Technical Analyis (MACD) for crpto trading - algorithmic-trading

I have writing a crypto trading bot for fun and profit.
So far, it connects to an exchange and gets streaming price data.
I am using this price to create a technical indicator (MACD).
Generally for MACD, it is recommended to use closing prices for 26, 12 and 9 days.
However, for my trading strategy, I plan to use data for 26, 12 and 9 minutes.
I am getting multiple (say 10) price ticks in a minute.
Do I simply average them and round the time to the next minute (so they all fall in the same minute bucket)? Or is there is better way to handle this.
Many Thanks!

This is how I handled it. Streaming data comes in < 1s period. Code checks for new low and high during streaming period and builds the candle. Probably ugly since I'm not a trained developer, but it works.
Adjust "...round('20s')" and "if dur > 15:" for whatever candle period you want.
def on_message(self, msg):
df = pd.json_normalize(msg, record_prefix=msg['type'])
df['date'] = df['time']
df['price'] = df['price'].astype(float)
df['low'] = df['low'].astype(float)
for i in range(0, len(self.df)):
if i == (len(self.df) - 1):
self.rounded_time = self.df['date'][i]
self.rounded_time = pd.to_datetime(self.rounded_time).round('20s')
self.lhigh = self.df['price'][i]
self.lhighcandle = self.candle['high'][i]
self.llow = self.df['price'][i]
self.lowcandle = self.candle['low'][i]
self.close = self.df['price'][i]
if self.lhigh > self.lhighcandle:
nhigh = self.lhigh
nhigh = self.lhighcandle
if self.llow < self.lowcandle:
nlow = self.llow
nlow = self.lowcandle
newdata = pd.DataFrame.from_dict({
'date': self.df['date'],
'tkr': tkr,
'open': self.df.price.iloc[0],
'high': nhigh,
'low': nlow,
'close': self.close,
'vol': self.df['last_size']})
self.candle = self.candle.append(newdata, ignore_index=True).fillna(0)
if ctime > self.rounded_time:
closeit = True
self.en = time.time()
if closeit:
dur = (self.en -
if dur > 15: = time.time()
out = self.candle[-1:]
out.to_sql(tkr, cnx, if_exists='append')
dat = ['tkr', 0, 0, 100000, 0, 0]
self.candle = pd.DataFrame([dat], columns=['tkr', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'vol'])

As far as I know, most or all technical indicator formulas rely on same-sized bars to produce accurate and meaningful results. You'll have to do some data transformation. Here's an example of an aggregation technique that uses quantization to get all your bars into uniform sizes. It will convert small bar sizes to larger bar sizes; e.g. second to minute bars.
// C#, see link above for more info
.OrderBy(x => x.Date)
.GroupBy(x => x.Date.RoundDown(newPeriod))
.Select(x => new Quote
Date = x.Key,
Open = x.First().Open,
High = x.Max(t => t.High),
Low = x.Min(t => t.Low),
Close = x.Last().Close,
Volume = x.Sum(t => t.Volume)
See Stock.Indicators for .NET for indicators and related tools.


applyInPandas() aggregation runs slowly on big delta table

I'm trying to create a gold table notebook in Databricks, however it would take 9 days to fully reprocess the historical data (43GB, 35k parquet files). I tried scaling up the cluster but it doesn't go above 5000 records/second. The bottleneck seems to be the applyInPandas() function. I'm wondering if I could replace pandas with anything else to make the gold notebook execute faster.
Silver table has 60 columns (read_id, reader_id, tracker_timestamp, event_type, ebook_id, page_id, agent_ip, agent_device_type, ...). Each row of data represents read event of an ebook. E.g 'page turn', 'click on image', 'click on link',... All of the events that have occurred in the single session have the same In the gold table I'm trying to group those events in sessions and calculate the number of times each event has occurred in the single session. So instead of 100+ rows of data for a read session in silver table I would end up just with a single aggregated row in gold table.
Input is the silver delta table:
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
import pyspark.sql.types as T
import pandas as pd
from pyspark.sql.functions import pandas_udf
input = (spark
.option("withEventTimeOrder", "true")
.option("maxFilesPerTrigger", 100)
I use withWatermark and session_window functions to ensure I end up grouping all of the events from the single read session. (read session automatically ends 30 minutes after the last reader activity)
group = input.withWatermark("tracker_timestamp", "10 minutes").groupBy("read_id", F.session_window(input.tracker_timestamp, "30 minutes"))
In the next step I use the applyInPandas function like so:
sessions = group.applyInPandas(processing_function, schema=processing_function_output_schema)
Definition of the processing_function used in applyInPandas:
def processing_function(df):
surf_time_ms = df.query('event_type == "surf"')['duration'].sum()
immerse_time_ms = df.query('event_type == "immersion"')['duration'].sum()
min_timestamp = df['tracker_timestamp'].min()
max_timestamp = df['tracker_timestamp'].max()
shares = len(df.query('event_type == "share"'))
leads = len(df.query('event_type == "lead_store"'))
is_read = len(df.query('event_type == "surf"')) > 0
distinct_pages = df['page_id'].nunique()
data = {
"read_id": df['read_id'].values[0],
"surf_time_ms": surf_time_ms,
"immerse_time_ms": immerse_time_ms,
"min_timestamp": min_timestamp,
"max_timestamp": max_timestamp,
"shares": shares,
"leads": leads,
"is_read": is_read,
"number_of_events": len(df),
"distinct_pages": distinct_pages
for field in not_calculated_string_fields:
data[field] = df[field].values[0]
new_df = pd.DataFrame(data=data, index=['read_id'])
for x in all_events:
new_df[f"count_{x}"] = df.query(f"type == '{x}'").count()
for x in duration_events:
duration = df.query(f"event_type == '{x}'")['duration']
duration_sum = duration.sum()
new_df[f"duration_{x}_ms"] = duration_sum
if duration_sum > 0:
new_df[f"mean_duration_{x}_ms"] = duration.mean()
new_df[f"mean_duration_{x}_ms"] = 0
return new_df
And finally, I'm writing the calculated row to the gold table like so:
for_partitioning = (sessions
.withColumn("tenant", F.col("story_tenant"))
.withColumn("year", F.year(F.col("min_timestamp")))
.withColumn("month", F.month(F.col("min_timestamp"))))
checkpoint_path = "checkpoint-path"
gold_path = f"gold-bucket"
.partitionBy('year', 'month', 'tenant')
.option("mergeSchema", "true")
.option("checkpointLocation", checkpoint_path)
Can anybody think of a more efficient way to do a UDF in PySpark than applyInPandas for the above example? I simply cannot afford to wait 9 days to reprocess 43GB of data...
I've tried playing around with different input and output options (e.g. .option("maxFilesPerTrigger", 100)) but the real problem seems to be applyInPandas.
You could rewrite your processing_function into native Spark if you really wanted.
"read_id": df['read_id'].values[0]
"surf_time_ms": df.query('event_type == "surf"')['duration'].sum()
F.sum(F.when(F.col('event_type') == 'surf', F.col('duration'))).alias('surf_time_ms')
"immerse_time_ms": df.query('event_type == "immersion"')['duration'].sum()
F.sum(F.when(F.col('event_type') == 'immersion', F.col('duration'))).alias('immerse_time_ms')
"min_timestamp": df['tracker_timestamp'].min()
"max_timestamp": df['tracker_timestamp'].max()
"shares": len(df.query('event_type == "share"'))
F.count(F.when(F.col('event_type') == 'share', F.lit(1))).alias('shares')
"leads": len(df.query('event_type == "lead_store"'))
F.count(F.when(F.col('event_type') == 'lead_store', F.lit(1))).alias('leads')
"is_read": len(df.query('event_type == "surf"')) > 0
(F.count(F.when(F.col('event_type') == 'surf', F.lit(1))) > 0).alias('is_read')
"number_of_events": len(df)
"distinct_pages": df['page_id'].nunique()
for field in not_calculated_string_fields:
data[field] = df[field].values[0]
*[F.first(field).alias(field) for field in not_calculated_string_fields]
for x in all_events:
new_df[f"count_{x}"] = df.query(f"type == '{x}'").count()
The above can probably be skipped? As far as my tests go, new columns get NaN values, because .count() returns a Series object instead of one simple value.
for x in duration_events:
duration = df.query(f"event_type == '{x}'")['duration']
duration_sum = duration.sum()
new_df[f"duration_{x}_ms"] = duration_sum
if duration_sum > 0:
new_df[f"mean_duration_{x}_ms"] = duration.mean()
new_df[f"mean_duration_{x}_ms"] = 0
*[F.sum(F.when(F.col('event_type') == x, F.col('duration'))).alias(f"duration_{x}_ms") for x in duration_events]
*[F.mean(F.when(F.col('event_type') == x, F.col('duration'))).alias(f"mean_duration_{x}_ms") for x in duration_events]
So, instead of
def processing_function(df):
sessions = group.applyInPandas(processing_function, schema=processing_function_output_schema)
you could use efficient native Spark:
sessions = group.agg(
F.sum(F.when(F.col('event_type') == 'surf', F.col('duration'))).alias('surf_time_ms'),
F.sum(F.when(F.col('event_type') == 'immersion', F.col('duration'))).alias('immerse_time_ms'),
F.count(F.when(F.col('event_type') == 'share', F.lit(1))).alias('shares'),
F.count(F.when(F.col('event_type') == 'lead_store', F.lit(1))).alias('leads'),
(F.count(F.when(F.col('event_type') == 'surf', F.lit(1))) > 0).alias('is_read'),
*[F.first(field).alias(field) for field in not_calculated_string_fields],
# skipped count_{x}
*[F.sum(F.when(F.col('event_type') == x, F.col('duration'))).alias(f"duration_{x}_ms") for x in duration_events],
*[F.mean(F.when(F.col('event_type') == x, F.col('duration'))).alias(f"mean_duration_{x}_ms") for x in duration_events],

How do I get historical candlestick data or kline from Phemex Public API?

I need to be able to extract historical candlestick data (such as Open, Close, High, Low, and Volume) of a candlestick in differing intervals (1m, 3m, 5m, 1H, etc.) at a specified time (timestamps) from Phemex.
Other exchanges, such as Binance or FTX, seem to provide REST Websocket API for this, yet I can't seem to find one for Phemex. Mind helping me resolve this issue? Thank you so much.
Steps I have taken, yet found no resolution:
Went to
Went to
None of the items listed in 'Market Data API List' seem to do the task
This code will get the candels and save them to a csv file. Hope this helps:)
exchange = ccxt.phemex({
'options': { 'defaultType': 'swap' },
'enableRateLimit': True
# Load the markets
markets = exchange.load_markets()
curent_time = int(time.time()*1000)
one_min = 60000
def get_all_candels(symbol,start_time,stop_time):
counter = 0
candel_counter = 0
data_set = []
t = 0
while t < stop_time:
if data_set == []:
block = exchange.fetch_ohlcv(symbol,'1m',start_time)
for candle in block:
if candle == []:
last_time_in_block = block[-1][0]
counter += 1
candel_counter += len(block)
print(f'{counter} - {block[0]} - {candel_counter} - {last_time_in_block}')
if data_set != []:
t = last_time_in_block + one_min
block = exchange.fetch_ohlcv(symbol,'1m',t)
if block == []:
for candle in block:
if candle == []:
last_time_in_block = block[-1][0]
candel_counter += len(block)
counter += 1
print(f'{counter} - {block[0]} - {candel_counter} - {last_time_in_block}')
return data_set
data_set = get_all_candels('BTCUSD',1574726400000,curent_time)
with open('raw.csv', 'w', newline='') as csv_file:
column_names = ['time', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume']
csv_writer = csv.DictWriter(csv_file,fieldnames=column_names)
for candel in data_set:

Confused about the use of validation set here

For the of the px2graph project, the part of training and validation is shown as below:
splits = [s for s in ['train', 'valid'] if opt.iters[s] > 0]
start_round = opt.last_round - opt.num_rounds
# Main training loop
for round_idx in range(start_round, opt.last_round):
for split in splits:
print("Round %d: %s" % (round_idx, split))
loader.start_epoch(sess, split, train_flag, opt.iters[split] * opt.batchsize)
flag_val = split == 'train'
for step in tqdm(range(opt.iters[split]), ascii=True):
global_step = step + round_idx * opt.iters[split]
to_run = [sample_idx, summaries[split], loss, accuracy]
if split == 'train': to_run += [optim]
# Do image summaries at the end of each round
do_image_summary = step == opt.iters[split] - 1
if do_image_summary: to_run[1] = image_summaries[split]
# Start with lower learning rate to prevent early divergence
t = 1/(1+np.exp(-(global_step-5000)/1000))
lr_start = opt.learning_rate / 15
lr_end = opt.learning_rate
tmp_lr = (1-t) * lr_start + t * lr_end
# Run computation graph
result =, feed_dict={train_flag:flag_val, lr:tmp_lr})
out_loss = result[2]
out_accuracy = result[3]
if sum(out_loss) > 1e5:
print("Loss diverging...exiting before code freezes due to NaN values.")
print("If this continues you may need to try a lower learning rate, a")
print("different optimizer, or a larger batch size.")
time_str ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
print("{}: step {}, loss {:g}, acc {:g}".format(time_str, global_step, out_loss, out_accuracy))
# Log data
if split == 'valid' or (split == 'train' and step % 20 == 0) or do_image_summary:
writer.add_summary(result[1], global_step)
# Save training snapshot, 'exp/' + opt.exp_id + '/snapshot')
with open('exp/' + opt.exp_id + '/last_round', 'w') as f:
f.write('%d\n' % round_idx)
It seems that the author only get the result of each batch of the validation set. I am wondering, if I want to observe whether the model is improving or reaching the best performance, should I use the result on the whole validation set?
If the validation set is small enough, we could calculate the loss, accuracy on the whole validation set during training to observe the performance. However, if the validation set is too large, it is better to calculate batch-wise validation results and for multiple steps.

Converge on Best Combination of Elements

You have $10,000 to invest in stocks. You are given a list of 200 stocks, and are told to select 8 of those stocks to buy, and also indicate how many of those stocks you want to buy. You cannot spend more than $2,500 on a single stock alone, and each stock has its own price ranging from $100 to $1000. You cannot buy a fraction of a stock, only whole numbers. Each stock also has a value attached to it indicating how profitable it is. This is an arbitrary number from 0-100 that serves as a simple rating system.
The end goal is to list the optimal selection of 8 stocks, and indicate the best quantity of each of those stocks to buy without going over the $2,500 limit for each stock.
• I'm not asking for investment advice, I chose stocks because it acts as a good metaphor for the actual problem I'm trying to solve.
• Seems like what I'm looking at is a more complex version of the 0/1 Knapsack problem:
• No, this isn't homework.
Here is lightly tested code for solving your problem exactly in time that is polynomial in the amount of money available, the number of stocks that you have, and the maximum amount of stock that you can buy.
#! /usr/bin/env python
from collections import namedtuple
Stock = namedtuple('Stock', ['id', 'price', 'profit'])
def optimize (stocks, money=10000, max_stocks=8, max_per_stock=2500):
Investment = namedtuple('investment', ['profit', 'stock', 'quantity', 'previous_investment'])
investment_transitions = []
last_investments = {money: Investment(0, None, None, None)}
for _ in range(max_stocks):
next_investments = {}
investment_transitions.append([last_investments, next_investments])
last_investments = next_investments
def prioritize(stock):
# This puts the best profit/price, as a ratio, first.
val = [-(stock.profit + 0.0)/stock.price, stock.price,]
return val
for stock in sorted(stocks, key=prioritize):
# We reverse transitions so we have not yet added the stock to the
# old investments when we add it to the new investments.
for transition in reversed(investment_transitions):
old_t = transition[0]
new_t = transition[1]
for avail, invest in old_t.iteritems():
for i in range(int(min(avail, max_per_stock)/stock.price)):
quantity = i+1
new_avail = avail - quantity*stock.price
new_profit = invest.profit + quantity*stock.profit
if new_avail not in new_t or new_t[new_avail].profit < new_profit:
new_t[new_avail] = Investment(new_profit, stock, quantity, invest)
best_investment = investment_transitions[0][0][money]
for transition in investment_transitions:
for invest in transition[1].values():
if best_investment.profit < invest.profit:
best_investment = invest
purchase = {}
while best_investment.stock is not None:
purchase[best_investment.stock] = best_investment.quantity
best_investment = best_investment.previous_investment
return purchase
optimize([Stock('A', 100, 10), Stock('B', 1040, 160)])
And here it is with the tiny optimization of deleting investments once we see that continuing to add stocks to it cannot improve. This will probably run orders of magnitude faster than the old code with your data.
#! /usr/bin/env python
from collections import namedtuple
Stock = namedtuple('Stock', ['id', 'price', 'profit'])
def optimize (stocks, money=10000, max_stocks=8, max_per_stock=2500):
Investment = namedtuple('investment', ['profit', 'stock', 'quantity', 'previous_investment'])
investment_transitions = []
last_investments = {money: Investment(0, None, None, None)}
for _ in range(max_stocks):
next_investments = {}
investment_transitions.append([last_investments, next_investments])
last_investments = next_investments
def prioritize(stock):
# This puts the best profit/price, as a ratio, first.
val = [-(stock.profit + 0.0)/stock.price, stock.price,]
return val
best_investment = investment_transitions[0][0][money]
for stock in sorted(stocks, key=prioritize):
profit_ratio = (stock.profit + 0.0) / stock.price
# We reverse transitions so we have not yet added the stock to the
# old investments when we add it to the new investments.
for transition in reversed(investment_transitions):
old_t = transition[0]
new_t = transition[1]
for avail, invest in old_t.items():
if avail * profit_ratio + invest.profit <= best_investment.profit:
# We cannot possibly improve with this or any other stock.
del old_t[avail]
for i in range(int(min(avail, max_per_stock)/stock.price)):
quantity = i+1
new_avail = avail - quantity*stock.price
new_profit = invest.profit + quantity*stock.profit
if new_avail not in new_t or new_t[new_avail].profit < new_profit:
new_invest = Investment(new_profit, stock, quantity, invest)
new_t[new_avail] = new_invest
if best_investment.profit < new_invest.profit:
best_investment = new_invest
purchase = {}
while best_investment.stock is not None:
purchase[best_investment.stock] = best_investment.quantity
best_investment = best_investment.previous_investment
return purchase

Pyaudio : how to check volume

I'm currently developping a VOIP tool in python working as a client-server. My problem is that i'm currently sending the Pyaudio input stream as follows even when there is no sound (well, when nobody talks or there is no noise, data is sent as well) :
CHUNK = 1024
p = pyaudio.PyAudio()
stream = = pyaudio.paInt16,
channels = 1,
rate = 44100,
input = True,
frames_per_buffer = CHUNK)
while 1:
I would like to check volume to get something like this :
data =
if data.volume > 20%:
This way I could avoid sending useless data and spare connection/ increase performance. (Also, I'm looking for some kind of compression but I think I will have to ask it in another topic).
Its can be done using root mean square (RMS).
One way to build your own rms function using python is:
def rms( data ):
count = len(data)/2
format = "%dh"%(count)
shorts = struct.unpack( format, data )
sum_squares = 0.0
for sample in shorts:
n = sample * (1.0/32768)
sum_squares += n*n
return math.sqrt( sum_squares / count )
Another choice is use audioop to find rms:
data =
rms = audioop.rms(data,2)
Now if do you want you can convert rms to decibel scale decibel = 20 * log10(rms)
