Updating ElasticSearch for Gitlab? - ruby

We are running an omnibus version of Gitlab, and need to update to 15.X. However, the instructions state that ElasticSearch must be updated, and that ES is installed separately from GL. From what I am seeing that isn't the case. We did not install ES, instead it appears to have installed with Gitlab as a Ruby gem. Do we still need to update ES manually before the upgrade to GL? Or will it update as a dependency? Any advice here is helpful, we are currently going in circles trying to figure out what needs to happen.

This is only relevant if you have configured the Elasticsearch integration to enable advanced search with Elasticsearch for your GitLab instance. So first check your settings in the admin panel to see if the integration is configured.
If you are not using the integration, then you don't need to worry about updating it and can skip this step for your GitLab upgrade. The ruby elasticsearch gem is just the client library and will be present in any case, so that seems like a red herring for you here.
If you do have the integration configured and are using advanced search, then you must update your ES cluster to 7.x for GitLab 15.0 -- Elasticsearch is NOT bundled with GitLab omnibus or source installations; you must install it (and upgrade it) yourself. From the docs:
Elasticsearch is not included in the Omnibus packages or when you install from source. You must install it separately and ensure you select your version.


How do we install Apache BigTop with Ambari?

I am trying to find out how to deploy a hadoop cluster using ambari by using apache big top
According to the latest release bigtop 1.5:
my understanding is that Bigtop Mpack was added as a new feature, that enables users to
deploy Bigtop components via Apache Ambari.
I am able to install the Bigtop components via command line, but do not find any documentation on how to install these bigtop hadoop components via ambari.
Can someone please help redirect me into some documentation that tells me how to install various hadoop components(bigtop packages) via ambari?
I'm from Bigtop community. Though I don't have a comprehensive answer. The Bigtop user mailing list had a discussion recently that has several tech details can answer your question:
OTOH, you are always welcome to join the mailing list and ask questions. Our community is active and happy to answer questions.
Build a repo of Big Top
To install that repo with Ambari, you have to register the stack/version. You will need to create a version file. I found an example of one here.
Complete installation like you would with a normal build
This is highly theoretical (..haven't done this before..) I have worked with a BIGTOP Mpack before that took care of some of this work but it's not production ready yet, and works with an old version of Ambari, not the newest. (I was able to install/stop/start HDFS/Hive). These instruction above should work with any version of Ambari.
I have been able to test Matt Andruff's theory with a VM. Here was my process and where I stopped;
Built a repo of Apache BigTop 1.5.0
Built BigTop using Gradlew
Installed Apache Ambari 2.6.1 on my system
Enabled BigInsights build version xml file and modified the package version numbers to match my Bigtop build
Note: You can also build your own version file if you want as Matt mentioned
Setup a webserver to host your package repo
Point your xml version file repo to your local webserver for packages
From there you can complete the installation of your packages as you would normally.
I have only done this with a single VM thus far and will be trying to spin up a small cluster using AWS in the coming weeks.

Upgrade Omnibus GitLab with additional bundled libraries

We’ve inherited a GitLab instance of 8.15.5 and we’d like to upgrade. I think the initial install was with an Omnibus Package install although I’m not 100% sure. I’m just noticing now that there’s a gitlab-manifest file in /op/gitlab describing all the different bundled libraries that are in this GitLab instance. There may be additional libraries and possible internal tools installed in addition to the out-of-the-box GitLab v8.15.5.
Question is, if I want to upgrade, what would I need to do if I want to upgrade to, say, version 8.17.x ? Do I maybe test, and install v8.15.5 on a test machine to find out what libraries are there (in the gitlab-manifest) which come out of the box in the Omnibus 8.15.5 GitLab package and then check the differences between the two instances - the one in production and the one on my test machine. And then would I just install the missing libraries before upgrading ?

Download offline ElasticSearch documentation for older versions

How can I download the user docs/documentation/manual for older ElasticSearch for offline usage?
Recently, the online documentation for older versions of ElasticSearch (for example, ElasticSearch 1.3.2) started to show this message:
WARNING: Version 1.3 of Elasticsearch has passed its EOL date.
This documentation is no longer being maintained and may be removed. If you are running this version, we strongly advise you to upgrade. For the latest information, see the current release documentation.
What worries me most is the may be removed part. Right now, we don't have the resources to upgrade our software to support the latest ElasticSearch version, so we will need to keep working with the older versions for a while. How I will be able to give maintenance to our software if the Elastic company decides to remove the documentation for older versions of ElasticSearch? There is any way to download it from https://www.elastic.co/ or build it from some repository?
Thank you very much for your help!
You can clone the official elasticsearch repository to a local machine, change to branch to the version you want, in your cause branch 1.3, then you will have the documentation in the directory docs.
The documentation is in the .asciidoc format, you can try build it following the official instructions, or using other asciidoc to pdf/html converters.

Update build podTemplate for Jenkins X

If I modify the pod template in UI as suggested in adding-your-own-pod-templates my changes get lost on the node restart (we are running on GKE with preemptive nodes)
Is there another reccomendation how to do that? I tried to update .jx/cloud-environments/env-jx-infra/myvalues.yaml and run jx upgrade platform but that does not seem to work yet. Any chance it will work from jx install?
I am kind of hesistating to re-create my environment. As a last resort I will modify the jenkins-x-pod-templates configmap, which will likely help till the next jx upgrade
we recently fixed jx upgrade platform so that it can work properly with myvalues.yaml files as described here.
there's some docs on how to do this with helm here: https://jenkins-x.io/getting-started/create-custom-builder/

Elastic Search : How to have 2 parallel version of ES and configure it to use newer version

I have installed and configured "1.7.2" version of elastic search. Now 2.0 version is released.
For time being, I want to have both directories (1.7.2 and 2.0) and want ES to use 2.0 version.
When I start ES, and access app, UI still shows 1.7.2 version. Basically auto discovery for newer version directory is not happening.
Can you please let me know how can I have ES point to 2.0 version directory. (I know 1 solution of running command and providing .yml path in parameter. Any other better solution)
/elasticsearch -fD es.config=/usr/local/es/elasticsearch/2.0/config/elasticsearch.yml
