Date format in source flat file (Source) - informatica-powercenter

We need a date format that works with this date:
6/25/2022 12:57:37.733 PM
The data source is a flat file, once the process is executed, the data is rejected by the date format.
Any ideas?


Recyclerview sort by current date

In the recyclerview, I have data in the format dd/MM/yyyy with a period titled date.I want this data to list only the dates that are less than the current date.I am using sqlite as database.
you should use ORDER BY in your sql request. And should format date in milliseconds before pass it into database. Then, when you called data in recycler view use SimpleDateFormat for formatting date into dd/mm/yyyy. For current date use Calendar.getInstance.getDateInMillis

Month Format in Unix

I am trying to create a shell script for auditing purpose. In my source data the value of month contains like yyyym(20217) format. I need to extract the records based on this month type.
is there any dateformat to print like this in Unix?

Apache nifi to append year, month and day timestamp to the merged output file

I am creating end to end flow to consume data into HDFS by using Consume Kafka for the Json files received through tealium event stream. Currently, I have used Consume Kafka -> Evaluate Json Path -> Jolttransform Json -> Merge Content -> Evaluate Json Path -> Update attribute -> PutHDFS
The requirement is to read Json Data for entire day spools into a single file referring to attribute postdate(covert epoch to YYYYMMDDSS timestamp before) and read data daily to merge into a single file and finally rename the file as per the Timestamp related to POST_DATE field to differentiate daily files. I have done all the part except renaming time stamp for the merged file as per the source attribute timestamp field. Could you please help me how to rename the file as per the attribute _year_month_day?
If you want to parse "year" and "month" from POST_DATE attribute, you can use format and toDate function.
For example:
-- year
format(toDate(${POST_DATE}, "YYYYMMDDSS"),"yyyy")
-- month
format(toDate(${POST_DATE}, "YYYYMMDDSS"),"MM")
format(toDate(${POST_DATE}, "YYYYMMDDSS"),"dd")
I'm not sure the meaning of Rename the file, if it means changing file name before put to HDFS, you can simply use UpdateAttribute processor then update attribute contains the output file name like ${year}_${month}_${day}.
#gogocatmario, thanks for the response.
Issue resolved post adding the following value for the filename property on update_attribute.
tealium_es_${post_date:toDate("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"):format("yyyy_MM_dd")}.json1

using date_format in fetch url variable in smarty

{$GLOBALS.settings.listing_last_updated_date} gets date from db in format
Aug 4, 2016
I need date output as |date_format:"%m.%d.%Y" ie. 08.04.2016
{fetch file="http://`$smarty.server.HTTP_HOST`/latest/?action=search&activation_date[not_less]=`$GLOBALS.settings.listing_last_updated_date|date_format:"%m.%d.%Y"`" assign='last_updated_date'}
Wherever I use {$last_updated_date} I should get fetched content from http://mysite/latest/?action=search&activation_date[not_less]=08.04.2016
The actual problem is using date format |date_format:"%m.%d.%Y" is not working in fetch variable.
It won't work that way, Try to generate the date in a separated variable and then add it to the url:
{fetch file="http://`$smarty.server.HTTP_HOST`/latest/?action=search&activation_date[not_less]="|cat:$last_update assign='last_updated_date'}

Proper date format

I have used date picker in my iPad App but the output of date is coming as
2011-03-07 06:07:03 +0000
Is there any way to format the time? The above time output is shown when i gave input time as 11:35 AM
Have a look at NSDateFormatter. There's also a date formatting guide.
