Spring Tools Suite - Right alt key indicating as ctrl+alt in key binding for content assist - spring

As the title suggests, the key binding for content assist in my Spring Tools Suite has been Alt+/ by default since installation. However, one day after some unrelated settings, the content assist stopped working(i.e. not popping out that box). So I ventured into the preferences menu and only to find out that the key binding for content assist is still Alt+/. As I tried to rebind it, I pressed Right Alt+/on my keyboard, only to see the Binding column for content assist showing the combination Ctrl+Alt+/.
Also, by pressing Right Alt+/ when binding, the Binding column for content assist is actually showing the Ctrl+Alt+/ twice,(i.e. [Ctrl+Alt+/,Ctrl+Alt+/]).
When Right Alt is pressed during binding, the column would show Ctrl+Alt+, by pressing the / while holding Right Alt, the rest of /,Ctrl+Alt+/ pops out.
My left alt works as usual, Left Alt+/ would give me the regular Alt+/, and only once.
This is a bug only for STS, and is not showing on Windows and other programs.
I'm using version 3.9.7.RELEASE for STS


Access dropdown list in package manager console

I'm trying to reduce my mouse usage in Visual Studio. Until now I haven't been able to access the drop down lists in the "Package Manager Console" - see the attached picture.
The letter "k" in "Paketquelle" is underlined, but pressing Alt+K or any combos of Tab+Modifier key will not focus the drop-down lists. Based on this post I tried Ctrl+F2 for no good. Any ideas?
PS: Unfortunately I have to use the localized german version, but this should not be a problem.
Wow, I feel retarded now. A simple Shift+Alt+K did the trick. You can then cycle the bar with Tabulator, putting the focus back on the console by pressing Esc.

working with xamarin code templates

I am trying understand hot xamarin code templates work and how to use it.
By reading the manual it appears the a user can select the code templates by clicking on it or hitting enter on it. Just like in eclipse and intellij.
But this seems not to work the same way in xamarin.
For example after I typed "try" in the editor and hit ctrl+space to get the code complete. Now I am presented with options to select. When I select try and click or hit Enter on it nothing happens. The code complete window just closes and the template is not added.
The animated gif demonstrates it with the mouse click event. But the behavior is the same for key events. Also no matter what I template I select it is never pasted.
You need to press tab key after you have selected the text. You basically have to press tab - tab. The first tab will complete the try text in your example. You may have only typed in t or tr. The second tab key press will expand the code template.
The behaviour is similar to Visual Studio. The difference is that Visual Studio gives you more information in the completion window that appears telling you that you need to press the tab key twice. Screenshot from Visual Studio is shown below.
With the screenshot above pressing tab once will close the completion window but not insert the code for the try template. Pressing tab again will insert the code template text.

Stopping mouse selection in Visual Studio

I don't know what key combination I did, but now each time I click somewhere in the page, Visual Studio selects the text between first and second mouse click.
I tried to escape from this "selection mode", but nothing helps, nor Escape, nor left clicks, nor Ctrl+Up/Down.
I opened another VS window and there is all right - normal selection.
What is it, how to cancel it, what is it for?
I should probably restart Visual Studio. I remember that that happened some times ago in VS 2005. Very annoying VS "feature".
P.S. It disappeared as suddenly as it appeared, but I found similar problem described here. The guy says that "The only way to stop is to press escape or shift and an arrow key."
I have very often the same issue, just after stopping the debugger. No idea how it starts... But I found the key combination to stop it: Press "Alt Gr"+"Ctrl(right)"+"Shift(right)"
I figured out how to turn this issue on and off:
Just press the ins (Insert) key; If you're using a full sized keyboard it will be to the right of backspace and above delete or if you're using a smaller keyboard it'll be the second option of zero key on the number pad to the right of the right arrow key.
Click on tools and then options. Under environment select keyboard. Then there will be a window open up with options. The first drop down says something about mapping. Set that to default.
Brief, if this was previously selected, is an old DOS format and the key bindings will cause similar actions.
I have experienced the same problem (VS 2010). Here is what happens:
I start the debugger on a project whith Unmanaged debugging enabled. When I try use the key combination Ctrl+Shift+L to delete a line I get a dialog saying 'Changes are not allowed when unmanaged debugging is enabled'. The title of the dialog is 'Edit and Continue'. When the dialog is closed the editor gets stuck with this behavior:
Shift+Right-Click behavior: It selects the text between the cursor and the position of the mouse-click
Ctrl+Scroll behavior: If I try to scroll using the mouse wheel it will zoom in or out instead.
It behaves like the Shift and Ctrl keys are being held down.
I have found these key combinations that will get me out of this situation:
Shift + Arrow down
Ctrl + Arrow down
Until I discovered this I had to restart Visual Studio.
Use the (insert) Key in the Key board.
I have this issue when I VPN to a machine running VS. Here is the key combination I have found to get me out of this state. I do a ctrl-f to open the find window. I type some characters in the find textbox and I notice that the letters are all capital (even though I did not set the caps lock). I hit the caps lock key and test using the find text box to make sure my caps lock is not set (lowercase). Once the lowercase is set, the selecting text between mouse clicks behavior goes away. Don't know why, but this works for me.

Visual Studio Window Shortcut Wonkyness

I've been diligently memorizing VS 2010 shortcuts based on the cheatsheats on Scott Guthries blog.
The shortcuts in the cheatsheet for WIndows dont match my setup e.g. Ctrl W,C is the cheatsheet shortcut to open the class viewer but mine is Ctrl + SHift, C. Maybe this is because my 08 settings got picked up at some point.
I've changed the shortcuts for viewing windows to match the cheat sheet (Ctrl + W,...) however most of the time Ctrl+W,... isn't working for me, whereas the previously defined shortcuts still work. If I go into the keyboard mappings I can see the shortcuts under global are Ctrl+W.
Anyone got any ideas?
Try going to Tools -> Options -> General -> Keyboard, focus the textbox labelled "Press shortcut keys" and pressing Ctrl+W. The dropdown list beneath it will show all corresponding actions. Action mappings are contextual -- they depend on what has the focus. Furthermore, 'Global' actions only apply if a more localised mapping does not exist. Check for anything applied to 'Text Editor'. If it exists and you don't want it, remove it by digging the action out in the 'Show commands containing' textbox above and clicking 'Remove'.
Also, do you have ReSharper installed? I love R#, but it uses Ctrl+W so the series of shortcuts you're referring to aren't available without being remapped or changing the R# keystroke (which I wouldn't personally, as I use it all the time.)

Visual Studio Highlights when I don't select text

I just got into the office, and booted up my computer to work on my current project.
I hopped into a class file, and selected (through mouse highlighting) a group of events to delete.
What happened though was it only erased one character. Wondering what happened, I clicked at the beginning of the selection and re-highlighted the text to delete it again.
So i just clicked randomly in the middle of the file, and it highlighted from the beginning of the first selection all the way to where I clicked in the middle.
I have rebooted both VS, the computer and insured that sticky keys and all other "accessibility" software was turned off.
When I click shift and try to manually highlight with my arrow keys, the cursor doesn't even move.
When I click escape from the selection it goes to the search drop down:
alt text http://img69.imageshack.us/img69/9591/searchbox.png
The same thing happened to me, I held down the shift key for a few seconds then while still holding it down I clicked anywhere in the open page in Visual Studio, and voilá, my mouse click was back to normal.
I imagine I had unwittingly activated some kind of keyboard shortcut but not sure which
I had this same problem too. I believe I found the solution: check your keyboard options.
Go under tools -> options, under the Environment subtree, click 'Keyboard'. Then, you will see a dropdown with the label "Apply the following additional keyboard mapping scheme". If you select "Brief" from this, you get the keyboard behavior as described. I'm not exactly sure what "Brief" refers to, but it certainly isn't familiar to me.
Change the keyboard layout back to (default) or another one to get the behavior you expect.
Reinstalled VS and now everything is better.
