Is it legal to display audio files of singers - google-play

recently i developed application for ios and android. it allows users to upload audio files from their own storage to server . and i have tab into my app for displaying those audios files . most of files like songs and Dj music .. etc ..
does it legal if i upload it on google play store and appstore ?
Or is this considered copyright infringement?

You will be liable for copyright infringement even if it is a user-generated content.
Even if you didn't share copyrighted content or share trademark-infringing content yourself, you may be held responsible if other people do so on your server/app.
From Google Play Console agreement
We also don’t allow apps that encourage or induce infringement of intellectual property rights.
People could report each audio file separately, and your whole app as a 'a tool bypasses copyright technological protection measures'


Is it possible to protect from downloading an audio from a site

I want to create an audio-book application using Laravel.
Is it possible to protect from downloading an audio from a site ?
Is right click disable does the trick OR
What security measures will I take to prevent any audio files download ?
Meanwhile I have decided to use HTML5-Audio Player.
This question is complicated, and depending on how you deliver the audio, the answer will changes. I would recommend to look at how protected content are delivered on certain platform.
Let take a look at Spotify, they are using Widevine:
Widevine is a proprietary digital rights management (DRM) technology from Google used by the Google Chrome, Brave and Firefox web browsers (including some derivatives), Android MediaDRM, Android TV, and other consumer electronics devices.
Simply disabling the download is only a frontend feature removed, that can be easily bypass. For protected content, more complicated solution are required like a DRM.

Is there a conventional way to storing selections within the image (for example, for tagging many users on facebook?)

Suppose you have hundreds of group photos, all in different formats (GIF, PNG, JPG etc). You run a social network where users may identify people on the group photos, hence on the backend, the server needs to store "rectangles" within the photo. Is there a conventional "rectangle storage" format to store such tiles within the image, as well as the software to display pictures, with these "rectangles" superimposed?
There are three standards for regions in an image. The Metadata Working Group standard, the Microsoft standard, and just recently, the IPTC standard. The MWG standard was the one supported by the old Google Picasa program. The Microsoft standard was the one supported by the old Windows Photo Gallery. The IPTC standard is really new and I'm not sure if there is any software that supports it yet.
For the MWG standard, I would point you to their website, but it has been offline for more than a year. You can find a copy of the PDF that describes it attached to this post in the Exiftool forums. I'm not sure but I think that is the standard supported by Lightroom.

How can I copy Brightcove players and in-page experiences from one account to another?

I've been developing Brightcove players and in-page experiences in a development account while building a proof of concept. Now that stakeholders have agreed to move forward, I need those players and in-page experiences copied to a production account. How can I do this?
I don't see any options in Video Cloud to allow this, and I don't see anything in any API that lets me download a definition, say, in JSON. I'd rather not have to manually recreate my players and in-page experiences in the Video Cloud screens, since I'm likely to make an error.
Related: I'd also like to be able to download definitions for these players and IPXes so that I can store them in version control, just like I would any other component.
The player and in-page experience configurations are retrievable using the Player Management API and In-Page Experience API.
These REST APIs will return both configurations as JSON objects which can then be stored in version control and/or published into new/different accounts (after changing the account ids, and other account-specific information).
Also, in the Players Module in the Studio, you can view the specific JSON for that player by editing the player and using the JSON Editor.
Let me know if this helps!
Disclaimer: I am employed by Brightcove

Where do apps live?

This is a naive question. I'm creating my first app (using Phonegap). I'll create versions in both the App Store and Google Play Store. My question is: where will the downloadable files live?
I haven't been able to find the answer online, because I'm not sure how to phrase the question in a simple Google search. I've thought of 2 possibilities:
The downloadable files live on my server. When someone chooses to install the app from the App Store or the Google Play Store, that store authorizes the download from my server.
The downloadable file lives on the App Store's servers or the Google Play Store servers. When someone chooses to download it, the file is served directly by them.
I'm almost sure the answer is #2. That makes the most sense. But I haven't found confirmation online.
You can opt to host it on your server or use services provided by Google and Apple.
Hosting on your server will require you to maintain those servers , etc.. Hosting with Google & Apple will take away that maintenance.
Use Google Expansion Files for Google Play Store App and Content Hosting for Apple
Google Allow APK size of 100 MB any additional files can be uploaded using Expansion files. Refer to this link -
Maximum file size for an IPA file is 2 GB in Apple. If you are using Apple's in-app purchase module , then you can upload additional files using Content Hosting given by apple. Refer to this link

Fonts for use in embedded GUI

I am looking for fonts for use in an embedded GUI application with a small display and keypad.
Are there any free fonts available that people have used?
What about the licenses for free fonts? Are there any special requirements for an application like an embedded GUI? For example, include the License in the source code.
Take the GNU FreeFont family fonts. The website talks about using these fonts in documents or altering them to fit your needs. If I have a way to import those fonts into my application (unaltered) and use them on my display, is that considered the same as using them to create a document with, let's say, AbiWord or OpenOffice?
Also, what are the practical differences between free (open source, e.g. GNU FreeFont), license free (e.g. Fonts from link in Mark Rushakoff's comment below) and royalty free as far as fonts are concerned?
I have had a lengthy string of emails with 'Caleb' from Adobe licensing because I wanted to use 'Myriad' for a GUI in a touch screen product. Here is my last email and his reply which contradict Nietzche-jou's answer to this topic:
Hi Caleb,
I imagine many people want to create apps for mobile phones using
Adobe fonts, especially as much of the Adobe Suite is set up for this
purpose (Flex, Air etc) so how do you licence fonts for use in apps to
be used in mobile phones? Or do Adobe not licence their fonts for use
in screen based products at all?
Thanks Corrie
At this time, we do not currently license our fonts for use in
mobile apps except some very specific licenses we have created for
some table devices. There are a great many iOS apps that are
currently using our fonts that are using them illegally, and we are
looking into what our next steps will be.
What fonts CAN a GUI designer use??
The X11 bitmap fonts are pretty dynamite, and the licenses for them are pretty unrestrictive: briefly, the Adobe fonts (Courier, Helvetica, New Century Schoolbook, Symbol, Times) say
Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute and sell this software
and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby
granted, provided that the above copyright notices appear in all
copies and that both those copyright notices and this permission
notice appear in supporting documentation [etc.]
And the Bigelow & Holmes fonts (Lucida Sans/Bright/Typewriter) say
Users and possessors of this source code
are hereby granted a nonexclusive, royalty-free copyright and
design patent license to use this code in individual and
commercial software.
Of course there are other conditions to fulfill about not modifying the fonts and providing the same copyright notices to the user.
