Choregraphe doesn't store the movements of NAO in keyframes - timeline

When I use the timeline box in Choregraphe I set the movements in the keyframes via the inspector widget. I saw people using a motion widget but in my version it doesn't appear, instead there is the inspector widget which is similar but it doesn't have the drawing of the art that you selected. Now the problem is that if I set a position (for ex right arm elbow 30 degrees) and then switch arm to set other parameters the previus position (the right elbow) doesn't get saved. Also when I set a new position nao does it quickly and then returns in the standing position (this problem is both in the virtual and real robot) (also it's not a problem related to the frames that are too high or the position of the keyframe in the timeline). Can someone help me?

In choregraphe, you need to click to the bullet next to the joint slider, if the bullet is red then it's recorded, else it's not.


How to fix Blue Screen appearing after GameObject is removed in Unity 2d Project

I have been successfully building and running a Unity 2D game, but started receiving a Blue Screen during one of my operations. Specifically, when I close a popup and remove all of its child Game Objects, the entire Game Screen turns dark blue (the default background color of the main camera). The music for the game still plays and clicks are still registered if you click in the right area (I can still press the back button, just can't see it).
If I remove 1 gameobject, this problem doesn't come up. But once I have to remove 2 game objects, the entire screen turns blue.
This is my function for removing my game object in case it helps, which works perfectly when it comes to actually removing the gameObjects correctly (game objects to be removed are created from prefabs). I think the problem may be with the camera for some reason, but I have no clue as to why it happens on this function.
public void Remove(int index)
float toggleWidth = toggle.GetComponent<RectTransform>().sizeDelta.x;
DestroyImmediate(scrollSnap.pagination.transform.GetChild(scrollSnap.NumberOfPanels - 1).gameObject);
scrollSnap.pagination.transform.position += new Vector3(toggleWidth / 2f, 0, 0);
I don't receive any errors or warnings in the console. Just a blue screen once more than one GameObject is removed
Turns out my main Canvas's planeDistance was being changed from 100 to 3200. I still have no clue as to why this change occurred...but for anyone else having a similar issue with a dark blue screen appearing in the middle or start of their game, then please check the values your canvas and camera in the Inspector. Simply controlling the planeDistance did the trick for me!
Made a new scene next to the sample scene when i started my sprite learning game. Forgot all about that.
When I had to publish it, In the Build Settings, I had the wrong scene selected. So It published an empty scene instead of my game.
I solved it by putting game in 3d mode and realized that the camera is positioned very far from the sprites, just change the z-axis and again go to 2d mode.
Just Move your camera in Z-axis position, it could be too far from object or it is behind the object, you can also check it by 3D mode the check the object position and change it in positive and negative values.

wxToolBar changing device coordinates

Using the mouse I am drawing 2D shapes on the client area of a MDIChildFrame. Recently I have added a wxToolBar to the frame and when I now draw a shape on the client area it seems that the points have shifted by the size the toolbar. Imagine that with mouse I am clicking on (100,100) and drawing a line to (150,150); however, the line appears somewhere (75,75) to (125,125). By the way, wxMouseEvent GetPosition(); reports (100,100) to me.
Removing the toolbar fixes the problem however, I want to keep the toolbar for ease of tool selection.
I use the code:
m_ToolBar=new wxToolBar(this, wxID_ANY);
m_ToolBar->AddTool() //
Any ideas will be appreciated.
You can always use wxWindow::GetClientAreaOrigin() to manually offset the coordinates by the toolbar height but normally this shouldn't be necessary, and if this doesn't happen with a "normal" frame but only happens with wxMDIChildFrame it would be a bug in wxWidgets that should be reported as usual.
It's also recommended to not draw over wxFrame itself but rather put a wxWindow into it and draw on it. This should also take care of your problem.

Unity 4.6 GUI with rendertexture for upscaling - events in wrong location

I am trying to use the new 4.6 Unity GUI system to create a bit of UI. I want to make this UI at a resolution of 400x300, then render to a texture which will then be drawn to the screen at a resolution of 800x600 (so double resolution). The problem is this: It doesn't work. The rendering is okay and I can correctly upscale the render texture and have it drawn to the screen, but the UI events aren't received in the correct position, and I can find no way to get around this.
Player resolution is 800x600 Render texture resolution is 400x300
Main camera, called "UI Camera" renders to this texture (at 400x300)
Canvas set to "Screen Space - Camera" pointing at "UI Camera". Under this is a button which is set to stretch to all sides (so fullscreen, 400x300)
A second camera, called "Upscaling Camera".
Another canvas set to "Screen Space - Camera" pointing at "Upscaling Camera".
This canvas has it's GraphicRaycaster component removed. Under this is a RawImage displaying the render texture.
When I play, the UI is correctly rendered to the rendertexture, and then displayed on screen at 2x resolution, filling the screen. What is not working is the events - the button can only be interacted with when the mouse is in the lower-left quarter of the screen.
Conceptually, this makes sense. The button is occupying a space from (0, 0) to (400, 300) (starting at the bottom left of the screen), and now my player's resolution is 800x600, this rectangle only covers the bottom left corner. I get that.
So, with all that said, what can I do to fix this? I can't set the EventCamera on the GraphicRaycaster, so that's out. My next thought was to be somehow fudging the mouse positions. But honestly, I have no clue where to go.
(And in case somebody has a better way of doing this - I'm looking at a game working in 400x300 resolution which needs to be pixel-perfect. If I were to resize all my UI externally, that would mean that in-engine, they are essentially running on a half-pixel grid. Same goes for using the CanvasScaler component.)
Cheers for any help.

Unity 4.6 - How to scale GUI elements to the right size for every resolution

The new Unity 4.6 comes with a new GUI, when I change de resolution on Unity the UI Button scales perfectly but when I test on the Nexus 7 device the Button looks too small. Any idea how to solve this?
Unity's new GUI system uses "anchors" to control how gui elements (like buttons) scale in relation to their parent container.
Unity has a tutorial video on how to use the new "Rect Transform" component (where the anchors are configured) here:
The last half of the tutorial is all about anchors. That page has links to the entire tutorial series. It's not too long. You should watch the whole thing.
Specific to your question:
The anchors are visible in your first screen shot. They are those 4 little arrows at the top left of your button.
Right now, your button is only anchored by it's top left corner.
The two right anchors need to be dragged to the right so that the right edge of your button is anchored to a space inside its parent container.
Depending on your situation, the two bottom arrows may need to be dragged down so that the bottom edge of your button is anchored as well.
The video I linked above covers all this in detail.
Lastly, for the font size to scale nicely on different resolutions, you will need to add and configure a reference resolution component to the base canvas of your UI, as Ash-Bash32 wrote earlier.
Update: The best way to add a Reference Resolution component is through the inspector window for the base canvas in your UI.
1) click the "Add Component Button" at the bottom of the inspector.
2) type the word "Reference" in the search filter field.
3) select the "Reference Resolution" component in the search results.
The Reference Resolution is now renamed as Canvas Scaler.. Along with the renaming they have added many more features for the dynamicity of the Canvas. You can go through the Unity Doc of Canvas Scaler and also take a look at this article for a practical example of how and why to use Canvas Scaler. Also make sure you use the Anchor Points to good effect to make this more robust...
To Scale UI added the ReferenceResolution Component to the Canvas you want to scale.
P.S. Theres no Documention for ReferenceResolution
If you want the button to be the same size for all screens and resolutions, you have to add the canvas scaler component to the canvas and the set the screen match mode to: match width or height, here is the link to the docs, this helps a lot if you want to aim to different sizes or resolutions:
This becomes giant and convoluted once you start laying things out in code AND using a canvas scaler, so I wish to provide a thorough answer to save someone the hours I went through.
First, don't use anchoredPosition to position anything, unless you fully realize it is a 0.0 to 1.0 number. Use the RectTransform localPosition to do the actual laying out, and remember it's in relation to the parent anchor. (I had to lay out a grid from the center)
Second, put a canvas scaler on the parent layout object AND the inner ui pieces. One makes the layout in the right position, the other will resize your elements so they actually show up right. You can't rely on the the parent unless the children also have scalers (and Graphic Raycasters to touch them).
Third, if you have a scaler, DON'T use Screen.width and height, instead assume the screen is the same value you put for the scalers (hopefully you used the same, or know what you're doing). The screen width always returns the actual device pixels, retina devices too, but the canvas scalers DO NOT account for this. This probably gives unity the one remaining way to find actual screen dpi if your game wants it. Edit: This paragraph applies to any parent canvas connected to the code doing your laying out. Not stray canvases, you can probably mix it up. Just remember unity's guidelines on performance with canvases.
Fourth, the canvas is still a bit buggy. Even with the above working, some things don't render until you delete and recreate a canvas, if you re-open the scene or it crashes. Otherwise, the above is the general "rules" I've found.
To center a "grid of things" you can't just use half of the canvas scaler's width or height, you have to calculate the height of your grid and set the offset by half of it, otherwise it will always be slightly off. I just added this as an extra tip. This calculation works for all orientations.

SDL2 mouse grab is not working

With SDL 1.2 I was using SDL_WM_GrabInput to center the (hidden) mouse on screen. This gave me unlimited turning freedom for a first person shooter. SDL2 no longer provides this function but has SDL_SetWindowGrab. This does not seem to be repositioning the mouse to the center of the screen after each loop (event read). I can turn the player around only 1 and a half times before the mouse has hit the edge of the window and will no longer produce xrel values. Is this a bug or is there another function I should be using?
Give SDL_SetRelativeMouseMode() and SDL_GetRelativeMouseState() a try.
Alternatively recenter the mouse each frame yourself with SDL_WarpMouseInWindow().
