I just read that Memgraph has released something called Orb. I don't quite understand does this mean that I should update my existing GSS code or is everything the same for me?
Do I need to update Memgraph Platform or download a new version of Memgraph Lab? I'm running Memgraph 2.3.1 and Memgraph Lab 2.2.1?
Orb is a graph visualization library that was created for Lab v2.0.0. The visualization engine is open-source now.
There are no changes to GSS so everything stays the same, no changes are needed. In the referenced article you can read about how GSS works with Orb on the architecture level.
For future updates of GSS, you can always check GSS Reference guide.
For a rest service written in DENO - i.e Nodejs replacement, I need to query oracle database.
How can I do that? Any examples?
Note: I do see postgres libs, but that's not my current need.
Note2: If currently no solution, just make the question more visible so the 'gods' know that there is a popular-demand.
Deno is pretty young, I doubt that we already an Oracle driver implemented in Deno (But I might be wrong). If you want to build a production-ready application I suggest you to stick with Node.js until Deno has all the libraries and driver that you require.
You can see all the third-party libraries available for Deno here. There is limited database support. Check out this library for MySQL, SQLite and PostgreSQL. Not sure there's any for Oracle.
I'm wondering if anyone has ever tried to use Couchbase Lite (not Couchbase Server) in a Golang application. In other words building it into a Golang binary?
I came across this library Couchbase Lite Core and through a quick read, it looks like the underlying library for Couchbase Lite (I stand corrected)? What I couldn't find though was how to use it.
Has anyone tried to make this work with something like cgo perhaps? I'm looking to build it statically into the application so it doesn't have dependencies when distributed.
Lite Core is the underlying implementation of the upcoming 2.0 version of Couchbase Lite. It's still under development. The intention is to have a common core, with platform and language specific bindings on top.
There is currently no Go implementation I'm aware of. cgo does look like an option. Given the goal of Lite Core being the underlying implementation for all platforms, this seems on its face like a reasonable approach.
If you're interested, there's a GitHub account for community projects at https://github.com/couchbaselabs. If you work on this, it would be great to have it included there.
To see an example of platform integration, take a look at https://github.com/couchbase/couchbase-lite-ios/tree/feature/2.0
I haven't tried embedding Couchbase Lite, but my team and I make extensive use of embedded datastores like BoltDB Assuming you aren't using Couchbase's replication features heavily, BoltDB may meet your requirements.
We are currently in the process of upgrading the MongoDb c# driver. There used to be "GrdFS" functionality to save large BSON document into chunks. Looks like the 2.0 doesn't have that feature.
We would like to know whether it is still in the scope or when can we expect this feature to be out there?
Much appreciate your response regarding the same.
You can track the feature here: https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/CSHARP-1191.
It is largely implemented, but we are waiting for the specification to be finalized. It will ship with the 2.1 version of the driver.
I am trying to find a ruby based mongo driver to use in my project. It has to support replicasets and eventmachine. I'm aware of em-mongo, but it does not support replicasets. It looks like there is not a good option at the moment, but I wanted to see if anyone was aware of one before I explore mongo alternatives...
I'm a maintainer for the 10gen Ruby driver. Hang tight, we'll have support for this in the near future.
I don't believe there is anything out there (from 10gen or otherwise) that does this currently but we're actively working on a version of our driver that supports asynchronous reads and writes.
All of the official 10gen drivers are aiming to support this by mid to end of the year and the ruby driver team is already working on it. Hopefully we'll have something for you much earlier than that (likely in our 2.0 release).
You can try my fork of em-mongo with Replica Set support.
Also I am working on gem Monga which should support some modern features of MongoDB. But it is totally not production ready right now.
I'm very interested in Hypertable DB, and im currently developing a crawler and indexer in Go-lang, unfortunately there's no binding available for the languange. I'm having a difficulties in compiling swig and hypertable c++ client (too many errors) and thrift don't have a working support for go-lang, is there a way to connect directly to hypertable's thriftbroker by straightforward coding from go? or any suggestion to access hypertable from go?
There may not be Thrift support in Go, but it appears there will soon be Go support in Thrift:
It appears that the code from this standalone project has been checked into the trunk of Thrift, and will appear in some future release (maybe version 0.7). One of those two (the development version of Thrift or the standalone project should get you started).