How to show laravel.log content - laravel

How can i get all text and sentences (content) from laravel.log file?
this below code is not working for me :
$logs = fopen("storage\logs\laravel.log", "r") or die("Unable to open file!");
echo fread($logs, filesize("laravel.log"));
return response()->json($logs);
and my error :
fopen(storage/logs/laravel.log): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory
Thank you for your guidance.

Access using
$logPath = storage_path().'/logs/laravel.log';
$logs = fopen($logPath , "r") or die("Unable to open file!");
And make sure laravel.log exists.


Unable to upload video file

I am trying to upload a video file with my controller as below
echo "Yes, file";
$file = Request::file('file1');
$filename = $file->getClientOriginalName();
$path = public_path().'/uploads/';
return $file->move($path, $filename);
} else {
echo "No file";
When i submit my a JPG/PNG file, it echo "Yes, file" i.e the file exist but when i submit an MP4 video, the file isn't found..
What could be the issue please ? Is there a particular way of sending Mp4 to my server in Laravel ?
The issue here can be your php configuration in php.ini regarding the max allowed size of the uploaded file.

Perl: Bad Symbol for dirhandle

This is my code:
opendir(DIR, $directoryPath) or die "Cant open $directoryPath$!";
my #files = readdir(DIR); #Array of file names
closedir (DIR) or die "Cant close $directoryPath$!";
I'm using #files to create an array of the file names within the directory for renaming later in the program.
The problem is:
I am getting the error "Bad Symbol for dirhandle" at the closedir line.
If I don't closedir to avoid this, I don't have permission to change file names (I'm using Windows).
I tried an alternative way of renaming the files (below) to try a different solution to the problem by renaming the files a different way and within the dirhandles, but this just repeat the permission errors.
opendir(DIR, $directoryPath) or die "Cant open $directoryPath$!";
while( (my $filename = readdir(DIR)))
rename($filename, $nFileName . $i) or die "Cant rename file $filename$!";
closedir (DIR) or die "Cant close $directoryPath$!";
From a quick bit of research I think the permission error is a Windows security feature so you can't edit a file while its open, but I haven't been able to find a solution simple enough for me to understand.
An answer to point 1. or point 3. is preferrable, but an answer to point 2. will also be useful.
Full code used in points 1. and 2. below
use 5.16.3;
use strict;
print "Enter Directory: ";
my $directoryPath = <>;
chdir("$directoryPath") or die "Cant chdir to $directoryPath$!";
opendir(DIR, $directoryPath) or die "Cant open $directoryPath$!";
my #files = readdir(DIR); #Array of file names
closedir (DIR) or die "Cant close $directoryPath$!";
my $fileName = "File ";
for my $i (0 .. #files)
rename($files[$i], $fileName . ($i+1)) or die "Cant rename file $files[$i]$!";
chdir; #return to home directory
I can input the path correctly, but then error message (copied exactly) is:
Can't rename file .Permission denied at C:\path\to\file\ line 19, <> line 1.
The error
Can't rename file .Permission denied at C:\path\to\file\ line 19, <> line 1.
says that you are trying to rename the file ., which is a special file that is a shortcut for "current directory". You should add exceptions to your code to not rename this file, and the one called ... Something like:
next if $files[$i] =~ /^\./;
Would do. This will skip over any file that begins with a period .. Alternatively you can skip directories:
next if -d $files[$i]; # skip directories (includes . and ..)
As TLP has already pointed out, readdir returns . and .. which corresponds to the current and parent directory.
You'll need to filter those out in order to avoid renaming directories.
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;
print "Enter Directory: ";
chomp( my $dirpath = <> );
opendir my $dh, $dirpath or die "Can't open $dirpath: $!";
my $number = 0;
while ( my $file = readdir($dh) ) {
next if $file =~ /^\.+$/;
my $newfile = "$dirpath/File " . ++$number;
rename "$dirpath/$file", $newfile or die "Cant rename file $file -> $newfile: $!";
closedir $dh;
Cross Platform Compatibility using Path::Class
One way to simplify this script and logic is to use Path::Class to handle file and directory operations.
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;
use Path::Class;
print "Enter Directory: ";
chomp( my $dirname = <> );
my $dir = dir($dirname);
my $number = 0;
for my $file ( $dir->children ) {
next if $file->is_dir();
my $newfile = $dir->file( "File" . ++$number );

CocoaLibspotify framework

I have developed an application using libspotify.framework app is working well but It gives an error at the time of submission on itunes error is "Invalid Signature- the nested app bundle Spotify at path [] is not signed" Please see atttched image and help me
Yes , i have found solution of this problem after more efforts of research .
Solution :
1) Go to the project navigator in your xcode , click on "Build Phases".
2) There will be a button "Add Build Phase" click on this .
3) There will be opened a list then click on "Add Run Script"
4) Copy below code and paste there :
my $infoplist_path = "$ENV{BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR}/$ENV{FRAMEWORKS_FOLDER_PATH}/libspotify.framework/Resources/Info.plist";
#open the info plist
open(my $input, "<", $infoplist_path) or die "Can't open Info.plist: $!";
my $outputstring = "";
#loop through each line until we find CFBundleExecutable, then substitute the next line
while (+<$input>) {
$outputstring .= "$_";
if (/[\t ]+<key>CFBundleExecutable<\/key>\n/) {
my $line = +<$input>;
$line =~ s/([\t ]+<string>)(.*?)(<\/string>)/$1.(libspotify).$3/eg;
$outputstring .= $line;
#write back out to Info.plist
open(my $output, ">", $infoplist_path) or die "Can't open Info.plist: $!";
print $output $outputstring;
5) I am sure if anyone got this problem then it will be solved using this code.

write csv file to server with codeigniter csv_from_result

Trying to save a csv file on my server with codeigniter.
my syntax is:
$query = $this->db->query("SELECT id,customeraccount,band FROM Customer_Bands");
$delimiter = ',';
$newline = "<br>";
echo $this->dbutil->csv_from_result($query, $delimiter, $newline);
if ( ! write_file(base_url().'/application/authorizations/test.csv', $this->dbutil->csv_from_result($query, $delimiter, $newline)))
echo 'Unable to write the file';
echo 'File written!';
This is rough right now but want to get functionality working first.
Two issues.
Firstly the echo $this->dbutil->csv_from_result($query, $delimiter, $newline); outputs to my view correctly but each field is inside "", how can I remove these?
Secondly, the file is not writing to my server.
base_url() is my codeigniter root folder then inside applications I have created a folder named authorizations so base_url()/application/authorizations
This currently fails and echos 'Unable to write the file'
Thanks in advance

fopen with dynamic filename is not working

I need to make a web site on which people can upload data files that after some treatment will be plotted using the jpgraph. The file is analyzed with a bash script called The bash script is like this:
fecha=`date +%s`
mv $1 $fecha.dat
echo $fecha.dat
So, it gives back another file which name is like: 1321290921.dat. That is the file that I need to plot.
This my current php code:
$target_path = "/home/myhome";
$target_path = $target_path . basename( $_FILES['rdata']['name']);
$target_file = basename( $_FILES['rdata']['name']);
if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['rdata']['tmp_name'], $target_path)) {
echo "The file ". $target_file. " has been uploaded";
$filetoplot=shell_exec('./'.' '.$target_file);
} else{
echo "There was an error uploading the file, please <a href=\"index.html\">try again!
echo "<br>The file to be opened is ". $filetoplot. "<br>";
if ($file_handle = fopen("$filetoplot", 'r')) {
while ( $line_of_text = fgets($file_handle) ) {
$parts = explode('.', $line_of_text);
echo $line_of_text ;
print $parts[0] . $parts[1]. $parts[2]. "<br>";
I have permissions to read and write on the target directory. I find strange that if I uncomment the line $filetoplot="1321290921.dat" then the script works perfectly. I guess I am doing something stupid since this is my first code in php but after some hours googling I was not able to find a solution.
Any help will be appreciated.
First thing I'm seeing is that you don't append trailing slash (/) to your home path, so that the path would be like /home/myhomefoo rather than /home/myhome/foo.
You should also move $target_file earlier, and reuse that within $target_path. There's no reason to do the same thing twice.
If that doesn't help, we'll see what goes next.
