Issues installing a go program - macos

Im new to go and I have been unable to find any thing online for my issue.
I have downloaded this code and I would like to set it up so I can run this command.
$ http-echo -listen=:8080 -text="hello world"
I have been getting quite a few different path issues.
Currently I have the code sitting in this directory.
When I try and install it I get this error
$ go install http-echo
can't load package: /usr/local/go/src/http-echo/handlers.go:9:2: non-standard import "" in standard package "http-echo"
Where should I keep go projects on an OSX computer, and how do I get this to install or compile?

The code currently seems to be in /usr/local/go/src/http-echo. Packages should always reside in the directory $GOPATH/src/package-name, e.g.: $GOPATH/src/ (unless you're using go modules).
It should work if you move the source to the correct path (/Users/jon/go/src/ Then execute:
go install
Even easier would be to use go get to download the package in the first place. Simply run the following command from any directory:
go get
And http-echo is automagically installed.
If you still get an error after this, make sure $GOPATH/bin is in your $PATH.


go install #latest found but does not contain package

I'm trying to install my package using go install but I get this error message when running the command go install
go install: module found (v1.0.0), but does not contain package
I want the executable name to be gcloc.
Here is the current source code:
Note: I've already tried go clean -modcache but it didn't work
As the main function of this package isn't on its root, you should pass the directory of the main package on your command.
So, your command will be:
go install -v
I came across a similar issue when I was trying to use go install to install the cloudflare/cf-terraforming tool on my machine. The documentation for this tool is not clear on the installation and I had to dig around to get this to work
Basically #Jictyvoo answer above sums it up, if the path is pointing to anything other than directory where the main.go file is sitting I got the error
Command: go install v0.8.0#latest
go: module found (v0.8.0), but does not
contain package
when I switched to the below it worked fine for me:
Command: go install -v
This worked for me after checking the repo and realising that the main.go file was sitting in the cmd/cf-terraforming subdirectory

Understanding go mod and cause of package is not in GOROOT

I'm trying to play around with the lightning network. I have cloned the repo, and on disk placed it here (I'm using windows):
I'd like to run any of the tests in itest, lets say testMultiHopPayments. The cli commands I'm using after I cd into the above location is:
go test itest -run testMultiHopPayments
However, I keep getting the error:
package itest is not in GOROOT (C:\Program Files\Go\src\itest)
I've read through the various posts on this error, but I'm still not quite sure why it happens, and it's likely because I don't fully understand the go module (I'm new to go). This article, was probably the best in helping me understand the structure and env variables:
My understanding from the various readings is that whatever directory the go.mod file is in, indicates the module level directory. Prior to version 1.13 there was a required directory and structure, but now that should not be an issue if you're using at least version 1.13 and modules. I'm using 1.17.1. This is somewhat of an assumption or inference, but I believe everything lower in the directory structure is part of a package to be installed as part of the module (and is defined by the package keyword). However, I don't understand why a package with source code within a subdirectory would be missing/throw the aforementioned error. I've also tried running:
go mod install
That doesn't seem to do anything/has not effect on the error. What am I not understanding about packages? Looking at the go.mod file I observe that itest is not specifically defined anywhere… Not sure if that's required. Also, I assume I've got to run some build process prior? I attempted this with:
go install -v ./...
If you're using VS Code and Go Modules, you need to "Open folder" and point to the cloned repo, to get around that error

Difficulty installing go buffalo using go mod on windows

I am very new to golang. I am trying to work with the gomod. Trying to explore the go buffalo framework. But finding a bit of difficulty in installing that.
What I have done:
I saw that go get is nomore supported for buffalo and so switched to go modules.
Created a module by go mod init
Fetched go get -v (on the same directory where I have go.mod file)
Fetched go get -v (on the same directory where I have go.mod file)
go install
I was expecting a buffalo.exe inside %GOPATH%/bin so that I can add it to my path but didn't find one.
My question is what's wrong? Is the exe not installed or it's somewhere else because of go mod. Any help will be highly appreciated.
I am using windows 10. I am not willing to install package managers as scoop or choco to install buffalo. Thanks for your patience :)
Also tried setting set GO111MODULE=on but of no use.
My bad, I should have used go install instead of go install is a library; the corresponding binary is (aptly-named)
The go install command you ran should have warned you about that, but didn't because go install used to also be used to cache compiled libraries (it no longer does that in module mode).
I've filed to add a diagnostic.

After installing go and setting my path, I am still getting an error

After installing golang according to the instructions on the golang website, I set the path as it said to by using export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin and whenever I use the command $HOME/go it says bash: /home/ken/go: No such file or directory
I can verify go is installed and I even reset my computer to make sure the changes took place. Does anybody know what I can do to resolve this issue? Am I missing something?
As per the instructions on the Go installation page, you do need to manually create the go folder:
cd $HOME
mkdir go
cd go
Then create your first go program:
And run with go run hello-world.go. Should be good ;)

How to build Golang blog from github?

Im not very good with Go and I am having a lot of problems with understanding how common website features are made, so I thought it would be good to see a real example. I tried building but its not working.
My gopath is apparently C:/Users/me/go as it should be.
*Edit Except if I run cd $GOPATH/src, it says C:\src doesnt exist, it looks in C: not C:/Users
Method 1. (running go get -u
I open Powershell and run that in my Users/me/go/src directory and it says:
can't load package: package no Go files in
But it does download the source files. So its basically this step?
'u can manually git clone the repository to $GOPATH/src/'
Then I dont know where to run go build or what to run. I tried
go build -o blog.exe ./blog
and it says
can't load package: package blog: cannot find package "blog" in any of:
C:\Go\src\blog (from $GOROOT)
C:\Users\me\go\src\blog (from $GOPATH)
I tried running the same command in different directories of the project and doesnt work.
I'll try to answer your questions. (Note that I am a Linux user, so there may be some discrepancies with the Windows commands below. You may want to follow these directions: to setup the GOROOT environment variable.)
For method 1, the -u flag tells go to update the source code. Since you haven't downloaded it before, it lets you know with the error you see. What you want to run is go get
To build the package, you first want to change the directory (cd) to the package root, so cd %GOPATH%\src\\x\blog or cd C:\Users\me\go\src\\x\blog. Next, you want to run go build. Then, you can run the output file, which should automatically be named blog.exe.
Hopefully this helps! :)
