When I do build my project in omnet++ This enter image description here erorr show
[ undefined reference to `virtual thunk to veins::TraCIScenarioManagerLaunchd::finish()]
note : i used omnet++ 5.6.2 veins 5.2 sumo 1.8.0 inet 4.2. windows10
I was trying for building this openflow project in OMNeT++ and INET framework and faced with the problem. My setup:
Mac OS Big Sur 11.5.2;
OMNet++ 5.6.2;
INET framework 3.6.6.
Openflow build toolchain setting is default.
INET building was complete, but openflow building crashes with this error:
./openflow/openflow/controller/Switch_Info.h:8:17: error: expected namespace name
using namespace __gnu_cxx;
On Win 10 via bootcamp with the same setup openflow building was success.
What am I doing wrong with that?
Resolved the probelem by using Docker container engine and XQuartz.
BTW it's working when using namespace __gnu_cxx; line is commented in "Switch_Info.h", "LLDPMibGraph.h", "LLDPMib.h", "Flow_Table.h", "Flow_Table_Entry.h" files 😅
I was using an old version of veins in my work (version 4.5) with omnet++ version 5 and SUMO 0.29.0. It was working without problems.
now I want to upgrade to a newer version of veins. I tried both 4.7 and 4.7.1 with the same versions of SUMO and Omnet++. while building the project I get the following error:
Error refreshing Makefiles.
Cannot parse /veins/.oppbuildspec
/veins/.oppbuildspec: unrecognized option: --meta:export-include-path
/veins/.oppbuildspec: unrecognized option: --meta:export-include-path
I don't know how to fix the error. I removed the older veins project from the IDE and the workspace.
I am working on Windows 8.
OMNeT++ 5.0 is too old for Veins 4.7.1. See the download page of Veins for a list of which software versions of OMNeT++ and SUMO each version of Veins is compatible with.
For example,
- Veins 4.7.1 needs OMNeT++ 5.3 and SUMO 0.32.0.
- Veins 5 alpha 1 needs OMNeT++ 5.4.1 and SUMO 1.0.0.
I am using OMNeT++ 5.4.1, Veins 4.7.1 and INET 4.0.0.
When I am trying to build the veins_inet subproject it gives the following errors
You are using incompatible software versions.
Veins 4.7.1 works with INET 3.6.0 (not INET 4.0.0).
A full list of compatible software versions is available on the download page of the Veins website.
I recently have downgraded Omnet++ from version 5.2 back to version 5.1.1 because of the newer one not working with the Artery Extension for Veins.
After a clean make of 5.1.1 and also a clean recompile of Artery both the example scenario of Artery and that of Veins immediately throw error messages after starting.
Here is the error that Veins throws:
<!> (omnetpp::cGroupFigure)RSUExampleScenario.canvas.rootFigure: removeFigure(): Figure is not a child -- in module (Veins::AnnotationManager) RSUExampleScenario.annotations (id=3), during network initialization
Artery will build but always crashes at Event 14:
<!> Invalid High Frequency CAM: Latitude: constraint failed (/home/wiconlab/Car2x/artery-master/extern/vanetza/vanetza/asn1/gen/Latitude.c:30) -- in module (artery::VehicleMiddleware) World.node[1].appl.middleware (id=15), at t=0.260276337038s, event #14
Additional information about libraries, versions, OS etc:
Ubuntu 16.04
Omnet++ 5.1.1
Veins 4.6
Boost 1.58
cryptopp 5.6.4
geographic-lib 1.49
cmake 3.9.6
i just run the sumo 0.19 with omnet++ 4.6 .. but i get this error
Error in module (Veins::TraCIScenarioManagerLaunchd)
AODVSim.manager (id=6) at event #1, t=0: Model error: TraCI server
"SUMO 0.19.0" reports API version 7, which is unsupported. We
recommend using SUMO 0.25.0..
So what mean this , And what we mean by API version 7 .. how can change it ? so can using sumo 0.25 or sumo 0.26 ... Thanks in advance
You are using the wrong version of SUMO. For Veins 4.4 you have to use SUMO 0.25.0. This version can be downloaded here.