Where does `~/Library/Application\ Support/go/env` come from? - go

I want to run a program on my Macbook.
First I run it with go run main.go. It is compiled successfully but indicates permission denied when running.
So I switch to sudo go run main.go. but it fails in the compiling stage, showing compile: version "go1.17.8" does not match go tool version "go1.18".
then after some tries, I find this file named ~/Library/Application\ Support/go/env which sets the configuration GOROOT=~/sdk/go1.17.8.
I cannot figure out what leads to these.


Should I run server with go run . or ./main and what is the difference?

I have a go server which I normally run like this:
go build . && ./main
But online I see many examples using go run . which is better to use and what is the difference?
From official documentation (go1.11):
go run - compiles and runs the named main Go package.
go build - compiles the packages named by the import paths,
along with their dependencies, but it does not install the results.
go install - compiles and installs the packages named by the import paths.
It means:
Usually for LOCAL environment it's ok to use go run,
but for PROD environment it's better to build your app with go build and run ./main,
but in case you need Go toolchain you must use go install because it installs packages and dependencies and run ./bin/main (it may make sense in dev/stage environment).

Issues installing a go program

Im new to go and I have been unable to find any thing online for my issue.
I have downloaded this code https://github.com/hashicorp/http-echo and I would like to set it up so I can run this command.
$ http-echo -listen=:8080 -text="hello world"
I have been getting quite a few different path issues.
Currently I have the code sitting in this directory.
When I try and install it I get this error
$ go install http-echo
can't load package: /usr/local/go/src/http-echo/handlers.go:9:2: non-standard import "github.com/hashicorp/http-echo/version" in standard package "http-echo"
Where should I keep go projects on an OSX computer, and how do I get this to install or compile?
The code currently seems to be in /usr/local/go/src/http-echo. Packages should always reside in the directory $GOPATH/src/package-name, e.g.: $GOPATH/src/github.com/hashicorp/http-echo. (unless you're using go modules).
It should work if you move the source to the correct path (/Users/jon/go/src/github.com/hashicorp/http-echo). Then execute:
go install github.com/hashicorp/http-echo
Even easier would be to use go get to download the package in the first place. Simply run the following command from any directory:
go get github.com/hashicorp/http-echo
And http-echo is automagically installed.
If you still get an error after this, make sure $GOPATH/bin is in your $PATH.

How to build some packet in tensorflow with debug mode\

I encountered the problem that I wanted to have a debug, then I wanted to build a debug version of tensorflow, using the following command:
bazel build --compilation_mode=dbg -s //tensorflow/tools/pip_package:build_pip_package
but it will trigger the longtime link in protobuf for almost oneday, and still not finished.
and my intension is to build some other package which is used by tensorflow with debug mode, could I configure the bazel build file to get some debug package separately?
To understand the issue better, try running the neverending action manually:
start the debug build, wait for it to get stuck in the protobuf linking action
interrupt the build (Ctrl+C)
run the build again with the -s flag, so Bazel shows the command line it executes (you could've ran step 1. with the -s flag, but then there's a lot more output and it's harder to find the right information)
interrupt the build again
cd into the directory shown in the by command and set environment variables
try running the command that failed (you may need to change the output paths because they are sometimes not user-writable) and see if it still never finishes
What you just did is running the same command Bazel was running and getting stuck on. If the command is stuck in this manual mode too, then the error might be with the linker (I doubt this is the case though). But if it succeeds, then the problem is with Bazel.

Standalone install for file like go run myfile.go

I have a go project that consists of separate files (each having a main function) inside the project folder. Initially it was meant to be run as go run file1.go. But now I need a build for it like regular projects. Creating separate project for each file feels dumb.
The go run compiles input file into a temporary executable and executes it. What is the compilation step that go run does. I need to install different files as separate executables (with a name given by me). Can anyone give the steps on how to do this.
As shown in the comments, you can use
go install ./...
If your working directory is not where all your packages are currently located, use
go install path/to/your/packages/...
The important thing are the three dots "...", indicating you want to build and install all packages from sub-directories as well.
This will create executables of all your packages in $GOPATH/bin/ .

Go: How does go run file.go work

The commands go build and go install compile the files into binaries. Does go run compile or interpret the file? I couldn't find explanations online and may have missed it. Appreciate pointers. Thanks!
It's more or less the equivalent of running go build X.go -o /tmp/random-tmp-folder/exe && /tmp/random-tmp-folder/exe
The go run command compiles and runs a main package comprised of the .go files specified on the command line. The command is compiled to a temporary folder.
The go build and go install examine the files in the directory to determine which .go files are included in the main package.
Command go run performs project's building under the hood (so yes it builds project)
and with flag --work (go run --work main.go) you can see the location of temporary build files.
Also in official documentation (go1.11) you can find:
go run - compiles and runs the named main Go package.
go build - compiles the packages named by the import paths,
along with their dependencies, but it does not install the results.
go install - compiles and installs the packages named by the import paths.
Unlike in java, where the bytcode is created and interpreted at the execution time, go creates an executable file that is dependent on the machine being used,like in c, c++.
