How can I copy Brightcove players and in-page experiences from one account to another? - brightcove

I've been developing Brightcove players and in-page experiences in a development account while building a proof of concept. Now that stakeholders have agreed to move forward, I need those players and in-page experiences copied to a production account. How can I do this?
I don't see any options in Video Cloud to allow this, and I don't see anything in any API that lets me download a definition, say, in JSON. I'd rather not have to manually recreate my players and in-page experiences in the Video Cloud screens, since I'm likely to make an error.
Related: I'd also like to be able to download definitions for these players and IPXes so that I can store them in version control, just like I would any other component.

The player and in-page experience configurations are retrievable using the Player Management API and In-Page Experience API.
These REST APIs will return both configurations as JSON objects which can then be stored in version control and/or published into new/different accounts (after changing the account ids, and other account-specific information).
Also, in the Players Module in the Studio, you can view the specific JSON for that player by editing the player and using the JSON Editor.
Let me know if this helps!
Disclaimer: I am employed by Brightcove


How to automatically download all new images appearing on a newsfeed on Facebook

I am attempting to write a script or make a FB App to automatically download images from profiles on Facebook at a designated time during the day, and have it repeat each day. After this is accomplished I aim to implement the reverse of this to upload images within an album to a profile, but that will be for another day. These are going to be profiles that I am friends with, or public profiles.
Having some issues determining where to start as it seems this isn't done on a regular. Can anyone provide a direction for me to head in? I have looked into the Facebook Developers website, as well as on stack overflow and haven't seem to find any solution that is close. I have stumbled upon examples on how to autodownload from Reddit, but Facebook is another beast entirely it seems.
Is this something that can be accomplished via Java or Python, or should I actually go through the Facebook API? At a bit of a loss as to how to proceed.
ANY help would be appreciated as I am not a web developer. I mostly dabble with MATLAB and Java so this is a bit outside of my expertise.
Once again to summarize, I am seeking to auto download images from Facebook profiles either as they are posted or at selected times. Also this idea could be changed to download from Instagram if that is somehow easier.

App Development - Finding the right platform to migrate to from an existing infrastructure

We have an existing cross-platform Mobile Application, that also has an accompanying web application, that uses AWS as a back end (RDS for Database, Four server instances, and a Load Balancer to distribute traffic). APK and IPA files are packaged and sent to the stores, while components are retrieved from our server per request, which enables us to reduce the number of store builds, and make the process easier for getting changes out to clients.
We are at the stage of Development that we need to move to another platform to better facilitate our fast growing client base.
Due to the conditions upon our clients, these things must be considered.
must be cross platform (Android / iOS).
must be offline based (users need to be able to access without an internet connection)
must be able to sync with an existing database when there is a connection
requires Authentication
Cloud based (? may not be the right term, but meaning the ability for us to store components on a server and have a device check for updates and download a local copy - enabling us to work and distribute fixes faster)
Ideally compatible with AWS
We are currently looking at Xamarin to facilitate us for this move, however there is a lot of documentation and plugins out there to do all sorts of different things.
As developers, we all have some .net / c# experience, however none particularly with Xamarin.
We have a particular timeline that we need to adhere to (and need to ramp up in the next couple of weeks), and right now are essentially stuck in Limbo in a research phase, as we can't afford to get some things right. We are unable to move forward until we know Xamarin (or some other framework) is able to do everything that we need it to do.
It's hard to escape from the 'code it all ourselves' mentality - especially as we don't know where to start looking in terms of third party packages for Xamarin, and their documentation itself.
A lot of documentation mentions various systems of Azure - we would not be against moving to Azure over AWS if it _had to be done*, but because of the existing infrastructure with AWS - staying with AWS is obviously the preferred option (users need to access the current system whilst we build the new system)
This stack overflow post is to ask for recommendations, comments, or other observations on anything and everything involved with the process in regards to choosing frameworks, design patterns, methodologies, third party packages, etc.
Obviously we would like to use best practises for everything moving forward for optimum scalability and cleaner, more robust code. It's just hard to know where to start!
Any input will be highly appreciated.
edit: I am aware that this is 'asking for recommendations' which is 'specifically off-topic'. I have read the posting guidelines about open ended discussion, and am quite confident that this case is different. There is an underlying problem here, in that we are seeking advice on combinations of frameworks and plugins that are fully compatible with all of the items in the list (above)
Let's try to breakdown each of your requirement and constraint mentioned in the question.
1. You need a offline first architecture (With Sync mechanism)
Xamarin + Azure would make a good comdo for you, as it would support offline storage out of box (With a simple PullAsync call).
Albeit there are AWS SDK available for Xamarin. Here it goes
So the call is yours. There are few other ways to achieve caching offline storage in Xamarin, you can build upon those strategy in your logic. Alternatively there is a very interesting C# library Akavache for caching and offline storage.
2. OAuth 2.0 Authentication
Xamarin has a very good library named Xamarin.Auth. Though I would not say it is very easily extendible at this but there has been some serious work going on from Xamarin on this library.
But I would say it is very easy to use. The apps I have developed so far that includes - Google OAuth, Facebook integration, Microsoft account integration. It worked fine for all of them.
3. Cloud based distribution
There are nice tools available with Microsoft. Which makes the distribution easy. Have a look at . Also hockeyApp is good for distribution I found.
Where to start:
A very good starting point for you would be . Just go there search with keyword "Xamarin" and view some videos. May be all these cross platform dynamics will be much easier for you.
Overall I found Xamarin a cool product to work with. Because anything that can be done in native Objective C/Swift or Java can very well be done in Xamarin using C#.

Native (non-webview) streaming from YouTube?

I see a lot of applications in the Mac App store, such as MiniTube and CloudPlay, which appear to stream high quality video directly from YouTube, without using any sort of embedded player.
However, I don't see any means of doing this through the documented API. Is their scraping (e.g. illegal/against the TOS, or merely undocumented and unsupported? Is there a better way of doing it?
(In particular, the so-called "chromeless" iframe player actually has a significant amount of chrome/user interaction, which is more suitable for a website than for a native application.)
EDIT: I suppose my question is primarily for the official YouTube developer support: is scraping the page for the stream against the TOS? If it is, why are these apps allowed to remain on the app store, and if it isn't, what is the best way of doing so?
Never tried this, but according to this discussion here it's against the TOS to access the native streams. They also mention that you are free to access the rstp streams made for mobile devices through the api.
So I think scraping the page is the only way to get the higher quality videos without using an embedded player in your application. If you're okay with lower quality then use the rstp way.
Another discussion about the same subject.
Any scraping would violate YouTube's TOS. There are no undocumented APIs available either. For iOS the best provide option is to use the YouTube iframe embed, but that will be within a webview. For Android, YouTube is building a library to do playback without a webview. Here's a video of the announcement It's not launched yet, but I know they've been working very hard on it and it should be available soon.

How do you stop piracy of Windows Phone 7 applications?

Given the recent hack on Preemptive's CEO's Windows Phone 7 App, what do other developers do to limit their application's chances of being ripped off?
I am not just looking for "a solution" as nearly all of them will have flaws, but instead one that balances the wire between "slows down all the code your put through it" and "isn't really that effective in practice"
many thanks in advance
The app you mention hasn't been hacked. Only the media has been extracted and copied into a new app.
The only (semi)-reliable way to protect against this is to stream your media on-demand, after the user has authenticated. Fingerprint the media using one of the many cryptography/steganography methods out there with unique user ID signature. This way, if/when your media is eventually ripped off, you have at least some chance of identifying the user whose copy the media was ripped from. (Not that this is going to help you much, if you are sticking to only legal actions. Which I strongly recommend.)
Reality is - there is no way you can protect content using technology. The only thing you can do is follow up the legal procedures set by the app store.
Let each app download an ID and verifiy it against paid ones. Make this verification happen every so often, not all the time or else it wouldn't work without internet. Also make sure that the user can't use the app unless they are verified within a reasonable amount of time.
See this anti-piracy code, it works 100% with our apps too!!!
Another option to use is MTIKS WP7 SDK. Here they state they can track piracy.
My opinion is currently using any anti-piracy check is bit stupid, because of current store model and certification process.

Windows Phone 7 Scoring provider

I am not too sure if this question is suited for this forum. If not, please let me know and I'll delete this.
I wanted to figure out the "easiest" way of keeping online score for a game or quiz on Windows Phone 7. Currently, I am not looking for things like Achievements etc. I know XBOX live provides a lot of stuff on these grounds, but it is not open for all.
I want to submit the score, and maintain the top 200 (may be less) odd scores. I am too lazy to write my own services and host it and go through the full maintenance cycle for that scoring system. Can someone point out some really good and easy to use + reliable services that I can use?
The product offered by Mogade has a lot of the features you have asked for:
Real time stats
Javascript leaderboards & Facebook pages
Always free
No branding requirements
It's a very streamlined library where you only need to set up the bare essentials to get it working as all of the heavy lifting is managed for you automatically, allowing you to focus more time on the development of your game.
briansoli has written a fairly straightforward tutorial on how to get a leaderboard working with in a Windows Phone 7 game.
I hope you find this useful, let us know how you get on with it!
Microosft have just released a new toolkit called the Windows Azure Toolkit for Social Games. This should help you out with quite a bit.
Have a look at this Cloud Cover Show, Episode 52 - Tankster and the Windows Azure Toolkit for Social Games
The toolkit enables unique capabilities for social gaming prerequisites, such as storing user profiles, maintaining leader boards, in-app purchasing, and more. The toolkit also comes complete with reusable server side code and documentation, as well as Tankster, a new proof-of-concept game built with HTML5
