How to change default selected values on runtime of react-select with formik - formik

I call API for 'all options' and for 'selected values' and then try to set default selected values with a useState field 'selectedManagers'. But it doesn't work. Any idea?


Vue3 - VeeValidate Dynamic FieldArray Change Event

How can I delete the field values if the option type is changed.
If option type is text or date, can add option button be hidden? How can i delete field values when option type is changed
Version Vue.js 3.x and vee-validate 4.x

How to uncheck a check boxes in laravel collectives

I need to uncheck a checkbox in laravel collectives. Is it possible?
Your parameters are offset. You are passing the array as the 'checked' parameter, which will always cause it to be checked.
{{Form::checkbox('name', 'value', 'checked', ['class'=>'form-check-input'])}}

Synchronize ReduxForm fields state update

I have several fields in ReduxForm and I want all of them to react to each other updating how they look when one of the fields is changed. For instance, I have radio button group and a select field. When I select some value from select field, correct radio button should be switched to. How could I achieve such binding? I tried setting name parameter to the same value for both fields but it did not work. Unfortunately I can not use their Fields parameter since the project is set up this way already architecturally to use solely Field. So, I need a way of binding several fields into one by a parameter.
In my particular case I was able to achieve the desired behavior by supplying value to the Select (Dropdown ReduxForm Field type), so that when it is rerendered (which is caused by the interaction with radio button group), the value gets updated. The onChange method triggered on Select was passing new state up in the hierarchy which triggered radio button group update. So, from Select interaction radio button group was updated by changes in actual state, but the other way round, from radio button group interaction, Select was just rerendered with the new value (radio buttons bounded) passed to it since state was updated.

Oracle APEX 5.1 Custom form issue

I have a form that contains a select list (:P10_DROPDOWN) that has its values defined via SQL:
As a pre-render-before-header-process I have the following PL/SQL to pre-populate :P10_DROPDOWN:
SELECT value_id
FROM vw_dropdown_option_mapping
WHERE vw_dropdown_option_mapping_id = :P10_DROPDOWN_OPTION_MAPPING_ID;
At this point my form appears on my page, and everything looks okay. However I need to have a custom procedure fire when a user clicks a button, so on a button on my page I defined an onClick event to fire this pl/sql block:
This is where I first notice my issue; the value logged out by the onClick for :P10_DROPDOWN is what was originally set via my pre-render-before-header-process, and not the value I select via my drop-down.
I have tried setting the source.used value on my dropdown to both "Always" and "Only". I have also replaced my pre-render-before-header-process with a source based single value SQL query. Neither is allowing my dropdown to change the session value via the dropdown.
Am I missing something about these session values?
I suspect that this is because newly selected value isn't in session state. To test it, create a SUBMIT button, push it, and then check the result again.
Just asking: did you consider
setting item's default value (instead of writing a process to pre-populate it)
using a dynamic action (instead of creating an onClick event)

how to ignore subject field or define a default value for it,in a Microsoft dynamic crm Activity form

I create a new Activity in Microsoft dynamic CRM for sending SMS. but i dont need the "Subject" field in Activity Form and want to ignore it.
I tried to hide the subject field but is require field.
first i deselect the visible by default option in field property. after publish the customization i open the form and subject field has been hide. but when i pressed the Save button, activity form alert me You must provide a value for Subject. and show subject field.
how can i ignore Subject or define a default value for it?
You just need to change the requirement level.
On the form designer double click on the field. This will show you the Field Properties where the Visible by default checkbox is.
Click on the Details tab and then click the Edit button.
Here you can set the Requirement Level from Business Required to No Constraint.
Now you can hide the field from your form.
Save and Publish your customizations.
Your other option is using JavaScript.
On Load of the form you could use the following:
// Change the required level
On Save you could use the following:
// Set a default value
Xrm.Page.getAttribute("subject").setValue("This is your default value");
