} or my_metric{department=~"ops"}.
I'm willing to accept that using labels to group instances in this manner is not the correct approach, but what is?
When you add the label "owner" to this kind of metric I think you're trying to accomplish a kind of "asset management" which could be done better with some other tool developed specific to this goal. Prometheus isn't a suitable tool to keep the information of who is using each machine in your company.
Said that, every time the owner of a machine changes you could workaround this issue deleting the old data series using the REST API executing something like this:
curl --silent --user USER:PASS --globoff --request POST "https://PROMETHEUS-SERVER/api/v1/admin/tsdb/delete_series?match[]={machine='srv1',owner='Bob'}"
If you can change the code, it would be better to have a metric dedicated to the ownership:
# all metrics are identified a usual
cpu_count{machine="srv1", department="ops"} 8
# use an info metrics to give details about owner
machine_info{machine="srv1", owner="Alice", department="ops"} 1
You can still aggregate the information id you need it:
cpu_count * ON(machine,department) machine_info
That way, the owner is not polluting all your metrics. Still, you will have issues when changing the owner of a machine while waiting for the older metric to disappear (5 minutes before staleness).
I have not tried it but a solution could be to use the time at which the ownership changed (if you can provide it) as a metric value - epoch time in seconds.
# owner changed at Sun, 08 Mar 2020 22:05:53 GMT
machine_info{machine="srv1", owner="Alice", department="ops"} 1583705153
# Previous owner Sat, 01 Feb 2020 00:00:00 GMT
machine_info{machine="srv1", owner="Alice", department="ops"} 1580515200
And then use the following expression to get the latest owner whenever you need the current owner - only useful when owner has changed within the last 5 minutes:
machine_info == ON(machine,department) BOOL (max(machine_info) BY(machine,department) )
Quite a mouthful but it would approach what you want.
I want to develop a small Sprint Shell project where I display static information which potentially updates when an event is received. Is this functionality possible with Spring Shell, or is it even the correct tool for the job?
To give an example of what I want to achieve:
| Stock Value: 5$ | < This information should be always displayed
shell:> I can put input here
While I type an event in the application should be able to change it to e.g.
| Stock Value: 7$ | < This information gets updated
shell:> I can still type here
Spring shell can do that for you.
See the tutorial here: https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-shell/blob/master/spring-shell-docs/src/main/asciidoc/using-spring-shell.adoc
I am trying to run the following command typeperf -sc 1 "processor(_Total)\% Processor Time"
To retreive the cpu load in percentage
The command work well when i run it though my username since I am the adminstrator.
I created an other user called test
logged in with test and tried to run the command with the test user and getting
Exiting, please wait...
Error: No valid counters.
I correctly added the test user in the Performance Log Users group as the typeperf.exe application is supposed to only let those user use it
Please also note that this question is in some way related to Not enough permission to run typeperf.exe question I asked a few days ago.
I am wondering what can I do more to let an other user use typeperf.exe
I am using Windows 8 Pro in case this information is relevant
Thanks in advance for any help.
As asked in comment
When I run the folowing command typeperf -q Processor on the test user i get the following response
\Processor(*)\% Processor Time
\Processor(*)\% User Time
\Processor(*)\% Privileged Time
\Processor(*)\% DPC Time
\Processor(*)\% Interrupt Time
\Processor(*)\DPCs Queued/sec
\Processor(*)\DPC Rate
\Processor(*)\% Idle Time
\Processor(*)\% C1 Time
\Processor(*)\% C2 Time
\Processor(*)\% C3 Time
\Processor(*)\C1 Transitions/sec
\Processor(*)\C2 Transitions/sec
\Processor(*)\C3 Transitions/sec
Exiting, please wait...
The command completed successfully.
You just got to escape % symbol, e.g.: typeperf "\Process(Idle)\%% Processor Time"
Linking back to this question:
Why not enable virtual node in an Hadoop node?
I'm running a mixed 3 node cluster with 2 cassandra and 1 analytics nodes and disabled the virtual nodes by generating 3 tokens with the utility given by DataStax enterprise.
But when I run 'nodetool status' command, I still see 256 tokens with each node and when a mapreduce job is created, it creates 257 mappers and takes a very long time to execute a query with small data.
So my specific questions are:
Is virtual node setting still not disabled? How can I verify if its disabled?
If its disabled then why 257 mappers are still created for each job? Is there a different configuration for that?
Thanks much for any help!!
1) It's not disabled. You can tell because it still says 256 tokens in nodetool status.
To disable vnodes you need to make sure that you change the num_tokens variable in the cassandra.yamnl
# If you already have a cluster with 1 token per node, and wish to migrate to
# multiple tokens per node, see http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/Operations
# num_tokens: 256 << Make sure this line is commented out
# initial_token allows you to specify tokens manually. While you can use it with
# vnodes (num_tokens > 1, above) -- in which case you should provide a
# comma-separated list -- it's primarily used when adding nodes to legacy clusters
# that do not have vnodes enabled.
initial_token: << Your generated token goes here
I have a logon script mapping user drives Windows Network. Some users are now logging into a terminal server these days and I'd like to map a different drive, based on computer name they are logging in to.
I am looking at which user AD group they are in (departmental group so I know which shares to map).
If IsAMemberOf(objNetwork.UserDomain, objNetwork.UserName, "Sales Dept. Users - Acton") Then MapIt "G:", "\\phillip\sales"
I need to now evaluate what the computer name is as well.
The basic logic is: If user is in Sales group from this computer bur-ts-01, then map this share \\bur-fil-01\sales; else, if user is in Sales group use \\phillip\sales.
It's a fairly comprehensive script mapping drives, printers, etc. Our VBScript person is long gone however and remote users are not able to access a local share to the TS server as a result.
Can anyone offer any suggestions or sample code that I could review?
You could add a check for the computer name to see if it includes "-ts-" and if so, then map accordingly. A lot of different ways to write it, but here's my take.
bDomainGroupMember = IsAMemberOf(objNetwork.UserDomain, objNetwork.UserName, "Sales Dept. Users - Acton")
If bDomainGroupMember AND Not instr(objNetwork.ComputerName, "-ts-") > 0 Then
MapIt "G:", "\\phillip\sales"
ElseIf bDomainGroupMember AND instr(objNetwork.ComputerName, "-ts-") > 0 Then
MapIt "G:", "\\bur-fil-01\sales"
End If
So basically, I pulled the function query out and assigned the value to bDomanGroupMember so you can use it in two checks without calling the function twice. Then, the If / ElseIf checks to see if the user is both a member of the sales domain group and whether or not the user logged in from a terminal server session, ie. a machine with "-ts-" in the name.
Hope that helps :)