Veins and Artery throwing errors after downgrading Omnet++ back to 5.1.1 - omnet++

I recently have downgraded Omnet++ from version 5.2 back to version 5.1.1 because of the newer one not working with the Artery Extension for Veins.
After a clean make of 5.1.1 and also a clean recompile of Artery both the example scenario of Artery and that of Veins immediately throw error messages after starting.
Here is the error that Veins throws:
<!> (omnetpp::cGroupFigure)RSUExampleScenario.canvas.rootFigure: removeFigure(): Figure is not a child -- in module (Veins::AnnotationManager) RSUExampleScenario.annotations (id=3), during network initialization
Artery will build but always crashes at Event 14:
<!> Invalid High Frequency CAM: Latitude: constraint failed (/home/wiconlab/Car2x/artery-master/extern/vanetza/vanetza/asn1/gen/Latitude.c:30) -- in module (artery::VehicleMiddleware) World.node[1].appl.middleware (id=15), at t=0.260276337038s, event #14
Additional information about libraries, versions, OS etc:
Ubuntu 16.04
Omnet++ 5.1.1
Veins 4.6
Boost 1.58
cryptopp 5.6.4
geographic-lib 1.49
cmake 3.9.6


ESP32 core update problems

I updated my Arduino IDE to the latest ESP32 core but when compiling get the following error:
[3057] Error loading Python lib '/var/folders/nq/2hn7ngl12sl6qm83hf__7rvr0000gn/T/_MEISjMicX/libpython3.8.dylib': dlopen: dlopen(/var/folders/nq/2hn7ngl12sl6qm83hf__7rvr0000gn/T/_MEISjMicX/libpython3.8.dylib, 10): Symbol not found: ____chkstk_darwin
Referenced from: /var/folders/nq/2hn7ngl12sl6qm83hf__7rvr0000gn/T/_MEISjMicX/libintl.8.dylib (which was built for Mac OS X 11.0)
Expected in: /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
in /var/folders/nq/2hn7ngl12sl6qm83hf__7rvr0000gn/T/_MEISjMicX/libintl.8.dylib
exit status 255
/private/var/folders/nq/2hn7ngl12sl6qm83hf__7rvr0000gn/T/AppTranslocation/7BDD5E08-7004-4B2A-8A25-28F75E6FCEE0/d/ returned 255
Error compiling for board ESP32 Dev Module.
I tried to pip load the library terminal returned the following:
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement dy.lib (from versions: none)
Mac OS X 10.13
Arduino 1.8
Try installing a previous version of ESP32 library from the board manager, it works for me!
I have bought an ESP32 Kit of the brand freenove. This ESP32 board is the ESP-Wrover-E with the following features:
Chip is ESP32-D0WD-V3 (revision 3)
Features: WiFi, BT, Dual Core, 240MHz, VRef calibration in efuse, Coding Scheme None
Crystal is 40MHz
When I tried to verify the board, I ran the blink example but got the same error.
The current setup of my system at the moment of getting the error was:
Computer: iMac 21.5" Mid 2011, 20 GB RAM
Operating System: Mac OS High Sierra, Version 10.13.6
IDE: Arduino 1.8.9
After search a diagnostic and solution for the error I have decided to follow the recommendation of the previous comment in this entry: "Try installing a previous version of ESP32 library from the board manager, it works for me!", and It works for me. And the following are the steps I have followed with some technical comments in the process
The problem is that the current ESP32 board library installed in my Arduino IDE is version 2.0.6 which is not compatible with the Mac OS High Sierra, Version 10.13.6. This is very clear in the error message: "... libintl.8.dylib (which was built for Mac OS X 11.0) ..."
Update the Arduino IDE:
I have decided to upgrade the Arduino IDE from version 1.8.9 to the last version available version 2.0.4-nightly-20230216. This step does not solve the problem but, with this, you have a better and upgraded version of the boards and libraries software. The new version of Arduino IDE provides the ESP32 board library version 2.0.6 out of the box.
Downgrade ESP32 Board Library:
Finally, the error is solved by installing manually a previous version of the ESP32 Board Library, y my case I have installed version 1.0.6.
I have tried with all the ESP32 Board Library versions 2.0.5, 2.0.4, and 2.0.0, but none of the versions 2.X.X works properly. For me only version 1.0.6 works like a charm!!.
Blink Example working

Device fails to boot when build with binutils 2.31 or higer

I am trying to upgrade my current Buildroot build from 2019.11 to the newest 2020.02 release. With 2019.11 everything builds and produces a bootable image.
With the 2020.02 release everything still builds, but the device no longer boots and does not output any booting messages (no log data and no out via serial).
The Issue seems to be, the binutils version. In 2020.02 binutils 2.30 is no longer supported and the min version is 2.31.1 (this is the only legacy option in my config when upgrading).
Is this a known issue? are there any workarounds?
When I try building the 4.14 Kernel the build aborts during Kernel compilation. This post encountered the same issues I had during the compilation of the 4.14 Kernel. So I guess a Kernel upgrade is not a solution.
Edit: The kernel version that does build but not boot is 4.4 .
Edit 2: The target hardware is a Dual-core Intel Atom (x86_64).

how to fix "Error refreshing Makefiles" error in veins?

I was using an old version of veins in my work (version 4.5) with omnet++ version 5 and SUMO 0.29.0. It was working without problems.
now I want to upgrade to a newer version of veins. I tried both 4.7 and 4.7.1 with the same versions of SUMO and Omnet++. while building the project I get the following error:
Error refreshing Makefiles.
Cannot parse /veins/.oppbuildspec
/veins/.oppbuildspec: unrecognized option: --meta:export-include-path
/veins/.oppbuildspec: unrecognized option: --meta:export-include-path
I don't know how to fix the error. I removed the older veins project from the IDE and the workspace.
I am working on Windows 8.
OMNeT++ 5.0 is too old for Veins 4.7.1. See the download page of Veins for a list of which software versions of OMNeT++ and SUMO each version of Veins is compatible with.
For example,
- Veins 4.7.1 needs OMNeT++ 5.3 and SUMO 0.32.0.
- Veins 5 alpha 1 needs OMNeT++ 5.4.1 and SUMO 1.0.0.

build of veins_inet failed

I am using OMNeT++ 5.4.1, Veins 4.7.1 and INET 4.0.0.
When I am trying to build the veins_inet subproject it gives the following errors
You are using incompatible software versions.
Veins 4.7.1 works with INET 3.6.0 (not INET 4.0.0).
A full list of compatible software versions is available on the download page of the Veins website.

Model error: TraCI server > "SUMO 0.19.0" reports API version 7

i just run the sumo 0.19 with omnet++ 4.6 .. but i get this error
Error in module (Veins::TraCIScenarioManagerLaunchd)
AODVSim.manager (id=6) at event #1, t=0: Model error: TraCI server
"SUMO 0.19.0" reports API version 7, which is unsupported. We
recommend using SUMO 0.25.0..
So what mean this , And what we mean by API version 7 .. how can change it ? so can using sumo 0.25 or sumo 0.26 ... Thanks in advance
You are using the wrong version of SUMO. For Veins 4.4 you have to use SUMO 0.25.0. This version can be downloaded here.
