How to pass properties via CompositeEvent - masstransit

I've got some events in state machine
public Event<FirstCompletedEvent>? FirstCompletedEvent { get; set; }
public record FirstCompletedEvent(Guid PaymentKey, string PaymentDetails) : IQueueMessage;
public Event<SecondCompletedEvent>? SecondCompletedEvent { get; set; }
public Event<ThirdCompletedEvent>? ThirdCompletedEvent { get; set; }
AllCompletedEvent fires when all of 3 arrived.
CompositeEvent(() => AllCompletedEvent, x => x.AllCompletedEventStatus,
Question: is it possible to pass data from FirstCompletedEvent into AllCompletedEvent for futher processing. To make something like this:
.Then(c => DoSomething(c.Data.PaymentDetails)
I've tried to save it to state in event handler, but it fired (if fired at all) after When(AllCompletedEvent) - absolutely not what I looking for.
.Then(c => c.Instance.PaymentDetails = c.Data.PaymentDetails)

Any event data required in subsequent events should be stored in the state instance by that event's specific event handler. A composite event only stores the fact that the event was raised, not the data included in it.
Also, you need to define the CompositeEvent after:
.Then(c => c.Instance.PaymentDetails = c.Data.PaymentDetails)
So that the composite event fires after the FirstCompletedEvent.


net core API controller is returning incomplete json

I asked a question a few days ago regarding a net core game I'm making that is using Entity Framework.
I had one issue where a controller was returning duplicate JSON data.
Based on one of the answers, I changed that controller to this:
public async Task<ActionResult<GameDungeon>> GetDungeonAndRoomData(Guid dungeonID)
var dungeon = await _context.DungeonList
.Select(c => new GameDungeon
DungeonId = c.DungeonId,
DungeonName = c.DungeonName,
StartRoom = c.StartRoom,
Rooms = c.Rooms.Select(n => new GameDungeonRoom
RoomId = n.RoomId,
RoomText = n.RoomText,
TreasureId = n.TreasureId
}).SingleOrDefaultAsync(c => c.DungeonId == dungeonID);
Since I changed the controller, I had to modify this model class, so I added a new property called Rooms.
public partial class GameDungeon
public string DungeonId { get; set; }
public string DungeonName { get; set; }
public string StartRoom { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<GameDungeonRoom> Rooms { get; set; }
Since I added that new "Rooms" property, I had to create a new model called GameDungeonRoom:
public partial class GameDungeonRoom
public Guid DungeonId { get; set; }
public string RoomId { get; set; }
public string RoomText { get; set; }
public string TreasureId { get; set; }
Building and running the game, I now get one set of dungeon data, but it is not returning any rooms.
At first, and based off this Stack Overflow question, .net core : incomplete JSON response,I thought it was because I needed to add this to my Startup.cs file:
options => options.SerializerSettings.ReferenceLoopHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore
But that was not the case.
So I then spent the evening trying a bunch of different ways of writing the controller, but they either produced the same results or just threw an error.
Reviewing the code this morning, I realized something. In my controller, the first select statement that creates the new "GameDungeon" is getting data from _context.DungeonList.
DungeonList is a model generated by Entity Framework from a real table in my database.
But GameDungeonRoom is just a new class model I created. It's based off a table in my database called RoomList, but there is nothing in _context that specifically handles GameDungeonRoom.
So I am wondering, should I introduce another controller that kind of looks like this?
var rooms = await _context.RoomList
.Select(c => new GameDungeonRoom ...
And then somehow append that to the GameDungeon object.
I sort of tried that after lunch but ended up just creating a mess of code that created an even bigger mess of errors so I just deleted it all.
Anyway, after all that, this is where my JSON currently stands:
"dungeonId" : "293hf938",
"dungeonName" : "Dungeon of Dread",
"startRoom" : "bjgh39811ffr",
"roomId" : "fgf4h635j",
"roomText" : "A big empty room",
"treasureId" : "12a",
"rooms": [
You'll notice that "rooms" is empty. I'm not quite sure why it is, or what's going on.
One idea I had, is maybe I should just create an API controller that get's the dungeon data for a particular dungeon. Then create another API controller that gets the Room data for a particular dungeon.
Then let the client call both controllers(using the same dungeonId) and combine the data on the client side.
So I was wondering if anyone could think of an idea as to why the "rooms" object is empty.
Just guessing you might have hit a cyclic reference in your result set due to Data Context being cached. Hence Json serializer cannot serialize it properly and give incomplete json content. So can you try following to pin point that.
var dungeon = await _context.DungeonList
.Select(c => new GameDungeon
DungeonId = c.DungeonId,
DungeonName = c.DungeonName,
StartRoom = c.StartRoom,
Rooms = c.Rooms.Select(n => new GameDungeonRoom
RoomId = n.RoomId,
RoomText = n.RoomText,
TreasureId = n.TreasureId
.AsNoTracking() //This ignore the cached data
.SingleOrDefaultAsync(c => c.DungeonId == dungeonID);

How to avoid to extend the mapping on commiting an object

Let's assume folowing class which I want to index:
private class User
public User()
Id = Guid.NewGuid();
Added = DateTime.Now;
public Guid Id { get; protected set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public DateTime Added { get; protected set; } // Unimportant for search
The point is that I need just the Id and LastName property in the index. Using the fluent api everything works fine (just the specified properties will be mapped):
_client.Map<User>(m => m.
Properties(p => p.String(s => s.Name(u => u.LastName))));
Now, when I index an object the mapping will be extended by the remaining properties. How can I avoid these behavior. (Also odd for me: MapFromAttributes() maps all of the properties, while not even one property is decorated?!).
This is a very little example but some of my domain objects stand in many-many-relations. I didn't try it but I don't think it's possible to map these objects when everything will be committed.
Copied from the answer in
This is due to the dynamic mapping behavior of ES when it detects new fields. You can turn this behavior off by setting dynamic: false or ignore in your mapping:
client.Map<Foo>(m => m
client.Map<Foo>(m => m
Keep in mind though, the property will still be present in _source.
Alternatively, you can use the fluent ignore property API mentioned above, which will exclude the property entirely from the mapping and _source since doing so will cause it to not undergo serialization:
var settings = new ConnectionSettings()
.MapPropertiesFor<Foo>(m => m
.Ignore(v => v.Bar)
var client = new ElasticClient(settings);
or less ideal, just stick Json.NET's [JsonIgnore] attribute on the properties you want to exclude.

Add custom data-* attributes to Kendo UI AutoComplete or ComboBox

Currently using the Kendo UI AutoCompleteFor() and ComboBoxFor() helper.
Noticing that they generate/render a bunch of <li>s.
How does one add additional custom data-* attributes to those <li>s?
Here's the current scenario:
The user starts typing stuff in the AutoCompleteFor
An ajax call is triggered to fetch some data related to what the
user has typed.
The obtained results are transformed into an
The result is then sent to Json. Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)
My goal is to add one or more additional data-* attribute to each of these <li> generate lines so that I can fetch these data-* in the onChange() event.
How does one achieve this?
In addition, I'm aware that I could create my own .Template() and possibly achieve my task but I was curious if anyone knows of a different way to do this then having to create my own template.
Ok I've found a solution; I'll share it here in case anyone is interested.
Instead of transforming my obtained results into an IEnumerable<SelectListItem>, I simply transform this into an IEnumerable<CustomDTO>.
The CustomDTO class looks like this:
public class CustomDTO
public int Value { get; set; }
public string Text { get; set; }
public int Age { get; set; }
//Add whatever more properties you think you’ll need.
In my controller, I then do the following:
var result = _myService.GetData().ToList();
return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
Where GetData() returns an IEnumerable<CustomDTO>.
Inside my View, I have an AutoCompleteFor() control to which I bind a client side
.Events(x => x.Select("onSelect") event handler.
The handler is defined like so:
function onSelect(e)
if (e.item == null) return;
var dataItem = this.dataItem(e.item.index());
var valueAttribute = dataItem.Value;
var textAttribute = dataItem.Text;
var ageAttribute = dataItem.Age; //This is how I get my additional value
So that's it.

How to pass a parameter to the Read method of signalr transport for Kendo UI grid data source

I was looking at the demo:
Telerik's Demo
and this
Telerik's Example
I still cannot figure out how, using this technique, to pass a parameter
to the Read method, so instead of reading ALL games or products, it reads ONLY a
subset of games or products, by category ID lest say. If I change the Read method in
the server-side code to take a parameter, it never gets hit anymore,
and I cannot figure out how to pass a parameter from the transport
client-side definition definition... Any help would be highly
I posted the question to the Telerik's forums and got this which should work!
Telerik's Answer
In case anyone else comes along in the future and the link in the other answer is gone, or for those who don't want to download a project file and sift through it themselves, here's more detail from the answer given on the Telerik forums:
They use Kendo.DynamicLinq to "bind the request parameters."
They created a custom class that mirrors the structure of the existing DataSourceRequest class typically used in AJAX grid actions.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Kendo.DynamicLinq;
namespace SignalRLocalHub.Models
public class MyDataSourceRequest
public int Take { get; set; }
public int Skip { get; set; }
public int Page { get; set; }
public int PageSize { get; set; }
public Filter Filter { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<Sort> Sort { get; set; }
public IEnumerable<Aggregator> Aggregates { get; set; }
In the ProductHub (SignalR hub) class, this is the Read method:
public DataSourceResult Read(MyDataSourceRequest request)
return productService.Read()
The productService.Read method it calls, for reference, looks like this:
//int take, int skip, IEnumerable<Sort> sort, Filter filter, IEnumerable<Aggregator> aggregates
public IQueryable<ProductViewModel> Read()
return entities.Products
.OrderBy(p => p.ProductID)
.Select(product => new ProductViewModel
ProductID = product.ProductID,
ProductName = product.ProductName,
UnitPrice = product.UnitPrice.HasValue ? product.UnitPrice.Value : default(decimal),
UnitsInStock = product.UnitsInStock.HasValue ? product.UnitsInStock.Value : default(short),
Discontinued = product.Discontinued
And finally, here is the grid's DataSource configuration:
.DataSource(d => d
.Transport(tr => tr
.Client(c => c.Read("read").Create("create").Update("update").Destroy("destroy"))
.Server(s => s.Read("read").Create("create").Update("update").Destroy("destroy"))
.Filter(f => f.Add(m => m.UnitPrice).IsEqualTo(10))
.Schema(s => s
.Model(m =>
m.Id(e => e.ProductID);
m.Field(e => e.ProductID).Editable(false);
This allows sorting, paging, and filtering by any field that is part of the grid view model. So as long as your "category ID" is a property of the grid view model and the grid is configured to be able to filter by that field, this method should work.

Validation for items in ObservableCollection bound to DataGrid when validation of one item of collection depends on other items

I am using MVVM and displaying some items on a DataGrid. My model is RecordingInfo and looks like:
public class RecordingInfo : IDataErrorInfo
public RecordingInfo(string fullDirectoryName, string recordingName, int recordingNumber)
FullDirectoryName = fullDirectoryName;
RecordingName = recordingName;
RecordingNumber = recordingNumber;
public string FullDirectoryName { get; internal set; }
public string RecordingName { get; set; }
public int RecordingNumber { get; internal set; }
public string Error
get { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public string this[string propertyName]
get {
if (propertyName == "RecordingName")
if (this.RecordingName.Length < 2)
return "Recording Name must be at least two characters";
return null;
I end up with a collection of these RecordingInfo programmatically. The user is not allowed to do much with these but he/she can change the RecordingName subject to the name being 2 characters or more AND that the RecordingName must be unique. I.e. no changing it to match another RecordingName. I have taken care of the first requirement. It's the second one that is giving me grief.
For my ViewModel, I have
public class RecordingListViewModel : ViewModelBase//, IDataErrorInfo
private ObservableCollection<RecordingInfo> _recordings = null;
public RecordingListViewModel()
public ObservableCollection<RecordingInfo> Recordings
return _recordings;
// more stuff left off for brevity
In my view I bind the collection to a DataGrid and have:
<DataGrid ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Recordings}" AutoGenerateColumns="False" >
<DataGridTextColumn Header="Recording" IsReadOnly="False" EditingElementStyle="{StaticResource CellEditStyle}" ElementStyle="{StaticResource CellNonEditStyle}" Binding="{Binding RecordingName, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged, ValidatesOnDataErrors=True}" >
My way of checking for 2 or more characters works great. But this doesn't work for checking that the user is not trying to give a recording an existing name. Presumably, I need to somehow handle this at the ViewModel layer since the ViewModel knows about all Recordings. I tried playing with having my ViewModel derive from IDataErrorInfo but the property indexer never gets called, which makes sense as it's the Observable collection and therefore the individual RecordingInfos that are bound. I also thought about doing something with a "Lost Focus" event, but DataGridTextColumn doesn't seem to have that. I would think this is a somewhat common problem: validation must take into account relationships between the items of the collection.
By the way, I'm not wedded to the IDataErrorInfo and I am not opposed to other changes in architecture. Please let me know if I can provide more details. I have tried to provide a minimal amount of code. Clearly, this is part of a much bigger project. Any advice is appreciated.
I would do the following
1) Make RecordingInfo implement INotifyPropertyChanged
2) Use a BindingList<> instead of ObservableCollection<>
In your viewmodel, subscribe to the BindingList.ListChanged Event. This event will fire when items are added and removed, but also when the top level properties on RecordingInfo changes. In the case of a property being changed, the ListChangedEventArgs.PropertyDescriptor property will contain the name of the property, if you want to run validation for just that property (be careful though, this can be null when the item as added/removed). You'll need to use the ListChangedType property to determine the reason of the event (E.x.: Reset means everything changed, ItemAdded means the item was added, but the ItemChanged means a property changed as occurred on an existing item.
You can have the parent ViewModel (that contains and creates your RecordingInfos) pass a name validation Func in their constructors for them to call when validating their name changes.
