Stopping mouse selection in Visual Studio - visual-studio

I don't know what key combination I did, but now each time I click somewhere in the page, Visual Studio selects the text between first and second mouse click.
I tried to escape from this "selection mode", but nothing helps, nor Escape, nor left clicks, nor Ctrl+Up/Down.
I opened another VS window and there is all right - normal selection.
What is it, how to cancel it, what is it for?
I should probably restart Visual Studio. I remember that that happened some times ago in VS 2005. Very annoying VS "feature".
P.S. It disappeared as suddenly as it appeared, but I found similar problem described here. The guy says that "The only way to stop is to press escape or shift and an arrow key."

I have very often the same issue, just after stopping the debugger. No idea how it starts... But I found the key combination to stop it: Press "Alt Gr"+"Ctrl(right)"+"Shift(right)"

I figured out how to turn this issue on and off:
Just press the ins (Insert) key; If you're using a full sized keyboard it will be to the right of backspace and above delete or if you're using a smaller keyboard it'll be the second option of zero key on the number pad to the right of the right arrow key.

Click on tools and then options. Under environment select keyboard. Then there will be a window open up with options. The first drop down says something about mapping. Set that to default.
Brief, if this was previously selected, is an old DOS format and the key bindings will cause similar actions.

I have experienced the same problem (VS 2010). Here is what happens:
I start the debugger on a project whith Unmanaged debugging enabled. When I try use the key combination Ctrl+Shift+L to delete a line I get a dialog saying 'Changes are not allowed when unmanaged debugging is enabled'. The title of the dialog is 'Edit and Continue'. When the dialog is closed the editor gets stuck with this behavior:
Shift+Right-Click behavior: It selects the text between the cursor and the position of the mouse-click
Ctrl+Scroll behavior: If I try to scroll using the mouse wheel it will zoom in or out instead.
It behaves like the Shift and Ctrl keys are being held down.
I have found these key combinations that will get me out of this situation:
Shift + Arrow down
Ctrl + Arrow down
Until I discovered this I had to restart Visual Studio.

Use the (insert) Key in the Key board.

I have this issue when I VPN to a machine running VS. Here is the key combination I have found to get me out of this state. I do a ctrl-f to open the find window. I type some characters in the find textbox and I notice that the letters are all capital (even though I did not set the caps lock). I hit the caps lock key and test using the find text box to make sure my caps lock is not set (lowercase). Once the lowercase is set, the selecting text between mouse clicks behavior goes away. Don't know why, but this works for me.


VS 2017 (Ctrl+R) was pressed. Waiting for second key of chord

In Visual Studio 2015, Ctrl+R was globally mapped to Edit.NavigateTo. In VS 2017 Community, they've renamed this to Edit.GoToAll, which Ctrl+R is globally mapped to. But when I press Ctrl+R in C# editor, I get "(Ctrl+R) was pressed. Waiting for second key of chord..." and the dialog does not open.
What is hijacking Ctrl+R and how do I prevent it?
Aah, didn't notice that shortcuts in use was a dropdown with multiple values - thank you Hans Passant. Looks like Edit.ViewWhiteSpace defaults to Ctrl+R, Ctrl+W and that was making Ctrl+R not work at all. Odd.
I had a massive problem with chords where I couldn't even use "command Z" anymore. The way I was able to fix my chords issue was by editing the JSON file by following:
keyboard shortcuts
while in keyboard shortcuts on the top right you will see an icon that looks like a file with an arrow on it. Click this. It will take you into keybindings.json.
Here you can view all chords, add, edit and delete chords. I removed my command z chord and everything was back to normal.

IntelliJ Idea 14 keyboard works weird on mac

Earlier I could delete a selected text with delete key in my mac. Now I have to delete it using "shift" + "delete"."delete" deosn't work anymore
Also when I selected a text and delete it, I cannot use arrow keys to move the cursor. It keeps selecting the texts while I move the cursor. I cannot type anything also. I have to press esc key and exit select mode and then type. Also while I'm typing if I press esc key, the cursor turns to a block. Then I cannot type anything. But all the character keys does some weird stuff. Like goes to the bottom of the file.
When I press the key "s", the cursor turns back to the "|" and I can type again.
Please give me some advise. I already tried changing the keymaps, restarting the keymaps, Completely cleaning intellij and reinstalling.
Ok. I figured it out. Vim emulator is the one giving problems. You can disable vim emulator in Tools menu. Then the keyboard works normally.

Waiting for second key of chord

I have assigned the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+E to a command. But when I click Ctrl+E, the status bar says Ctrl+E was pressed. Waiting for the second key of the chord...".
If I hit the Esc key, I get "The key combination (Ctrl+E, Esc) is not a command."
How do I activate the command that has been assigned to Ctrl+E?
I know that this is the same as the question How do you stop Visual Studio from waiting for the second part of a shortcut-combination? . But the answer given there (hit Esc) does not work for me.
The selected answer is wrong in stating you cannot use Ctrl+E by itself (at least for Visual Studio 2013).
For those who come from a Mac or other OS background where Ctrl+E takes you to the end of the current line (the End key shortcut by default in VS), this is a really frustrating limitation when switching environments.
I found that in Visual Studio 2013 at least, you can remove all the shortcuts that use the Ctrl+E chord (none of which I will ever use) and set the Edit.LineEnd command to Ctrl+E. It just takes a few minutes tracking down the chords to remove (most of them are under the workspace designer).
To see which commands are using your keyboard shortcut at the moment, enter it
in the "Press shortcut keys:" edit box. Make sure you don't accidentally click "Assign".
In the dropdown box "Shortcut currently used by:" you can browse
through and manually remove all commands that
currently occupy your desired shortcut combination.
Key chords are a keyboard shortcut feature of Visual Studio. They consist of a sequence of key presses like (Ctrl+K, Ctrl+C) for comment code or (Ctrl+K, Ctrl+U) for uncomment code.
They are activated by the user pressing one Ctrl+key combination, then another Ctrl+key combo. For example Ctrl+K, Ctrl+C on my install of Visual Studio is used for commenting selected text.
In your case, Ctrl+E is a common chord starter and is used by many chords. For example Ctrl+E, Ctrl+W = Toggle Word Wrap and Ctrl+E, Ctrl+X = Workspace Designer.ExpandAll.
Depending on which developer setting you've chosen for the IDE, Visual Studio might have Ctrl+E mapped to other chords. In that situation, you cannot use Ctrl+E by itself for a keyboard shortcut
If this is the case, you can create your own chord, Ctrl+E, Ctrl+D is not in use on my install of Visual Studio 2012.
Also if you remove all key chords that start with (Ctrl+E) then it can work as a non-chord shortcut.
And your question is not the same as the other question. In that question, the OP has started the chord process (Ctrl+E) and wants to cancel Visual Studio from waiting for the 2nd chord key.
I came to this question because I had the same problem as the OP, but in the Integrated Terminal of Visual Studio Code (not Visual Studio).
My problem:
I couldn't stop the node server by doing Ctrl+C, because my VS Code was waiting for the "second key of chord"...
I fixed it in the user settings, by unchecking the Allow Chords checkbox.
I answered the more suitable question for me here.
I have had the same issue with my "<" [backquote] key and wasn't able to find the right keybinding in the normal settings. Allow chords wouldn't do anything either.
This is for anyone, who isn't able to reasign the key in the default keybindings:
Find the User settings in your terminal.
Windows %APPDATA%\Code\User\
macOS $HOME/Library/Application Support/Code/User/
Linux $HOME/.config/Code/User/
Open the keybindings.json file
look for all chords that you would like gone.
(Obviously) remove/alter them
I hope I could help some of you!
You can disable it only for the integrated VSCode terminal by adding the following to your setttings.json file:
// Disable chords for terminal usage
"terminal.integrated.allowChords": false
Go to Tools -> Options.
A window will open up, In that Environment -> Keyboard -> Keyboard
And Just Press the Reset button on the right.
ctrl+ E
ctrl + V
More info here:

Is there a shortcut to move the cursor as shown in the following figure?

I am using a notebook without a mouse.
After typing prop and pressing tab, Visual Studio will automatically give me a property template. Pressing tab will move the cursor between type and propertyname placeholders.
I want to move the cursor to a new line after completing the property template.
Is there a shortcut to do so?
Press the Enter key twice.
I tried to post this answer 3 times before I left the comment. It wouldn't let me, too short. That's why I'm typing this otherwise useless verbiage.
It's not specific to snippets, but you can press Ctrl+Shift+Enter to start a new line below where the cursor currently is.
To insert a new line above where the cursor currently is, use Ctrl+Enter.
Both of these work anywhere in the editor. Both of these are handy because they work no matter where you are horizontally on your current line.
Update: Productivity PowerTools for VS2010 (Woot! 2012 too) provides the keyboard shortcut Tools.AddEndTokenAtEnd. (Thanks Ben.)
For some reason, magically, my VS2010 does this with Shift-Enter (which I prefer from my experience with TextMate.) Looking at my keyboard bindings (Tools > Customize > Keyboard) I see that this shortcut is assigned to the command Tools.AddEndTokenAtTheEnd. So if that command appears in your list of commands, assigning a keyboard shortcut to it should work. I have Productivity Power Tools, PowerCommands for Visual Studio 2010, and ReSharper installed. But I can't find any setting from the first two that would be responsible, and, in my experience, all of ReSharper's commands contain its name, so I don't think it added the command. Ooo, and I just discovered that the reason it is named that is because the command also ensures there's a semicolon at the end of the initial line before moving the cursor down; just like the useful keyboard shortcut in Textmate.
I'm interested, but baffled by the 2x-Enter solution. When I press enter twice I get two line breaks followed by whatever code was after the cursor on the first line. Can anyone explain how that shortcut/key-combination works? Is it time-sensitive so that the two enters must be pressed in rapid succession? What if the user wants to quickly insert some lines above some code and hits Return multiple times!?

Visual Studio Highlights when I don't select text

I just got into the office, and booted up my computer to work on my current project.
I hopped into a class file, and selected (through mouse highlighting) a group of events to delete.
What happened though was it only erased one character. Wondering what happened, I clicked at the beginning of the selection and re-highlighted the text to delete it again.
So i just clicked randomly in the middle of the file, and it highlighted from the beginning of the first selection all the way to where I clicked in the middle.
I have rebooted both VS, the computer and insured that sticky keys and all other "accessibility" software was turned off.
When I click shift and try to manually highlight with my arrow keys, the cursor doesn't even move.
When I click escape from the selection it goes to the search drop down:
alt text
The same thing happened to me, I held down the shift key for a few seconds then while still holding it down I clicked anywhere in the open page in Visual Studio, and voilá, my mouse click was back to normal.
I imagine I had unwittingly activated some kind of keyboard shortcut but not sure which
I had this same problem too. I believe I found the solution: check your keyboard options.
Go under tools -> options, under the Environment subtree, click 'Keyboard'. Then, you will see a dropdown with the label "Apply the following additional keyboard mapping scheme". If you select "Brief" from this, you get the keyboard behavior as described. I'm not exactly sure what "Brief" refers to, but it certainly isn't familiar to me.
Change the keyboard layout back to (default) or another one to get the behavior you expect.
Reinstalled VS and now everything is better.
