Vue3 - VeeValidate Dynamic FieldArray Change Event - vee-validate

How can I delete the field values if the option type is changed.
If option type is text or date, can add option button be hidden? How can i delete field values when option type is changed
Version Vue.js 3.x and vee-validate 4.x


Vuetify - dynamically create a form with v-text-fields + CRUD - v-model issue

in a Vuetify project I would like to dynamically create all the required fields to perform CRUD Actions:
I prepared a working sample here:
Everything's working not bad, but when I click on the edit button, the dialog appears but fields are not populated:
I assume that problem is that v-model is "calculated":
in fact in the last field that is not generated but hardcoded and thus has
the field is automatically populated.
I tried also using a computer property for editedItem, but without success
Can suggest if it is possible and the right path?
You can use editedItem[], which is a standard way to access dynamic property in js.

How detect modified repeater item in Laravel?

I'm using this jquery plugin in my Laravel website and this is a repeater field plugin. I'm wondering how can I detect a edited or removed repeater item field in my edit post page so I can update or destroy that specific item in the database?! I'm asking this because names get reindexed dynamically by plugin if an item is removed.
I solved my problem by adding a hidden input with the value of item id for each repeater items.

how can i get inbuilt value during Add process of jqgrid?

I am using jqGrid and when I want to enter new values,I click on Add(+) button which is at bottom of grid.I have 7 filed and out of them 1 is dropdown list so,
whenever I want to add new record I want that dropdown field to be filled automatically. How do I achieve that ?
I'm not sure what you exactly mean. Du you use inline editing (inlineNav) or form editing (navGrid)? Which version of jqGrid you use and from which fork of jqGrid (free jqGrid, which I develop, commercial Guriddo jqGrid JS or an old jqGrid in version <=4.7). You wrote about "dropdown field to be filled automatically", but the information can be interpreted in different ways. I try to guess.
I suppose that you should include defaultValue in editoptions to fill (or to choose in the dropdown) the default value in the filed new filed. It will work in case of usage form editing. It could work in some cases of usage inline editing (inlineNav) too, but one should know more details about your implementation.

Jqgrid - How to create a custom add-button that you can supply of parameters

When you create a jqgrid there is a default button on the bottom of the grid that allows you to create new records.
However, when you open the modal, all input fields are empty.
In my situation I need this button, but I also need the exact same thing but with the possibilty of adding a few parameters so some of the fields are already filled in. The parameters would come from the selected row at that moment.
Like when I click a row where the date is set to 01/01/2099 i need the add-modal to open with the date already set to that date.
You can use beforeShowForm or afterShowForm to make any changes in the Add Form during opening. For example you can read the values from currently selected row and fill some fields of the form with new values. To be open Add form on click or double-click on the row you need just call editGridRow inside of onSelectRow/ondblClickRow callback.

how to ignore subject field or define a default value for it,in a Microsoft dynamic crm Activity form

I create a new Activity in Microsoft dynamic CRM for sending SMS. but i dont need the "Subject" field in Activity Form and want to ignore it.
I tried to hide the subject field but is require field.
first i deselect the visible by default option in field property. after publish the customization i open the form and subject field has been hide. but when i pressed the Save button, activity form alert me You must provide a value for Subject. and show subject field.
how can i ignore Subject or define a default value for it?
You just need to change the requirement level.
On the form designer double click on the field. This will show you the Field Properties where the Visible by default checkbox is.
Click on the Details tab and then click the Edit button.
Here you can set the Requirement Level from Business Required to No Constraint.
Now you can hide the field from your form.
Save and Publish your customizations.
Your other option is using JavaScript.
On Load of the form you could use the following:
// Change the required level
On Save you could use the following:
// Set a default value
Xrm.Page.getAttribute("subject").setValue("This is your default value");
