Yammer API: How to get messages and access tokens for external networks? - windows

Hi i'm working on yammer API, in (https://www.yammer.com/network_permalink/resource_path) for "resource_path" what we need to pass.

'resource_path' referrers to any API reference call such as;


Is Google Contacts API still available?

I am using Google's People API to fetch contacts associated with my contacts in Google. However, as has been pointed out elsewhere, that API does not access "Other contacts" which are available at https://contacts.google.com/other.
I'm looking for an API that will allow me to access that data. I tried the Contacts API per the instructions at https://developers.google.com/contacts/v3/ which says:
To retrieve all of a user's contacts, send an authorized GET request
to the following URL:
I tried this, replacing {useremail} with my own but only got an error. I am logged into my Google account.
Is the Contacts API still available?
I got it working by using some code to send an authorized request with api secret.

Google integration in web application

I want to integrate gmail and google calendar in my web application. I can login via google and make api calls to either gmail OR google calendar API, depending on the authorisation that I request from google.
I have not found a way to request authorisation for more than one APIs simultaneously. Is this even possible? Is it possible to receive one access token in order to use it for requests against more than one of Google's APIs?
As far as I know it can be done. If you try testing it in Google Oauth 2.0 Playground and select multiple API scopes.
"scope": "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar https://mail.google.com/ https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive"
It should look like this:
Hope this helps.

How to consume Dialogflow small talk APIs in a HTML5 app?

I have a chat bot that is deployed in SAP Cloud Platform which answers using an NLP.
I want to integrate Dialogflow small talk with it using APIs.
I have created a project in Dialogflow and able to use small talk. However, I need APIs to call this small talk in a HTML5 applicaiton.
Is it possible to use small talk using APIs or is it only available with Dialogflow and if APIs are available, How to consume them?
I have tried dialogflow.projects.getAgent in Google API Explorer which gives me response but in postman I am getting following error as I am unable to generate API Key:
Request had invalid authentication credentials. Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie or other valid authentication credential
Please help.
Looks like you have two questions:
How do you properly authenticate a Dialogflow v2 API request
there are two versions of Dialogflow's API: v1 and the v2 beta.
You might consider using the v1 API if you're having trouble using the v2 API as it uses much simpler client and developer access tokens. If you'd like to use v2 though, see Dialogflow's v2 authentication guide.
is there a way to get a Dialogflow agent's response via an API call
there is an API to query a Dialogflow agent and get a response back. In Dialogflow's v2 API its called detectIntent and for v1 its called query

Observer pattern for Yammer api

I am using Yammer api (Java script SDK) for integrating Yammer Platform into our app. The problem is "when I am submitting a post from my app, it's getting updated on Yammer Platform, but when I do post from Yammer Platform, my app is not getting updated". So I would like to know whether there is any observer pattern for Yammer api in Java script sdk.
No. In my app I'm issuing GET request for messages to refresh data on the client side.

Can the Google API request details about itself?

Facebook Applications can request details about themselves, which is helpful as we only need to grab the id and secret for an application and can load the rest from Facebook. Is it possible to do the same with googles API acces?
It doesn't seem possible to introspect with the Google API.
