Power automate flow with Price condition (greater than $1000) - power-automate

I am having a challenge in solving the power automate flow condition.
I want to achieve this - if the price is greater than $1000 > the flow will go to next Lv3 approver , else it will stop at level2 approver.
the "Total" is a calculated value of "Quantity" and "price".
I am seeking an expert's advice in this.
Thank you.
this is my flow and error.


Netsuite Formula Calcs

So I was able to create a search that shows historical unit rates at an item level then I can filter by customer to show any price increases that may have taken place to create a price tracker. It works as advertised. Below is a screen shot of what the output is. "Base Price" is the minimum item rate for lifespan since we transitioned to NetSuite. Then 1-6 months back it will pull the item rate and as you can see, around the 3rd month, it increases and shows change.
Here is how the search looks when executed
What I am attempting to do now subtract the values from the formula from the "base price" because that is at the end of the day the total impact value. Eventually I want to bring in quantity so we can see the total impact of these changes to track if we are seeing an increase or not.
EX. If base is $2 and we sell 20 a month. $40 in sales. Now we up it to $3, sales would be $60. But we want to show the $20 in increase impact instead.
Below is from the results tab to generate the above.
Here is the view from the Results Tab
Is there a way to create that calculation somehow in NS? I am almost thinking it is because I used the DECODE instead of the CASE WHEN ?
Thank you
You can generally combine supported functions; you just need to make sure that any functions applied in the Summary or Function columns are replicated in the formula. For example, your first column "Item Rate" has a Summary function or "Minimum" applied - this needs to be included in the formula, something like:
DECODE(...) - MIN({rate})

Is it possible to use a dynamic value in a DAX formula?

I'm working on a BI project with Visual Studio and Power BI.
I get the sales of several stores and in Visual Studio I made a column calculated with the following formula :
Y2_Sales' [storename] = "UK-RC O/O NEWQUAY", Y2_Sales [SalesExGST] / 0.8564058469475494,
'Y2_Sales' [SalesExGST]
To explain I get the sales in GBP and as soon as the store is Newquay I convert these values into euros to display them in my Power BI report.
The problem is that the value I put in hard is a value that moves every week, you can find it here :
Is it possible to modify this value dynamically by having historical exchange rates?
I don't quite understand why you want a calculated column, wouldn't a measure for euros be easier? Then you could declare your change rate as another measure and make the whole thing dynamic. You may need to use a disconnected table and selected measures to get the result you want, have a look at sumproduct for that https://www.sumproduct.com/blog/article/power-pivot-principles/ppp-variables-and-disconnected-tables-in-power-bi it looks like you're most of the way there, just lose the calculated column and go all measure!

PBCS: Custom rules to aggregate Period members

I have an input account (never share) in which the user types a parameter for each month, I want that into aggregate members of Period dimension, for example on YearTotal, the value will be the weighted average between two other accounts representing the cost and the quantity.
With the account properties I can rollup my account in addition or as simple average between months, obviously in this way I get wrong data in both cases.
Anyone know a solution to my question?
Thanks a lot,
Not sure exactly what you are asking. But I assume the following in my answer:
data entry for user on account Parameter (from the context, I think it is a price)
data entry for user on level0 Period, i.e. the months
you want Essbase to show the Parameter value as typed in at the month level (Jan .. Dec)
you want Essbase to show Costs / Quantity for Q1/2/3/4 and the YearTotal
the Account and Period dimension are of density: dense
You did not specify if you are also reporting on YTD values and how you have implemented this in Essbase. I assume you do, but the preferred solution depends on how you have implemented this, so I take the "safe" solution here:
solution 1
This is the most straightforward solution:
Implement a "parameter_inp" account on which the user keys in the data. Set the account to "never consolidate".
Create a new "parameter" account, dynamic calc, and give it the formula "Costs/Quantity;".
Refer to "parameter" in your reports, and to "parameter_inp" for user entry
solution 2 - alternative
If you have a lot of these parameters, you'll end up with a system making it unpleasant for data entry and reporting for the end-users. To solve it using data entry and reporting on the same "parameter" account, you need to tune your implementation for Quarter and YearTotal calculation, including the YTD calculation. I see no way of getting this correct if you are using DTS.
This is the way to go forward:
Make use of a new dimension called "View", data entry on PER (= periodic), additional dynamic calc member "YTD", density: dense, place it after Period (so Account, Period, View)
Add a UDA to the "parameter", for example "WA"
Set custom dynamic calculations on Quarter and YearTotal level, something like: IF (#ISUDA("WA")) THEN ELSIF <check on FLOW/BALANCE> ... logic for regular aggregation of FLOW and BALANCE items hereby overriding Essbase's native time logic)
Set custom dynamic calculations for YTD (overiding DTS), and make an exception for UDA "WA"

Algolia sorting only ASC or DESC not both

I'm bit confused with Algolia settings releated to sorting, specifically in the dashboard I created new replicas, products_price_asc & products_price_desc. Then I come to the ranking formula and added a "price" attribute to the sorting.
However, it allows me to pick up the price attribute only once, so as to specify the sorting order of the price.
So the result is, that I have a dropdown menu with 2 options (price order ASC and DESC), but only one of them works correctly.
It's my first day with Algolia, so maybe I've missed something, but if anyone can explain me, how to implement this, I'll be happy.
Thanks in advance.
Creating replicas for sorting is the right first step: you need one replica per sorting order (in your case, one for sorting by price DESC, and one for sorting by price ASC).
But you need to update the Ranking Formula on the replicas themselves, not on the main index.
So, on products_asc, you should set this:
And on products_desc, you should set this:
Now, when you need to order results by ascending price, you should target the products_asc index for your search. When ordering by price descending, it will be products_desc.

SSRS Sorting values alphabetically within multiple columns

this is my first ever post so please be gentle with me..
I'm a novice SSRS report builder who is trying to achieve something I beleive is so simple, but I can't seem to fathom it. Any assistance or general points in any direction would be appreciated.
My data looks like this:
ID Measure 1 Barrier 1 Measure 2 Barrier 2 Measure 3 Barrier 3
01 Replace Lights Finance Review Contract Time Solar Panels Finance
02 Review Contract Time Solar Panels Time Replace Boiler Finance
03 Replace Boiler Disruption Replace lights Disruption Solar Panels Disruption
I need to be able to count how many times Finance is a barrier to each measure and how many times Disruption is a barrier to each measure and so on...
I think I should group or sort the data in order to apply a count expression but I am not sure of the best way to group or sort the data effectively to be able to render the results in a report.
Thanks in advance
Frustrated novice (aka JMS)
You should give a lot more information, I dont know what version of SQL you are using nor do I know where you get your data (if it is from sql it would be possible to get this data directly in the table from sql.)
In your dataset, add a expression column like this :
=SUM(IIF(Fields!Barrier1.Value = "Finance",1, 0))
and name it "Barrier1count"
in your table, right click on the last row, select insert row, outside group, bellow.
under any measure column, do a right click select expression, and paste this
