I am trying to display values of field "Contract Value" in millions as some stored values is 9 digit figures. For the convenience of users, I want display to these in million. This is very simple and common requirement for any application related to financial work. Please suggest easy solution for this.
I think you should do follwoing:
create custom field formatter example:
and then you can write you own code
Write number conversion in above field formatter. example: How to show prices as million and thousands format?
Choose this field formatter in view.
For my current project, I'm making a sheet that lets me keep track of my D&D characters. I use data validation to remind me what all the options are for various stats, with the information being kept in a separate "RefTables" sheet. Creating a data validation for selecting a character class is very easy, since there are only 14 classes total. What I'm having trouble with is the 'subclass' column. After you choose the character class, you get to choose your specialization, or 'subclass'. This differs depending on the character class you chose.
Right now I can do the proper data validation for each cell individually. In my ref tables sheet, I have a section where it will grab the character class value and put all the 'subclass' options into a row. I can then use data validation in that specific cell to grab the subclass row. This works, but is tedious to do for every single cell.
The formula I would love to put in the range section is
which appends the row number with the appropriate columns so each row automatically gets its own subclass row (EX: RefTables!Q3:AJ3, RefTables!Q21:AJ21, etc.). I've seen solutions for Excel, but I'm using Google Sheets so I can share this document more easily with friends.
tldr; How to use data validation in Google Sheets that is slightly different for each row
unfortunately, this is possible to achieve only the manual way setting it up for every single cell/row. Google Sheets' Data validation does not support injecting CSVs via formula.
I am trying to create an appropriate Format table property of a specific MS Access table in order to achieve the display style described below. For example purposes, let the table name be example and the field that I am trying to format be dollars
When example!dollars.Value is 567.98, I wish to display $0.567K. I also wish to display 1,000.42 as $1.000K.
In another table storing larger values, I use the Format property string $#,##0,\K; ($#,##0,"K)"[Red];"| < $1K |"; --, which successfully displays the amount in K dollars; however, any values less than $1K cannot be displayed. This is not acceptable due to the scale of the values in the example table.
The most intuitive solution is to use the string $0,000\K and specify the thousands separator as . instead of ,. However, I do not know how to do this.
Any advice will be greatly appreciated!
This works for me:
Kamount = Format(Amount/1000, "$0.000K")
So divide by 1000, then format as needed.
Use the Format property string $0\.000\K
I am wondering if there is a way to limit the number of rows generated from grafana templating.
I can have a drop down variable "$x"on my grafana page and I can select the row editor and say repeat row for every value under $x.
Based on different criteria, I can have x anywhere between 1 and like 160 rows. I need to only be looking at about 10 at a time. I am wondering if I can control the number of rows shown/change the rows shown somewhere in grafana.
I can manually select items from the $x drop down to show only a few items of course, but its a matter of selecting only say.. 10 items right when the page loads.
Please let me know if I am not describing the problem correctly or if I need to clarify more.
As far as I know there is no direct option for this but there are some ways you may be able to achieve what you want.
You could select your ~10 default entries and then save the dashboard this will save the selected ones in the dashboards JSON. (or modify the JSON of the dashboard directly)
You could use the regex field in the template settings to filter some of your values and split them in groups this way. (one variable per regex group)
You could change your data in elasticsearch in order to use multiple fields where you can split on.
see PR #5616 as #Daniel Lee mentioned
In general I think you get a faster response to this in grafana directly at github.
Is it possible to show how many times one post has been read? In WordPress there is a plug-in,https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-postviews/
I don't know whether there is such a plug-in in Anypic of Parse to count the times?
Of course it will be nice if it can display who has read a post as well.
I'm not sure which language you working on.
But anyway you need to create:
Array column in Parse.com
And then just make query to add his name when viewWillAppear
Now you can count the array to get integer number for views and you can display their names from the array.
Two options are;
Add a viewcount column and increment it whenever needed.
Add an actions table which consist all actions within your webpage or app. This way you can store more data(custom analytics) in it like button pressing etc.. When you want to check the viewcount you can just count objects with specific type. For iOS SDK countObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock does this job.
I'am using JasperReport and ireport 4.0 , I want to know If their the possibility to create a table that can I fix lines and columns? Because the only the table that I have found allowed me just to fix columns !!
For the charts I have just an integer values but I dont know what the scale use float numbers!
what I mean that ireport allowed this format:
and I want the following format:
Thank you
Typically you have a varying number of rows, because the number of rows depend on the data from your database.
To have a known number of rows you either have to make sure that your data has the expected number of rows, or you design your detail section in a way that corresponds to your desired outcome. The height of the detail section is flexible, and you can put various text fields not only side by side, but also on top of each other.