In bash, how do I bind a function key to a command? - bash

Example: I want to bind the F12 key to the command echo "foobar" such that every time I hit F12 the message "foobar" will be printed to screen. Ideally it could be any arbitrary shell command, not just builtins. How does one go about this?

You can determine the character sequence emitted by a key by pressing Ctrl-v at the command line, then pressing the key you're interested in. On my system for F12, I get ^[[24~. The ^[ represents Esc. Different types of terminals or terminal emulators can emit different codes for the same key.
At a Bash prompt you can enter a command like this to enable the key macro so you can try it out.
bind '"\e[24~":"foobar"'
Now, when you press F12, you'll get "foobar" on the command line ready for further editing. If you wanted a keystroke to enter a command immediately, you can add a newline:
bind '"\e[24~":"pwd\n"'
Now when you press F12, you'll get the current directory displayed without having to press Enter. What if you've already typed something on the line and you use this which automatically executes? It could get messy. However, you could clear the line as part of your macro:
bind '"\e[24~":"\C-k \C-upwd\n"'
The space makes sure that the Ctrl-u has something to delete to keep the bell from ringing.
Once you've gotten the macro working the way you want, you can make it persistent by adding it to your ~/.inputrc file. There's no need for the bind command or the outer set of single quotes:
"\e[24~":"\C-k \C-upwd\n"
You can also create a key binding that will execute something without disturbing the current command line.
bind -x '"\eW":"who"'
Then while you're typing a command that requires a username, for example, and you need to know the names of user who are logged in, you can press Alt-Shift-W and the output of who will be displayed and the prompt will be re-issued with your partial command intact and the cursor in the same position in the line.
Unfortunately, this doesn't work properly for keys such as F12 which output more than two characters. In some cases this can be worked around.
The command (who in this case) could be any executable - a program, script or function.

You can define bash key bindings in ~/.inputrc (configuration file for the GNU Readline library). The syntax is
<keysym or key name>: macro
for example:
Control-o: "> output"
will create a macro which inserts "> output" when you press ControlO
"\e[11~": "echo foobar"
will create a macro which inserts "echo foobar" when you press F1... I don't know what the keysym for F11 is off hand.
.inputrc understands the \n escape sequence for linefeed, so you can use
"\e[11~": "echo foobar\n"
Which will effectively 'press enter' after the command is issued.

This solution is specific to X11 environments and has nothing to do with bash, but adding the following to your .Xmodmaps
% loadkeys
keycode 88 = F12
string F12 = "foobar"
will send the string "foobar" to the terminal upon hitting F12.

I wanted to bind Ctrl+B to a command. Inspired by an answer above, I tried to use bind but could not figure out what series of cryptic squiggles (\e[24~ ?) translate to Ctrl+B.
On a Mac, go to Settings of the Terminal app, Profiles -> Keyboard -> + then press the keyboard shortcut you're after and it comes out. For me Ctrl+B resulted in \002 which i successfully bound to command
bind '"\002":"echo command"'
Also, if you want the command to be executed right-away (not just inserted in to the prompt), you can add the Enter to the end of your command, like so:
bind '"\002":"echo command\015"'


Modifying Typed Character Count

I was wondering if it was possible to manipulate the number of characters typed as a command. The reason for this, is I am writing a custom function to complete commands (when you press TAB), but I am using the complete function only for prompting the user, and not completing. What I want to be able to do is complete a typed word as such:
User$ command param[TAB]
prefixparam aaaparambbb
User$ command param
User$ command aparam[TAB]
User$ command aaaparambbb
Since I am completing the param as the prefix and suffix (and in some cases replacing it entirely), I can't use the builtin complete functionality, and instead I am looking for a workaround (hopefully without getting too deep).
How my current function works
When you press tab, it will parse the command and determine the possible completions. Then it will type the bash prompt again ($PS1) and the part of the command that was typed already. (User$ command param)
I want it so that when there is only 1 possible option, for it to replace your partial command with the only remaining option. This is already possible since I am manually reprompting the user, but I am having problems since the shell will not allow you to backspace more than you typed originally.
User$ command aparam[TAB]
User$ command aaapa[rambbb] // Can only backspace 6 characters
I need some way to trick the shell into thinking that all 11 characters were typed and can be deleted.
I have found almost what I wanted to be possible using bind for anyone interested: bash expand cd with shortcuts like zsh
You can modify the $READLINE_LINE and $READLINE_POINT variables to modify the command. However, this only works for bind commands, and binding to TAB would overwrite and break other autocomplete functions which I would prefer not to.

Disable delete key in terminal prompt

I modified my prompt in my .bashrc file using the following command:
PS1='\[$(tput bold)\e[1;34m\w\e[m$ '
Now my prompt shows the current directory in bold blue color followed by the $ sign. On a new prompt, if no other text has been entered, I press the delete key nothing happens.
However, if I enter any text, say cd, delete that and then press the delete key once more, it will delete my prompt. How can I change my .bashrc file so my prompt can never be deleted?
Bash is confused about how long your prompt actually is. You can tell bash by enclosing non-printable parts of the prompt with backslash-brackets: \[....\].
Your prompt, however only contains the opening bracket, making bash believe that the prompt is very short, so it happily removes almost all of it in some situations. A proper use of the bracketing would look like this:
PS1='\[$(tput bold)\e[1;34m\]\w\[\e[m\]$ '
That is, everything is in backslash-bracket except the working directory and the dollar sign, because those are the only parts that actually consume space on the terminal screen.

How do I type a TAB character in PowerShell?

Task: By default, pressing the TAB key while in Windows Command Prompt will output file names, while it does nothing in PowerShell. I want to be able to type the TAB character in interactive mode, not via scripts.
Research: I found similar questions on this site and via Google search. Solutions found were addressing Bash (Mac) or iterm (Linux), or suggested changing to another program such as TweakUI. My question is specific to Windows PowerShell or Command Prompt.
Clarification: A simple test for whether your answer works for my question is to type echo "1 TAB-method 2" into PS/CP, where TAB-method is your suggestion on how to insert a TAB character. If the echo gives 1 2 (i.e., 1 followed by a TAB space followed by 2). That's what I'm looking for.
If it helps, you can embed a tab character in a
double-quoted string:
"`t hello"
Test with [char]9, such as:
$Tab = [char]9
Write-Output "$Tab hello"
In the Windows command prompt you can disable tab completion, by launching it thusly:
cmd.exe /f:off
Then the tab character will be echoed to the screen and work as you expect. Or you can disable the tab completion character, or modify what character is used for tab completion by modifying the registry.
The cmd.exe help page explains it:
You can enable or disable file name completion for a particular
invocation of CMD.EXE with the /F:ON or /F:OFF switch. You can enable
or disable completion for all invocations of CMD.EXE on a machine
and/or user logon session by setting either or both of the following
REG_DWORD values in the registry using REGEDIT.EXE:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor\CompletionChar
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor\PathCompletionChar
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor\CompletionChar
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor\PathCompletionChar
with the hex value of a control character to use for a particular
function (e.g. 0x4 is Ctrl-D and 0x6 is Ctrl-F). The user specific
settings take precedence over the machine settings. The command line
switches take precedence over the registry settings.
If completion is enabled with the /F:ON switch, the two control
characters used are Ctrl-D for directory name completion and Ctrl-F
for file name completion. To disable a particular completion
character in the registry, use the value for space (0x20) as it is not
a valid control character.
The TAB key has a specific meaning in PowerShell. It's for command completion. So if you enter "getch" and then type a TAB, it changes what you typed into "GetChildItem" (it corrects the case, even though that's unnecessary).
From your question, it looks like TAB completion and command completion would overload the TAB key. I'm pretty sure the PowerShell designers didn't want that.

In bash, how does one clear the current input?

Suppose in bash you start writing a command like:
$ rm -rf /foo/bar/really/long/path/here
and then realize you don't want to execute this after all. Is there a way to clear the input with one or two keystrokes?
What I have been doing lately is prepending echo and enclosing the input in quotes (Ctrl+A, echo ", Ctrl+E, ") then hitting enter. Is there a faster way?
Press Ctrl-U to delete everything before the cursor. The deleted command will be stored into a buffer. Press Ctrl-Y to paste the deleted command.
(Optional: Press End or Ctrl-E to jump to the end of the input first.)
Alternatively, press Ctrl-C to abort what you're typing.
Try Ctrl+U. That clears the input line.
Found a short reference at while searching.
ctrl + e (if not at the end of the line) plus ctrl + u will do it.
Ctrl-U, Ctrl-K does the trick as well.
Ctrl-U deletes everything from the beginning of the line up to the cursor, Ctrl-K deletes everything from the cursor to the end of the line. (It is sometimes useful to use only one of them.)
There are two options to do this
ctrl+c - this clears the whole line, no matter where the cursor is.
ctrl+u - this clear the line from the position of the cursor until the beginning.
A nice shortcut is pressing Esc#. It will prepend a # character (thus making the line a comment) and then press enter. If you then decide that you still the need the command, you still have it in your history :)
Pressing Esc plus Backspace in bash will clear everything up to the cursor's position.
(In Cygwin, this will clear the input up to the next word. Words are separated by spaces, underscores, ...)
This is an expansion of knittl's answer that stores the line in the console history by prefixing with a hash. Overcoming drawbacks of the clipboard, such as accidental overwriting or being unable to view the cut line for reference.
Comment Line & Return New Prompt
Use either key shortcut:
A hash character # will be prepended to the line, thus turning the whole line into a comment. It will also return a new prompt, as if enter was pressed by the user. e.g.
$ #rm -rf /foo/bar/really/long/path/here
Retrieve Commented Line
To recover the old line from console history use one of the following shortcuts:
Repeat key shortcut until the desired line appears.
Quick Hash Prefix Removal
To remove the line's hash # prefix there are a few different options available:
Remove first character and immediately execute command:
Alt+-, Alt+#
Move cursor to start and remove first character, without executing the command:
Home, Delete
Ctrl+a, Ctrl+d
Consider that using Ctrl-U (or Ctrl-E and then Ctrl-U) will store what you clear in a buffer so that you can then paste it later using Ctrl-Y.
If you are using Bash in vi mode (set it with set -o vi), then press Esc to switch to the normal mode of vi, and type dd to delete the current line!
To delete the current line, try:
Ctrl-X, Ctrl-U
As an alternative you may use:
which requires in ~/.inputrc:
"\ed": kill-whole-line

Going backwards in a bash prompt

I'd like to have a blank line after my bash prompt and before the output on my Mac. It should look like this would:
echo; ls
Can I add a newline to my bash prompt and then go back up one line to wait for user input? Is there something obvious I'm missing?
I know this is old but for someone like me who came across this while googling for it. This is how you do this...
It's actually pretty simple!
Check out this link --> Cursor Movement
Basically to move up N number of lines:
echo -e "\033[<N>A HELLO WORLD\n"
Just change the "< N >" to however many lines you want to go back...
For instance, to move up 5 lines it would be "/033[5A"
To my knowledge this is not possible unless you delve into more low-level stuff like full-screen emulators like curses.
This is a bit of a stab in the dark, but you may be able to use VT102 terminal codes to control the cursor without having to use Curses. The relevant VT102 commands that you'd be interested in all consist of sending ESC, then [, then the specific command parameters.
For instance, to move the cursor up one line, one needs to output:
ESC [ 1 A
0x1B 0x5B 0x31 0x41
Be warned that the VT102 documentation generally uses octal, so keep an ascii table handy if you're using hex.
All of this advice is given without having tested it -- I don't know if VT102 commands can be embedded into your bash prompt, but I thought it might be worth a shot.
Edit: Yeah -- looks like a lot of people use VT102 formatting codes in their bash prompts. To translate my above example into something Bash would recognize, putting:
into your prompt should move the cursor up one line.
This is very possible. If your bash has C-v set as the readline quoted-insert command, you can simply add the following to your ~/.inputrc:
RETURN: "\C-e\C-v\n\C-v\n\n"
This wil make bash (readline, actually) insert two verbatim newlines before a regular interpreted newline. By default, only one is inserted, which is what causes output to start on the line after the prompt.
You can test if C-v is set to quoted-insert by typing it in bash (that's Ctrl+V) followed by e.g. an up arrow. This should print ^[[A or something similar. If it doesn't, you can bind it in ~/.inputrc too:
C-v: quoted-insert
RETURN: "\C-e\C-v\n\C-v\n\n"
~/.inputrc can be created if it doesn't exist. The changes will not take effect in running bashes unless you issue a readline re-read-init-file command (by default on C-x C-r). Be careful though. If you do something wrong, enter will no longer issue commands, and fixing your mistake could prove to be difficult. If you should do something wrong, C-o will by default also accept the line.
Adding a newline followed by moving the cursor back to the regular prompt (like you described) is possible, but will not have the effect you intend. The newline you inserted would simply be overwritten by the application output, since you moved the cursor back in front of it.
This works:
trap echo DEBUG
It doesn't add an extra newline if you hit return at an empty prompt.
The command above will cause a newline to be output for every member of a pipeline or multi-command line such as:
$ echo foo; echo bar
To prevent that so that only one extra newline is output before all command output:
PROMPT_COMMAND='_nl=true'; trap -- '$_nl && [[ $BASH_COMMAND != $PROMPT_COMMAND ]] && echo; _nl=false' DEBUG
The DEBUG trap is performed before each command so before the first command it checks to see if the flag is true and, if so, outputs a newline. Then it sets the flag to false so each command afterwards on the line doesn't trigger an extra newline.
The contents of $PROMPT_COMMAND are executed before the prompt is output so the flag is set to true - ready for the next cycle.
Because pressing enter on an empty command line still triggers the execution of the contents of $PROMPT_COMMAND the test in the trap also checks for those contents as the current command and doesn't perform the echo if they match.
I believe (but haven't tried) if you put '\n\b' in the prompt string it would do that.
In general, if you want to find out the codes to do anything a terminal can do, read the terminfo man page.
In this case, the cursor up one line code can be determined by:
tput cuu1
If you redirect the tput output to a file, you can see what control characters are used.
Bash also supports the PROMPT_COMMAND variable, allowing you to run arbitrary commands before each prompt is issued.
