Google classroom turn in and return API not working - google-classroom

I'm trying to turn in a student submission using refresh token from oauth. But receiving no response from google end point same for return API.


Is Google Contacts API still available?

I am using Google's People API to fetch contacts associated with my contacts in Google. However, as has been pointed out elsewhere, that API does not access "Other contacts" which are available at
I'm looking for an API that will allow me to access that data. I tried the Contacts API per the instructions at which says:
To retrieve all of a user's contacts, send an authorized GET request
to the following URL:{userEmail}/full
I tried this, replacing {useremail} with my own but only got an error. I am logged into my Google account.
Is the Contacts API still available?
I got it working by using some code to send an authorized request with api secret.

Google integration in web application

I want to integrate gmail and google calendar in my web application. I can login via google and make api calls to either gmail OR google calendar API, depending on the authorisation that I request from google.
I have not found a way to request authorisation for more than one APIs simultaneously. Is this even possible? Is it possible to receive one access token in order to use it for requests against more than one of Google's APIs?
As far as I know it can be done. If you try testing it in Google Oauth 2.0 Playground and select multiple API scopes.
"scope": ""
It should look like this:
Hope this helps. Stripe Integration - Obtaining credit card token

I'm currently building a mobile application using Ionic framework, with Parse as a back end. I'm now looking into creating a Stripe customer via Parse's Cloud Code for subscriptions, and i've found the brief documentation on Parse's site.
For obtaining the Credit Card Token, the docs refer to using the Stripe's REST API docs, but I would've assumed parse's Stripe integration would provide a method to perform this.
How can I obtain a token? Thank you.

Yammer REST API: 401 Unauthorized when using Azure AD token and Yammer Delegated Permissions

I am creating an Azure AD App that is using the new Yammer delegated permissions preview to post a message to Yammer using the access token that I obtained from Azure AD. Unfortunately, I get a 401 Unauthorized response when trying to call Yammer Rest APIs.
Here is the code sample:
var resourceId = "";
var endpointUrl = "";
AuthenticationHelper helper = new AuthenticationHelper();
helper.EnsureAuthenticationContext(AuthenticationHelper.AuthorityMultitenant, resourceId);
var token = helper.AuthenticationResult.AccessToken;
HttpClient hc = new HttpClient();
hc.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", token);
var result = await hc.GetAsync(new Uri(new Uri(""), endpointUrl));
Here I get the 401 Unauthorized, with a message "Authentication failure". I tried also with instead of, with no change. I know that the tokens are being retrieved correctly, as I tested them with other Office 365 REST APIs.
My assumption is that the token is in an unaccepted format, but it is supposed to accept Azure Tokens now that the Delegated Permissions were added. Am I using the wrong resource ID and endpoint?
Your code sample looks correct. Does your user have an active Yammer subscription?
From an answer on the Yammer IT Pro Networks group for Office 365 developers, this:
Yammer authorization in apps is still handled completely separate from
the rest of Office 365. You need to create a Yammer app in your
network, and the users still needs to click the consent dialog to
authorize it.
Yes, there is a delegated permission for Yammer API in Azure AD, but
unless I am mistaken this does not actually do anything.
This is not from a Yammer source, because they never offer any kind of developer support or up-to-date documentation, but it seems entirely likely that this is another "feature" that simply doesn't work at all.
I have found the resolution for the problem. It appeared to be that Yammer authentication can be configured in 2 ways - one way is to configure it to use the same authentication as other parts of Office 365, and another one is to is using a different configuration.
If Yammer's own SSO is used (in other words, Yammer has a separaate configuration for ADFS), then this problem happens.If you disable Yammer SSO for your network, all yammer authentication for “mapped” users will be handled by Office365. When that’s done, you can then use the Office 365 API.

Yammer API: How to get messages and access tokens for external networks?

Hi i'm working on yammer API, in ( for "resource_path" what we need to pass.
'resource_path' referrers to any API reference call such as;
