files has this below information
Now when i run the scan, its picking src folder in which it has .js and .ts files. however its only picking .js files
Project type is showing as "Java script", its should show both "javascript and typescript" or only "Typescript"
lines of code is
Null for .ts files
shows up number for .js files
Not sure what need to fixed to read lines of code from src folder for typescript files. [ added pic for reference]SCREEN SHOT
Location string of sourcemap file is in generated javascript file,
VSCode can find sourcemap file from javascript file.
So why we need "outFiles" setting? The official doc says "VS Code will search your entire workspace, excluding node_modules, for sourcemaps". why should VS Code do that?
I have set up a hosted mac os preview build for a Xamarin app. All the steps complete except for 'deploy ipa' The publish artifact says nothing will be added. Here is are the settings from the copy files to as well as the output
Seems you set the incorrect Source Folder or Contents pattern in Copy Files step. That caused no files were copied to target folder for publishing.
Please check the logs of Copy Files step to see if the *.ipa files are really copied to $(build.artifactstagingdirectory).
If no files copied, then just check the build logs to get the real working directory (Source Folder in copy step) and make sure the *.ipa files are generated in the directory. (By default it's $(system.defaultworkingdirectory) on my side.)
If the real working directory is just the Source Folder $(Build.SourcesDirectory) you specified in Copy step, then the problem should be the contents pattern.
Contents specify minimatch pattern filters (one on each line) that you
want to apply to the list of files to be copied. For example:
** copies all files in the root folder.
**\ * copies all files in the root folder and all files in all sub-folders.
**\ bin copies files in any sub-folder named bin.
I have some xml files I want to distribute with the project. The Build Action is set to Content and the Copy to Output Directory is set to Copy always. When I publish, I see all the xml files in my content folder; however, when I install using ClickOnce, these files are missing. What am I missing?
The problem was in the project settings->Publish->Application Files... the xml files under Publish Status must be changed from Data File(Auto) to Include.
I have this file structure and wacther configuration:
The problem is that when I save my scss file the css file is updated in IDE only if I switch focus from IDE window and back again.
P.S.: if I configure scss watcher to compile css files in the same directory where source scss files are located, then css files are uptated right after compilation(as it should).
As suggested in my comment: alter your path in "Output paths to refresh" to point to the actual output file (as in "Arguments" field) and not just folder: i.e. add /$FileNameWithoutExtension$.css at the end.
I have some custom made XML files and a read me file that I've included in my project.
How do I make it so that these files are copied to my debug/release folders automatically when I build my project? I've tried setting the Copy to Output Directory property to "Copy Always" but this doesn't seem to do the trick.
I'm using VS2010
I've found the answer. The build action needs to be set to Content if you want to just directly copy the file to the output folder.