Is there any way to cause a redirect using Apollo Server? - graphql

I'm moving all my non-graphql endpoints to GraphQL using Apollo.
One of these endpoints requires a server side redirect instead of returning data to the client.
Currently, I use express and do res.redirect but I cannot see a way to get access to the res object with Apollo. Is it possible to get it in the resolver context maybe?
Is there any chance I can do that using Apollo Server?

Here is one simple solution
First Step: Add Context while creating the apollo server object
Second Step Then access res object in your resolver context.res.redirect


How to include Marklogic rest-api in custom rewriter code in Xquery?

I'm new to url rewriting process in Marklogic and need help to resolve the below issue.
I have written Xquery implementation to redirect my API endpoints to the respective Xquery modules as /rewriter-ex/rewriter.xqy.
xquery version "1.0-ml";
let $url := xdmp:get-request-url()
return if(fn:matches($url,"/fetchRecord")) then
else if(fn:matches($url,"/saveRecord")) then
else (xdmp:set-response-code(404, "Not found"),"/no/such/resource")
And the url-rewriter path in the App server configuration is set to /rewriter-ex/rewriter.xqy and rewrite resolves globally parameter is set to true in App server.
I'm able to redirect my API urls to the respective endpoints.But I'm not able to use predefined ML Res-API endpoints like /v1/documents,it is showing 404 error as returned in the rewriter.xqy.
Is there a way I can implement rewriter to support both rest api endpoints as well as custom API endpoints?
If you'd like to create your own RESTful API on top of MarkLogic, with your own custom end-points. Please check out XQuery API for RESTful Services (XQRS).
function fetch-record($record-id as xs:string) {
function put-record($record-id as xs:string, $doc as document-node(element())) {
xdmp:document-insert($record-id, $doc)
Your RESTXQ Modules can sit on their own separate HTTP App Server (on their own port) and live side by side with another HTTP App Server which has the default MarkLogic REST API on it.
XQRS is totally compatible with the rest of MarkLogic's software, including Data Hub Framework, they can party together.
The REST API doesn't support customization or replacement of the default declarative rewriter configured during initialization of a REST API server. In addition, the REST API doesn't provide an XQuery API interface to the functionality of the REST API endpoints.
Instead, the recommended approach is to extend the REST API through one of the following alternatives:
Providing an endpoint module in the modules database and specifying the actual path of the module in the modules database on a request to the REST API server to invoke the endpoint without rewriting as in http://myhost:8010/the/directory/path/to/my/module.xqy
Such endpoints can be Data Service endpoints. See
Using the /v1/invoke endpoint to invoke a main module. See
Using a Resource Service Extension. See
Hoping that helps,
Thanks for your answers.I'm planning to use two app servers one for rest calls and other for API calls.These two app servers will point to the same DB.Please let me know if this is a right approach.

How to access Request Specific Data in Go?

I have an API written in go and I am using the gin-gonic framework to implement my endpoints. I am following clean architecture for my project which means that my entire application is divided into multiple layers namely - Controller, Service, Repository, And Session. The endpoints are secured by auth0 and the validation is carried out in a gin middleware. In the middleware I can extract the Subject from the JWT (Set in the header)
Now, here's my question. I want to use this subject value in my queries. I was wondering if I can store the Subject (sub) in the context and use it in other parts of my code WITHOUT PASSING CONTEXT AROUND. Is this possible? Or do I simply have to update all my functions and add a new parameter "Sub" to all downstream calls?
I am alluding to using a Global Variable of sorts to access Request Specific Data (SUB from the JWT token). I know it's a bad practice- I am just wondering if there is any other way to accomplish this other than passing around request specific data? Any help is appreciated.
It is really the whole point of the context - it exists to hold these kinds of things and to be passed around the chain. It's important because you want to keep it scoped to the request -- if you start using globals you could run into issues where you get contention because multiple requests are messing with the same data. Likewise if the token was invalidated between requests.
If your authentication middleware runs before your query (which it sounds like it does) then it should be simply a matter of having it put the subject in the context in a way you're happy with.

Is it possible to not have a password with OWIN web api 2?

I'm starting to mess with the new Web API 2 template that uses OWIN/OAUTH2.
I want to setup a database table that stores an API key as opposed to a username/password that's passed in when generating a token.
Is this possible with OWIN?
I ended up using a custom grant_type which allows me to pass in whatever params I wanted.

AJAX calls within MVC and Identity Server

I have been playing with Thinktecture IdentityServer3 and am keen to use it as the product looks great. However, I don't fully understand how to accomplish my flow which is probably fairly common:
Create Identity Server using Implicit flow
Setup an MVC web site
Setup a separate Web API
So far so good, as demonstrated in the examples on the site. I now wish to call the API using AJAX calls directly but for this i need an access token. It seems like a large overhead to have to route these through the MVC site itself (again, in the examples).
How can I accomplish this flow? Would it essentially blend the MVC and Javascript Client samples or is there a smoother way so the user only has to sign in once? Perhaps send the access token in a hidden field but then how would it renew?
Any help on understanding this would be great.
I've managed to come up with a solution which seems to work, not sure if it's best practice though...
Expose a method on the MVC site at AJAX/AccessToken
Method should be locked down with Authorize attribute to ensure the MVC part of the site is authenticating properly with IdentityServer
Method returns the users Access Token which was generated through the above call via MVC controllers
In JavaScript, simply use this endpoint to get an Access Token and then call the API manually
The call to get the Access Token should be secure as its within the same domain/authentication model as the MVC site itself
I've put up a sample here for anyone interested:
Check out the form post client to see the endpoints being called explicitly. You will need to hit the token endpoint to get your access token.
You should be able to use these endpoints in your AJAX calls, store the received claims and tokens in a cookie and take it from there.
Note that to renew the access token, you will also need to store the refresh token. The Implicit flow does not allow for refresh tokens (you'll need to use the Authorization Code Flow or the Hybrid Flow).

ASP.NET MVC request forwarder

I would like to achieve this kind of functionality:
When a client makes GET request to
to get response from
Application logic will append all nessesary parameters so the final url will look like:
with post data
with POST data
This way I want to create a layer of apstraction and allow my clients to invoke my rest service using the same structure of provider rest url.
What will be a recommended approach?
Maybe You could use Facebook C# SDK (which is basically a wrapper for Facebook Graph API) to fetch json data from Facebook and return it to Your users.
