How to improve Ruby structure for Shopify Script Performance - ruby

I'm using a Ruby in Shopify Scripts Editor to manage as a security measure Gift With Purchase (GWP) promotions.
The script current is:
Checking if the Customer is logged in as a Professional or Unlogged
Checking if there is a minimum amount spent in the cart
Ensuring that only one "Gift" product is been added to the cart
Removing a "Gift" product if the checkout doesn't have a "Discount Code" or the minimum set in the GWP_SETTINGS = [] obj.
The problem is that it's generating too much Production Errors like "Your script exceeded the time limit." and "Your script exceeded the cpu limit."
The current usage is CPU: 5% | Memory: 8% and it's increasing dizzyingly every time we add a new GWP promotion array.
Is there a better way to structure this logic so it takes less memory to process the entire order + GWP validation?
Here is the "Line Items" structure:
cart = Input.cart
PRO_TAG = 'professional-tag'
has_pro_tag = cart.customer && cart.customer.tags.include?(PRO_TAG)
gwp_1 = {
"variant_id" => 98989898989898,
"discount_code" => "DISCOUNT_CODE_1",
"minimum_requirement" => 50 * 100),
"user_type" => "consumer"
gwp_2 = {
"variant_id" => 97979797979797,
"discount_code" => "DISCOUNT_CODE_1",
"minimum_requirement" => 50 * 100),
"user_type" => "consumer"
gwp_3 = {
"variant_id" => 96969696969696,
"discount_code" => "DISCOUNT_CODE_1",
"minimum_requirement" => 50 * 100),
"user_type" => "consumer"
def remove_GWP(cart, variant_id)
cart.line_items.each do |item|
next if != variant_id
index = cart.line_items.find_index(item)
def ensure_only_one_GWP_is_added(cart, variant_id)
cart.line_items.each do |item|
next if != variant_id
item.instance_variable_set(:#quantity, 1)
GWP_SETTINGS.each do |gwp_item_settings|
customer_has_discount = cart.discount_code && cart.discount_code.code == gwp_item_settings["discount_code"]
customer_has_minimum = cart.subtotal_price >= gwp_item_settings["minimum_requirement"]
gwp_is_for_professional = gwp_item_settings["user_type"] == "professional-tag"
if customer_has_discount && customer_has_minimum
ensure_only_one_GWP_is_added(cart, gwp_item_settings["variant_id"])
remove_GWP(cart, gwp_item_settings["variant_id"])
if gwp_is_for_professional && has_pro_tag
if customer_has_discount && customer_has_minimum
ensure_only_one_GWP_is_added(cart, gwp_item_settings["variant_id"])
remove_GWP(cart, gwp_item_settings["variant_id"])
Output.cart = cart

You only have 3 settings. But a customer (an order) could have 100+ line items. You know there is only ever 1 customer, 1 order and for you, 3 GWT settings to use.
Your business logic would be smarter if you looped through the line items only once. Then you have a "this is as fast as I can go, go to town" in terms of your algorithm. You cannot go faster than that.
With things like, "does this customer have an X or Y?", you do those once, not 3 times per line item!
As you check each line item, you can do your special logic for things that might AFFECT that line item.
Basically, this is basic algorithmics. You are doing the most work possible repetitively for no reason, and Shopify is puking because of it.


Technical Analyis (MACD) for crpto trading

I have writing a crypto trading bot for fun and profit.
So far, it connects to an exchange and gets streaming price data.
I am using this price to create a technical indicator (MACD).
Generally for MACD, it is recommended to use closing prices for 26, 12 and 9 days.
However, for my trading strategy, I plan to use data for 26, 12 and 9 minutes.
I am getting multiple (say 10) price ticks in a minute.
Do I simply average them and round the time to the next minute (so they all fall in the same minute bucket)? Or is there is better way to handle this.
Many Thanks!
This is how I handled it. Streaming data comes in < 1s period. Code checks for new low and high during streaming period and builds the candle. Probably ugly since I'm not a trained developer, but it works.
Adjust "...round('20s')" and "if dur > 15:" for whatever candle period you want.
def on_message(self, msg):
df = pd.json_normalize(msg, record_prefix=msg['type'])
df['date'] = df['time']
df['price'] = df['price'].astype(float)
df['low'] = df['low'].astype(float)
for i in range(0, len(self.df)):
if i == (len(self.df) - 1):
self.rounded_time = self.df['date'][i]
self.rounded_time = pd.to_datetime(self.rounded_time).round('20s')
self.lhigh = self.df['price'][i]
self.lhighcandle = self.candle['high'][i]
self.llow = self.df['price'][i]
self.lowcandle = self.candle['low'][i]
self.close = self.df['price'][i]
if self.lhigh > self.lhighcandle:
nhigh = self.lhigh
nhigh = self.lhighcandle
if self.llow < self.lowcandle:
nlow = self.llow
nlow = self.lowcandle
newdata = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({
'date': self.df['date'],
'tkr': tkr,
'open': self.df.price.iloc[0],
'high': nhigh,
'low': nlow,
'close': self.close,
'vol': self.df['last_size']})
self.candle = self.candle.append(newdata, ignore_index=True).fillna(0)
if ctime > self.rounded_time:
closeit = True
self.en = time.time()
if closeit:
dur = (self.en -
if dur > 15: = time.time()
out = self.candle[-1:]
out.to_sql(tkr, cnx, if_exists='append')
dat = ['tkr', 0, 0, 100000, 0, 0]
self.candle = pd.DataFrame([dat], columns=['tkr', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vol'])
As far as I know, most or all technical indicator formulas rely on same-sized bars to produce accurate and meaningful results. You'll have to do some data transformation. Here's an example of an aggregation technique that uses quantization to get all your bars into uniform sizes. It will convert small bar sizes to larger bar sizes; e.g. second to minute bars.
// C#, see link above for more info
.OrderBy(x => x.Date)
.GroupBy(x => x.Date.RoundDown(newPeriod))
.Select(x => new Quote
Date = x.Key,
Open = x.First().Open,
High = x.Max(t => t.High),
Low = x.Min(t => t.Low),
Close = x.Last().Close,
Volume = x.Sum(t => t.Volume)
See Stock.Indicators for .NET for indicators and related tools.

Shopify script — discount on Bulk Purchase for specific tags

I am trying to create a script for 25% off when 15 items tagged ‘outerwear’ are added to the cart.
The script loops through the cart for the quantity stored in items_quantities_total but this does not check that those 15 items in the cart all have the qualifying tag.
Input.cart.line_items.each_with_index do |line_item, index|
items_quantities = Input.cart&.line_items&.map { |item| item.quantity }
items_quantities_total = items_quantities.reduce(0, :+)
discountCollectionPriceBasis = line_item.line_price_was
if line_item.variant.compare_at_price
discountCollectionPriceBasis = line_item.variant.compare_at_price * line_item.quantity
discountCollectionPrice = discountCollectionPriceBasis * 0.75
if discountCollectionPrice < line_item.line_price
unless line_item.line_price_was < discountCollectionPrice
if line_item.variant.product.tags.include?('outerwear')
if items_quantities_total >= MIN_QTY_IN_CART_15
line_item.change_line_price(discountCollectionPrice, message: "Buy 15 outerwear items and get 25% Off!")
An example of the result is it currently works even if have 14 of a product not included in my 'outerwear' discount and only 1 of the intended discount item. It then applies 25% off that one item.
The problem is that you calculate items_quantities_total on all line_items, not only on the "outerwear" ones.
To fix it, you could adjust the line
items_quantities = Input.cart&.line_items&.map { |item| item.quantity }
to filter for "outerwear" tag.

Converge on Best Combination of Elements

You have $10,000 to invest in stocks. You are given a list of 200 stocks, and are told to select 8 of those stocks to buy, and also indicate how many of those stocks you want to buy. You cannot spend more than $2,500 on a single stock alone, and each stock has its own price ranging from $100 to $1000. You cannot buy a fraction of a stock, only whole numbers. Each stock also has a value attached to it indicating how profitable it is. This is an arbitrary number from 0-100 that serves as a simple rating system.
The end goal is to list the optimal selection of 8 stocks, and indicate the best quantity of each of those stocks to buy without going over the $2,500 limit for each stock.
• I'm not asking for investment advice, I chose stocks because it acts as a good metaphor for the actual problem I'm trying to solve.
• Seems like what I'm looking at is a more complex version of the 0/1 Knapsack problem:
• No, this isn't homework.
Here is lightly tested code for solving your problem exactly in time that is polynomial in the amount of money available, the number of stocks that you have, and the maximum amount of stock that you can buy.
#! /usr/bin/env python
from collections import namedtuple
Stock = namedtuple('Stock', ['id', 'price', 'profit'])
def optimize (stocks, money=10000, max_stocks=8, max_per_stock=2500):
Investment = namedtuple('investment', ['profit', 'stock', 'quantity', 'previous_investment'])
investment_transitions = []
last_investments = {money: Investment(0, None, None, None)}
for _ in range(max_stocks):
next_investments = {}
investment_transitions.append([last_investments, next_investments])
last_investments = next_investments
def prioritize(stock):
# This puts the best profit/price, as a ratio, first.
val = [-(stock.profit + 0.0)/stock.price, stock.price,]
return val
for stock in sorted(stocks, key=prioritize):
# We reverse transitions so we have not yet added the stock to the
# old investments when we add it to the new investments.
for transition in reversed(investment_transitions):
old_t = transition[0]
new_t = transition[1]
for avail, invest in old_t.iteritems():
for i in range(int(min(avail, max_per_stock)/stock.price)):
quantity = i+1
new_avail = avail - quantity*stock.price
new_profit = invest.profit + quantity*stock.profit
if new_avail not in new_t or new_t[new_avail].profit < new_profit:
new_t[new_avail] = Investment(new_profit, stock, quantity, invest)
best_investment = investment_transitions[0][0][money]
for transition in investment_transitions:
for invest in transition[1].values():
if best_investment.profit < invest.profit:
best_investment = invest
purchase = {}
while best_investment.stock is not None:
purchase[best_investment.stock] = best_investment.quantity
best_investment = best_investment.previous_investment
return purchase
optimize([Stock('A', 100, 10), Stock('B', 1040, 160)])
And here it is with the tiny optimization of deleting investments once we see that continuing to add stocks to it cannot improve. This will probably run orders of magnitude faster than the old code with your data.
#! /usr/bin/env python
from collections import namedtuple
Stock = namedtuple('Stock', ['id', 'price', 'profit'])
def optimize (stocks, money=10000, max_stocks=8, max_per_stock=2500):
Investment = namedtuple('investment', ['profit', 'stock', 'quantity', 'previous_investment'])
investment_transitions = []
last_investments = {money: Investment(0, None, None, None)}
for _ in range(max_stocks):
next_investments = {}
investment_transitions.append([last_investments, next_investments])
last_investments = next_investments
def prioritize(stock):
# This puts the best profit/price, as a ratio, first.
val = [-(stock.profit + 0.0)/stock.price, stock.price,]
return val
best_investment = investment_transitions[0][0][money]
for stock in sorted(stocks, key=prioritize):
profit_ratio = (stock.profit + 0.0) / stock.price
# We reverse transitions so we have not yet added the stock to the
# old investments when we add it to the new investments.
for transition in reversed(investment_transitions):
old_t = transition[0]
new_t = transition[1]
for avail, invest in old_t.items():
if avail * profit_ratio + invest.profit <= best_investment.profit:
# We cannot possibly improve with this or any other stock.
del old_t[avail]
for i in range(int(min(avail, max_per_stock)/stock.price)):
quantity = i+1
new_avail = avail - quantity*stock.price
new_profit = invest.profit + quantity*stock.profit
if new_avail not in new_t or new_t[new_avail].profit < new_profit:
new_invest = Investment(new_profit, stock, quantity, invest)
new_t[new_avail] = new_invest
if best_investment.profit < new_invest.profit:
best_investment = new_invest
purchase = {}
while best_investment.stock is not None:
purchase[best_investment.stock] = best_investment.quantity
best_investment = best_investment.previous_investment
return purchase

How to retrieve entire cost for a SoftLayer machine, including any extra costs such as bandwidth overages?

I've been retrieving monthly invoice cost information on our SoftLayer accounts for quite some time using the Ruby softlayer gem. However, there is a concern in the team that we may be missing certain costs, such as any overages on network utilization. I'd like to have some piece of mind that what I'm doing is correctly gathering all costs and we are not missing anything. Here is my code/query:
account ="SoftLayer_Account",:username => user, :api_key => api_key, :timeout => 999999999)
softlayer_client = => user, :api_key => api_key, :timeout => 999999999)
billing_invoice_service = softlayer_client.service_named("Billing_Invoice")
object_filter =
object_filter.set_criteria_for_key_path('invoices.createDate', 'operation' => 'betweenDate', 'options' => [{'name' => 'startDate', 'value' => ["#{startTime}"]}, {'name' => 'endDate', 'value' => ["#{endTime}"]}])
# Set startDate and endDate around the beginning of the month in search of the "Recurring" invoice that should appear on the 1st.
invoices = account.result_limit(0,10000).object_filter(object_filter).object_mask("mask[id,typeCode,itemCount,invoiceTotalAmount,closedDate,createDate]").getInvoices
invoices.each do | invoice |
if invoice["typeCode"] == "RECURRING"
invoice_reference = billing_invoice_service.object_with_id(invoice["id"])
invoice_object = invoice_reference.object_mask("mask[itemCount]").getObject
billing_items_count = invoice_object["itemCount"]
billing_machines_map =
all_billing_items =
# Search for billing items containing a hostName value.
# The corresponding billing item ID will become the key of a new hash.
# Child costs will be added to the existing costs.
billing_items_retrieval_operation = proc {
for i in 0..(billing_items_count/8000.0).ceil - 1
billing_items = invoice_reference.result_limit(i*8000, 8000).object_mask("mask[id,resourceTableId,billingItemId,parentId,categoryCode,hostName,domainName,hourlyRecurringFee,laborFee,oneTimeFee,recurringFee,recurringTaxAmount,setupFee,setupTaxAmount,location[name]]").getItems()
billing_items.each do | billing_item |
if billing_item["hostName"]
billing_machines_map[billing_item["id"]] = billing_item
# Look for items with parentIds or resourceTableIds.
# Both Ids represent a "parent" of the item.
# Give higher importance to parentId.
billing_items_retrieval_callback = proc {
cost_of_billing_items_without_parent ="0.00")
all_billing_items.each do | billing_item |
if billing_item["parentId"] != ""
parent_billing_machine = billing_machines_map[billing_item["parentId"]]
if parent_billing_machine parent_billing_machine["recurringFee"] = (["recurringFee"]) +["recurringFee"])).to_s('F')
parent_billing_machine["setupFee"] = (["setupFee"]) +["setupFee"])).to_s('F')
parent_billing_machine["laborFee"] = (["laborFee"]) +["laborFee"])).to_s('F')
parent_billing_machine["oneTimeFee"] = (["oneTimeFee"]) +["oneTimeFee"])).to_s('F')
elsif billing_item["resourceTableId"] != ""
parent_billing_machine = billing_machines_map[billing_item["resourceTableId"]]
if parent_billing_machine
parent_billing_machine["recurringFee"] = (["recurringFee"]) +["recurringFee"])).to_s('F')
parent_billing_machine["setupFee"] = (["setupFee"]) +["setupFee"])).to_s('F')
parent_billing_machine["laborFee"] = (["laborFee"]) +["laborFee"])).to_s('F')
parent_billing_machine["oneTimeFee"] = (["oneTimeFee"]) +["oneTimeFee"])).to_s('F')
cost_of_billing_items_without_parent = ( +["recurringFee"])).to_s('F')
cost_of_billing_items_without_parent = ( +["setupFee"])).to_s('F')
cost_of_billing_items_without_parent = ( +["laborFee"])).to_s('F')
cost_of_billing_items_without_parent = ( +["oneTimeFee"])).to_s('F')
pp "INVOICE: Total cost of devices for account without a parent is:"
pp cost_of_billing_items_without_parent
After the above I make calls to getVirtualGuests and getHardware to get some additional meta information for each machine (I tie them together based on Example:
billingItemId = billing_machine["billingItemId"]
account_service = softlayer_client.service_named("Account")
filter = {|f| f.accept("").when_it is(billingItemId)}
virtual_guests_array = account_service.object_filter(filter).object_mask("mask[id, hostname, datacenter[name], billingItem[orderItem[order[userRecord[username]]]], tagReferences[tagId, tag[name]], primaryIpAddress, primaryBackendIpAddress]").getVirtualGuests()
As you can see I don't make any calls to capture bandwith overage charges. I have printed out the various "category" values I get from the above query but I am not seeing anything specific to network utilization (it's possible there are no extra network utilization costs but I am not certain).
Thank you.
Any extra costs such as bandwidth overages will be included in the billing item from the server. So you don't need to make any other call to the api to get it.

How calculate the number prorated day with Stripe API?

i am using Stripe. I would like to know how can calculate number of day prorated
I want display something like that
1 additional seat ($9/month each - prorated for 26 days)
in the api i don't see any item prorate_day
subscription_proration_date what you are looking for? Then it will calculate it for you.
See more at
The example of pro-rated subscription in ruby is as follows
# Set your secret key: remember to change this to your live secret key in production
# See your keys here
Stripe.api_key = "sk_test_9OkpsFpKa1HDHaZa7e0BeGaO"
proration_date =
invoice = Stripe::Invoice.upcoming(:customer => "cus_3R1W8PG2DmsmM9", :subscription => "sub_3R3PlB2YlJe84a",
:subscription_plan => "premium_monthly", :subscription_proration_date => proration_date)
current_prorations = { |ii| ii.period.start == proration_date }
cost = 0
current_prorations.each do |p|
cost += p.amount
# Display the cost of these prorations invoice items to the end user,
# and actually do the update when they agree.
# To make sure that the proration is calculated the same as when it was previewed,
# you need to pass in the proration_date parameter
# later...
subscription = Stripe::Subscription.retrieve("sub_3R3PlB2YlJe84a")
subscription.plan = "premium_monthly"
subscription.proration_date = proration_date
