Upgrade Omnibus GitLab with additional bundled libraries - gitlab-omnibus

We’ve inherited a GitLab instance of 8.15.5 and we’d like to upgrade. I think the initial install was with an Omnibus Package install although I’m not 100% sure. I’m just noticing now that there’s a gitlab-manifest file in /op/gitlab describing all the different bundled libraries that are in this GitLab instance. There may be additional libraries and possible internal tools installed in addition to the out-of-the-box GitLab v8.15.5.
Question is, if I want to upgrade, what would I need to do if I want to upgrade to, say, version 8.17.x ? Do I maybe test, and install v8.15.5 on a test machine to find out what libraries are there (in the gitlab-manifest) which come out of the box in the Omnibus 8.15.5 GitLab package and then check the differences between the two instances - the one in production and the one on my test machine. And then would I just install the missing libraries before upgrading ?


Automate updating outdated dependencies in CI/CD using `yarn outdated`

My team is developing a React component library which relies on MaterialUI components. The customer of our employer wants to automatically signal and/or upgrade outdated dependencies (specifically when the dependency on MaterialUI becomes outdated at least). We are using yarn as dependency manager.
I found yarn lists all the outdated dependencies (or a specific dependency if specified) through the yarn outdated command. One can then upgrade said dependencies using the yarn upgrade command to which the dependency to be updated is supplied as parameter. To do this using a single command, running yarn upgrade-interactive lists outdated dependencies which the user can then select to be updated.
I am wondering if there is/are way(s) to automate this process. I tried piping the results of yarn outdated to yarn update as well as yarn version, but yarn upgrade seems to ignore whatever input it receives and updates every package regardless and yarn version throws errors saying the version are not proper semvers.
I realise yarn upgrade-interactive makes this process easy and quick for developers, however the project is intended to become open-source over time and the customer prefers a centralised solution rather than relying on every individual contributor to track this themselves. As far as I am aware, yarn upgrade-interactive cannot be automated as it requires user input in order to select the package(s) to be updated.
Other solutions I found, such as Dependabot or packages like 'yarn-outdated-notifier', seem to only work with GitHub. The project is currently running on Azure DevOps and, when it goes public, will run on GitLab.
Is there any way we could do this in our CI/CD environment or with any (free) solutions? The customer prefers to have as few dependencies as possible.

Ansible: install package with version constraint

When installing an rpm package with Ansible how do I specify a version constraint such as >= 3?
If for some reason the package is only available in a lower version the package install task should fail.
It wouldn't make much sense to do that. Indeed, at a given time, your distribution won't have multiple versions of a same package available in the repos. Maybe you can have duplicates but only if a package is available from multiple repos, each with a different version.
See for example this answer which explains that with more details.
You could have different packages, for example python34 and python36, but they are not different versions of the same package, they are different packages.
So in conclusion you can't really do that with ansible because at system level it does not make much sense.

Installing Drupal 8.x using composer BUT using a local mirror

I'm installing Drupal 8.x via composer downloading any dependencies from the Internet and all works fine.
In this way however there is no guarantee that the same versions of dependencies will be available every time I install. One server might have an updated version of a module than another Drupal server if I install in different time. I would like to prevent against this by using a local mirror.
Is it possible to provide a local mirror to composer and how?
Any example / reference / suggestions?
If you are worried about the versions, then the best way would be to define the exact versions you want in your composer.json if need. But apart from that, after you install your dependencies, you have a composer.lock file that has the exact versions in it. This file is committed to your version control and used as the base to install: this way you always get the same versions (until you update of course).
A separate problem might be that there is no internet, or the specific versions are not available for some reason. This shouldn't happen (often), but in that case you should pick this up before you 'release'.
The best practice would be to build (finding out if you have all packages available) and then release. You could even create a separate build server that creates your project including the vendor dir, and push from there. The fact that your vendor dir is not in your version control does not mean you have to get all dependencies on your production server each time
This means you have a local copy of your vendor, which is not a local mirror of composer per se, but close enough for comfort.

Managing multiple versions of internal (private) NuGet packages

Our development team has been fairly small and, until now, all working on a single Visual Studio 2012 solution. We are growing and wanting to create better separation with multiple solutions for different project teams.
However, there are occasions where the code in one solution will want to utilize code from another. We have decided using internal (i.e. private) NuGet packages will be a good way to manage these dependencies.
However, the question has come up on how to deal with multiple versions of the same package that are in different SDLC stages (e.g. Development, QA, Staging, Production, etc.)
Example: If we have these three solutions...
If working in CoolProject1, and we need to utilize code from CoreStuff, we can add the NuGet package. Presumably this package will be the latest Production (stable) version of CoreStuff.
However, what if a developer working on CoolProject2 is aware of some changes in CoreStuff that are currently in Development and wants to utilize that version?
Not sure if the best approach is to create separate packages for each (seems to require changing your package references back and forth depending on what stage the solution is in) or somehow utilize multiple versions of the same package (not sure if that's easy to manage with NuGet).
Anyone tackle something like this?
The first thing to remember is that NuGet will not automatically update your package references, so if you have already 'linked' your solution to the latest stable package of CoreStuff (say 1.2.2) then there won't be any problems if a newer (unstable) version is provided (assuming that the package you're using doesn't disappear from the package repository). Obviously if you upgrade your package reference then you will get the unstable package.
So the simplest solution is to make sure that you 'link' your project to the stable package by getting it via the NuGet package manager before the other package is released. While the UI only allows you to get the latest version, the Package Manager Console can get any version of a package so you could use that to explicitly provide the version number, e.g.:
Install-Package CoreStuff -Version 1.2.2 -Project CoolProject1
If that is not a solution then there are several other options to tackle this problem:
Give the development version a different semantic version that indicates it is a unstable version, e.g. 1.2.3-alpha. In this case CoolProject1 could pull in package CoreStuff.1.2.2 (which should be latest stable version in your repository) and CoolProject2 could pull in CoreStuff.1.2.3-alpha (which would be the latest unstable version).
Have multiple repositories, e.g. one for stable (released) packages and one for unstable (development) versions. Then you can select your packages from the desired repositories. If you wanted to you could make it so that only your release process can push packages up to the stable repository and your CI build pushes up to the unstable one (so that you always have the latest packages available)
If the developer of CoolProject2 just wants to develop against the latest version (but will wait to release CoolProject2 until after CoreStuff v.next has been released) then he could potentially create a local package repository (i.e. a directory on his drive) and put the new package of core stuff there. That way other developers won't even see the package.
The most important thing will be to make sure that you don't get CoreStuff.1.2.2 and CoreStuff.v-next in the same repository if CoreStuff.v-next simply has a higher version number, because in that case the NuGet UI won't let you pick v1.2.2 (but the Package Manager Console does!).
If you would want to switch from one package type to another you'd have to do a manual update (which you always have to do when changing to the next package version anyway), but that's not a bad thing given that this forces a developer to at least check that the update of the package doesn't break anything.

Can msbuild install applications on Windows, for example java JDK?

I am working to automate the install of some software.
It relies on some things like the Java JDK and well lots of things that have manual steps installing and copying things around.
I would like to be able to test if the various packages are installed and if not install or update them.
How likely is it that I can get MSBuild to do this sort of work? If unlikely then where can I look?
The answer is Yes. MSBuild can execute any command -- as long as that command does not expect user to be in front of the computer. I know you can do silent JDK install, so you can just execute that command in your MSBuild target.
However a more interesting question is: should you do this? I think that performing machine-wide configuration steps as part of the build is bad practice. For certain things, like deployment of your newly built product for CI cycle it is ok, but for the purpose of the build it will be very inflexible.
What I would recommend in case of JDK: since JDK is big and mostly backwards-compatible, in your build script check if correct version of JDK exists on the machine. If it does not, fail the build and print out instruction in the log how to configure machine. For smaller dependencies, see this SO question.
