E.g. I write the command cat file.txt and my cursor currently in the end of the string if I try to press arrow down or up I won't allow me to traverse over history, I should only press Ctrl+C to decline this command. Is any way to disable this behavior?
I use the reverse-i-search in Bash a lot. But I always type in the start of the command I'm about to use before I realise that I need to search for it.
Is there a way to make Ctrl + R use the input text, so that I don't have to type it again?
By input text, I mean text that I have typed in to the terminal before pressing Enter.
An example:
cd ~/some/folder/
cd some/subfolder/
I am about to go to a subfolder with cd. Before pressing Enter, I will type "cd some/subfolder". That is the input text.
You can use the CTRL-aryr command.
It looks worse than it is: for a half typed complex command it's quite helpful.
That's a compound command:
CTRL-a: home
-r: open reverse incremental history search and copy the text after the cursor position
-y: paste the text
-r: look for matching commands
It appears you can not do this. That is CTRL-R reads directly from the keyboard (at least on Linux) so you can't even paste into the buffer.
The best solution I can recommend is that you consider using Emacs Shell mode which will replace Bash's input with Emacs buffers.
On bash command-line, how to delete all letters before cursor? I know Ctrl-k deletes all afterward the cursor.
Ctrl-u - Cut everything before the cursor
Other Bash shortcuts,
Ctrl-a Move cursor to beginning of line
Ctrl-e Move cursor to end of line
Ctrl-b Move cursor back one word
Ctrl-f Move cursor forward one word
Ctrl-w Cut the last word
Ctrl-k Cut everything after the cursor
Ctrl-y Paste the last thing to be cut
Ctrl-_ Undo
And discover more via man page for bash shell: man bash
Additional bash command-line shortcut cheat sheet: http://www.bigsmoke.us/readline/shortcuts
See the documentation here: http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/bashref.html#Commands-For-Killing
Obligatory: Learn more about Bash, Linux, and Tech through Julia's comics: https://twitter.com/b0rk/media
In zsh, Alt+w clears all characters before the cursor.
In contrast to bash this does NOT cut them; it just deletes them.
This applies to zsh's Emacs mode (which is the default), NOT to Vi mode.
The hotkey Ctrl+U should do this for you.
Ctrl+x backspace clear all entry before cursor current position
Example: I want to bind the F12 key to the command echo "foobar" such that every time I hit F12 the message "foobar" will be printed to screen. Ideally it could be any arbitrary shell command, not just builtins. How does one go about this?
You can determine the character sequence emitted by a key by pressing Ctrl-v at the command line, then pressing the key you're interested in. On my system for F12, I get ^[[24~. The ^[ represents Esc. Different types of terminals or terminal emulators can emit different codes for the same key.
At a Bash prompt you can enter a command like this to enable the key macro so you can try it out.
bind '"\e[24~":"foobar"'
Now, when you press F12, you'll get "foobar" on the command line ready for further editing. If you wanted a keystroke to enter a command immediately, you can add a newline:
bind '"\e[24~":"pwd\n"'
Now when you press F12, you'll get the current directory displayed without having to press Enter. What if you've already typed something on the line and you use this which automatically executes? It could get messy. However, you could clear the line as part of your macro:
bind '"\e[24~":"\C-k \C-upwd\n"'
The space makes sure that the Ctrl-u has something to delete to keep the bell from ringing.
Once you've gotten the macro working the way you want, you can make it persistent by adding it to your ~/.inputrc file. There's no need for the bind command or the outer set of single quotes:
"\e[24~":"\C-k \C-upwd\n"
You can also create a key binding that will execute something without disturbing the current command line.
bind -x '"\eW":"who"'
Then while you're typing a command that requires a username, for example, and you need to know the names of user who are logged in, you can press Alt-Shift-W and the output of who will be displayed and the prompt will be re-issued with your partial command intact and the cursor in the same position in the line.
Unfortunately, this doesn't work properly for keys such as F12 which output more than two characters. In some cases this can be worked around.
The command (who in this case) could be any executable - a program, script or function.
You can define bash key bindings in ~/.inputrc (configuration file for the GNU Readline library). The syntax is
<keysym or key name>: macro
for example:
Control-o: "> output"
will create a macro which inserts "> output" when you press ControlO
"\e[11~": "echo foobar"
will create a macro which inserts "echo foobar" when you press F1... I don't know what the keysym for F11 is off hand.
.inputrc understands the \n escape sequence for linefeed, so you can use
"\e[11~": "echo foobar\n"
Which will effectively 'press enter' after the command is issued.
This solution is specific to X11 environments and has nothing to do with bash, but adding the following to your .Xmodmaps
% loadkeys
keycode 88 = F12
string F12 = "foobar"
will send the string "foobar" to the terminal upon hitting F12.
I wanted to bind Ctrl+B to a command. Inspired by an answer above, I tried to use bind but could not figure out what series of cryptic squiggles (\e[24~ ?) translate to Ctrl+B.
On a Mac, go to Settings of the Terminal app, Profiles -> Keyboard -> + then press the keyboard shortcut you're after and it comes out. For me Ctrl+B resulted in \002 which i successfully bound to command
bind '"\002":"echo command"'
Also, if you want the command to be executed right-away (not just inserted in to the prompt), you can add the Enter to the end of your command, like so:
bind '"\002":"echo command\015"'
I'd like to unbind C-d from sending EOF in bash, and set it to another key. The idea is to keep C-d as EOF in my .bashrc, but to rebind it in my .bash_profile, so that hitting C-d repeatedly with pull me out of any subshells I'm in, but leave me in my login shell.
Is this possible? C-d seems to be bound to delete-char, which it performs if there's text on the current line. It only sends EOF if there's no text on the current line. Rebinding delete-char to, say, C-f applies the delete-char action, but not the EOF sending.
Does Readline offer a way to rebind the EOF command?
The behavior you're talking about is set by stty. Why don't you bind another keystroke to either emit C-d or nothing depending on whether you're in a login shell or a non-login shell and use that?
No, but stty eof will allow you to change the EOF character. And it's a really bad idea to do so.
Suppose in bash you start writing a command like:
$ rm -rf /foo/bar/really/long/path/here
and then realize you don't want to execute this after all. Is there a way to clear the input with one or two keystrokes?
What I have been doing lately is prepending echo and enclosing the input in quotes (Ctrl+A, echo ", Ctrl+E, ") then hitting enter. Is there a faster way?
Press Ctrl-U to delete everything before the cursor. The deleted command will be stored into a buffer. Press Ctrl-Y to paste the deleted command.
(Optional: Press End or Ctrl-E to jump to the end of the input first.)
Alternatively, press Ctrl-C to abort what you're typing.
Try Ctrl+U. That clears the input line.
Found a short reference at http://www.ice2o.com/bash_quick_ref.html while searching.
ctrl + e (if not at the end of the line) plus ctrl + u will do it.
Ctrl-U, Ctrl-K does the trick as well.
Ctrl-U deletes everything from the beginning of the line up to the cursor, Ctrl-K deletes everything from the cursor to the end of the line. (It is sometimes useful to use only one of them.)
There are two options to do this
ctrl+c - this clears the whole line, no matter where the cursor is.
ctrl+u - this clear the line from the position of the cursor until the beginning.
A nice shortcut is pressing Esc#. It will prepend a # character (thus making the line a comment) and then press enter. If you then decide that you still the need the command, you still have it in your history :)
Pressing Esc plus Backspace in bash will clear everything up to the cursor's position.
(In Cygwin, this will clear the input up to the next word. Words are separated by spaces, underscores, ...)
This is an expansion of knittl's answer that stores the line in the console history by prefixing with a hash. Overcoming drawbacks of the clipboard, such as accidental overwriting or being unable to view the cut line for reference.
Comment Line & Return New Prompt
Use either key shortcut:
A hash character # will be prepended to the line, thus turning the whole line into a comment. It will also return a new prompt, as if enter was pressed by the user. e.g.
$ #rm -rf /foo/bar/really/long/path/here
Retrieve Commented Line
To recover the old line from console history use one of the following shortcuts:
Repeat key shortcut until the desired line appears.
Quick Hash Prefix Removal
To remove the line's hash # prefix there are a few different options available:
Remove first character and immediately execute command:
Alt+-, Alt+#
Move cursor to start and remove first character, without executing the command:
Home, Delete
Ctrl+a, Ctrl+d
Consider that using Ctrl-U (or Ctrl-E and then Ctrl-U) will store what you clear in a buffer so that you can then paste it later using Ctrl-Y.
If you are using Bash in vi mode (set it with set -o vi), then press Esc to switch to the normal mode of vi, and type dd to delete the current line!
To delete the current line, try:
Ctrl-X, Ctrl-U
As an alternative you may use:
which requires in ~/.inputrc:
"\ed": kill-whole-line
see: http://codesnippets.joyent.com/posts/show/1690