How to avoid escaping for JSON string in MSON file? - apiblueprint

I have a JSON string which I need to pass in request body. Below is the JSON string I'm setting in 'PublicationPreferences' identifier:
+ PublicationPreferences: `{\n \"preference\": [\n {\n \"categoryUid\": \"ALL\",\n \"category\": \"ALL\",\n \"PublicationUid\": \"ALL\",\n \"publication\": \"ALL\",\n \"hasOptIn\": \"false\"\n }\n ]\n}` (string,optional) - Preferences selected while unsubscribing
But when I set this JSON string it is being escaped automatically and converted into below string:
"publicationPreferences": "{\\n \\\"preference\\\": [\\n {\\n \\\"categoryUid\\\": \\\"ALL\\\",\\n \\\"category\\\": \\\"ALL\\\",\\n \\\"PublicationUid\\\": \\\"ALL\\\",\\n \\\"publication\\\": \\\"ALL\\\",\\n \\\"hasOptIn\\\": \\\"false\\\"\\n }\\n ]\\n}"
but I need only the original JSON string without escaping it. I don't know how I can avoid escaping in MSON file. Any help would be much appreciated!


Curl/GraphQL command failing with 200

I am trying to write a shell script that executes a curl against a GraphQL API and I've never interacted with GQL before. I am getting some strange errors and although I understand this community doesn't have access to the GQL server I was hoping someone could take a look at the script and make sure I'm not doing anything flagrantly wrong syntax-wise (both in the shell script layer as well as the GQL query itself).
My script:
runScanQuery='mutation CreateScheduleItem { create_schedule_item(input: {site_id: "$siteId" scan_configuration_ids: "$scanConfigId"}) { schedule_item { id } } }'
runScanVariables='{ "input": "site_id": $scanId }}'
curl -i --request POST \
--url $BSEE_WEB_SERVER_DNS/graphql/v1 \
--header "Authorization: $BSEE_API_KEY" \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{"query":"$runScanQuery","variables":{$runScanVariables},"operationName":"${runScanOperationName}"}'
And the output when I run the script off the terminal:
HTTP/2 200
{"errors":[{"message":"Invalid JSON : Unexpected character (\u0027$\u0027 (code 36)): was expecting double-quote to start field name, Line 1 Col 38","extensions":{"code":3}}]}%
I am omitting the HTTP response headers for security and brevity reasons.
I am wondering if my use of quotes/double-quotes is somehow wrong, or if there is anything about the nature of the GQL query itself (via curl) that looks off to anyone.
I verified with the team that manages the server that the HTTP 200 OK response code is correct. 200 shows that the request succeeded to the GQL API, but that GQL is responding with this error to indicate the query itself is incorrect.
We need to modify the GraphQL bits and fix the bash string quoting.
runScanQuery GraphQL operation
Fix the GraphQL syntax. Use a GraphQL operation name CreateScheduleItem with variables $site_id in the arguments input: { site_id: $siteId, scan_configuration_ids: $scanConfigId:
mutation CreateScheduleItem($site_id: String!, $scanConfigId: String!) {
input: { site_id: $siteId, scan_configuration_ids: $scanConfigId }
) {
schedule_item {
runScanVariables: JSON
Our mutation expects two variables, which GraphQL will substitute into CreateScheduleItem($site_id: String!, $scanConfigId: String!). Provide the GraphQL variables as JSON. Here is the expected output after bash variable substitution:
{ "$site_id": "1", "$scanConfigId": "456" }
Get the bash quoting right
Finally, translate the inputs into bash-friendly syntax:
runScanQuery='mutation CreateScheduleItem($site_id: String!, $scanConfigId: String!) { create_schedule_item(input: {site_id: $siteId scan_configuration_ids: $scanConfigId}) { schedule_item { id } } }'
runScanVariables='{"$site_id":"'"$siteId"'","$scanConfigId":"'"$scanConfigId"'"}' # no spaces!
Check our bash formats. Paste the terminal output into a code-aware editor like VSCode. Expect the editor to parse the output correctly.
echo $runScanQuery # want string in graphql format
echo $runScanVariables # want JSON
echo $data # want JSON
Edit: add a public API example
Here's a complete working example using the public Star Wars API:
data='{"query":"query Query($filmId: ID) { film(filmID: $filmId) { title }}","variables":{"filmId":"'"$filmId"'"}}'
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data "$data"
Responds with {"data":{"film":{"title":"A New Hope"}}}.
In GraphQL it's normal to always have 200 status code; client must check response body searching for failures.
The reason is simple: In REST, http is part of the protocol and status code has semantics but in GraphQL http is not part of the protocol, you can have GraphQL over serveral transport protocols:
http: typical scenario docs
WebSocket: does not provide any "status code like" payload. sample
MQTT: does not provide any "status code like" payload
The only way that server tells you something (even failures) is the body.
In your case I suggest you jq to parse json via bash script searching error property.
Your error is completely unrelated to GraphQL. You really have wrong JSON.
Error message says Unexpected character (\u0027$\u0027 (code 36)): was expecting double-quote to start field name, Line 1 Col 38",
You can replace escaped \u0027 with apostrophe and you will get
Unexpected character ('$' (code 36)): was expecting double-quote to start field name, Line 1 Col 38",
So it hates dollar sign at position 38 in what you send as data to curl
First - all field names and values in JSON should be wrapped with double quotes, not single.
Second - if you want curl to expand env variable, put it to double quotes, not single.

How encoded filename in S3 Presigned url in ruby

in S3 presigned url how I can encoded the string $filename
key: "uploads/#{}/${filename}",
allow_any: ['authenticity_token'],
metadata: {
'original-filename' => '${filename}'
success_action_status: "201"
sometime the filename include some special char or spaces. I would like to avoid them in the key
To cast your filename to url-safe form you may use 2 options:
If you are using Rails you may try to use .parameterize method. See
If you are using plain Ruby:
filename.gsub(%r{\s}, '_').gsub(%r{[^a-zA-Z0-9-.]+}, '')
'asf asfa 1-240((($#))!#.jpeg'.gsub(%r{\s}, '_').gsub(%r{[^a-zA-Z0-9-.]+}, '')
=> "asfasfa1-240.jpeg"
Both approaches should throw away any spaces and special characters.

How do I escape a password ending with a dollar sign icinga2?

I have dozens of devices I need to login to using an API script. One set of devices has a password ending in $. I've tried a bunch of things but I can't seem to escape that $ char. Here is the error I'm seeing.
critical/config: Error: Validation failed for object 'gelt-uk4-gp!HTTP/80: Status Check ' of type 'Service'; Attribute 'vars' -> 'gspass': Closing $ not found in macro format string 'n0t-real#$'.
Location: in /etc/icinga2/zones.d/global-templates/global-services.conf: 55:5-55:31
/etc/icinga2/zones.d/global-templates/global-services.conf(53): if ( == "gelt-emea" ) {
/etc/icinga2/zones.d/global-templates/global-services.conf(54): vars.gsuser = "admin"
/etc/icinga2/zones.d/global-templates/global-services.conf(55): vars.gspass = "n0t-real#$"
You add an extra $ right beside the literal dollar sign.
So if the password is word54s$ you type:
vars.geltpass = "word54s$$"

JMeter: Body & File content

The WebAPI request has a POST method which expects Content body. I've tried to use both Parameters and Body options but I receive error responses - 'Invalid Request' with 400 Status code, etc.
JMeter request Sample Content Body:
"ParamA": 111,
"ParamB": "Char String",
"ParamC": "VarType"
{ "ParamA": 111, "ParamB": "Char String", "ParamC": "VarType"}
Listener Request:
POST data:
Listener Response:
{"message":"The request is invalid.","modelState":{"value":["An error
has occurred."]}}
Any insight into viable options? Eventually, I'm planning on reading the Body string from a .csv file so I can parameterize the request. Reading from a .CSV file only reads the first line of the request body - for example: '{'
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
HTTP Request
Uncheck in HTTP request the option:
Use multipart/form data for POST
Also check your CSV does not contain some data that contains the CSV separator which is '\t' by default.
Ensure it doesn't by changing separator to '|' for example if you're sure your JSON will never contain it.

What is the Proper Method of Assigning JSON within a Ruby Variable?

The following JSON is a transaction what will be sent to the Ripple Network to query accounts that hold cryptographic assets at a Gateway (somewhat like a bank, more like a trust account between its clients). This script is to be used in conjunction with PHP to fetch a Gateway's issued balances and ignored it's hot-wallet or day-to-day operations wallet. My question is what is the proper way to:
a. Assign JSON within a Ruby variable?
b. What is the best way to escape double quotes and deal with newlines where brackets and square brackets occur within the JSON syntax?
The JSON follows:
conf = "--conf /etc/rippled/rippled.cfg"
puts "About to set the JSON lines "
gatewayStart = "\"method\": \"gateway_balances\","
paramsLine = "\"params\": [ {"
accountLine = "\"account\": \"rGgS5Hw3PhSp3VNT43PDTXze9YfdthHUH\","
hotwalletLine = "\"hotwallet\": \"rKYNhsT3aLymkGH7WL7ZUHkm6RE27iuM4C\","
liLine = "\"ledger_index\": \"validated\","
strictLine = "\"strict\": "
trueLine = true
endLine = " } ] }"
balancesLine = "#{gatewayStart} #{paramsLine} #{accountLine} #>{hotwalletLine} #{liLine} #{strictLine} #{trueLine} #{endLine}"
lineString = "#{balancesLine.to_s}"
linetoJSON = "#{lineString}"
puts "linetoJSON: #{linetoJSON} "
cmd2=`#{ripple_path} #{conf} json gateway_balances #{linetoJSON}`
cmder="#{ripple_path} #{conf} json gateway_balances #{linetoJSON}"
puts "Done."
The output is:
root#xagate:WorkingDirectory# ruby gatewaybal.rb
About to set the JSON lines
linetoJSON: "method": "gateway_balances", "params": [ { "account":
"rGgS5Hw3PhSp3VNT43PDTXze9YfdthHUH", "hotwallet": "rKYNhsT3aLymkGH7WL7ZUHkm6RE27iuM4C", "ledger_index": "validated", "strict":rue } ] }
Loading: "/etc/rippled/rippled.cfg"
rippled [options] <command> <params>
General Options:
-h [ --help ] Display this message.
It is noteworthy that this command also returns a badSyntax error when executed manually via the command line. Please see here for the mirror of this issue raised on the ripple forums.
jsonLine = "'{ \"account\": \"rGgS5Hw3PhSp3VNT43PDTXze9YfdthHUH\", \"hotwallet\": \"rKYNhsT3aLymkGH7WL7ZUHkm6RE27iuM4C\", \"ledger_index\": \"validated\", \"strict\": true }'"
Is the proper way to assign this JSON within a single variable; this solution was provided by JoelKatz. The completed code is now available on GitHub.
