Add custom data-* attributes to Kendo UI AutoComplete or ComboBox - kendo-ui

Currently using the Kendo UI AutoCompleteFor() and ComboBoxFor() helper.
Noticing that they generate/render a bunch of <li>s.
How does one add additional custom data-* attributes to those <li>s?
Here's the current scenario:
The user starts typing stuff in the AutoCompleteFor
An ajax call is triggered to fetch some data related to what the
user has typed.
The obtained results are transformed into an
The result is then sent to Json. Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)
My goal is to add one or more additional data-* attribute to each of these <li> generate lines so that I can fetch these data-* in the onChange() event.
How does one achieve this?
In addition, I'm aware that I could create my own .Template() and possibly achieve my task but I was curious if anyone knows of a different way to do this then having to create my own template.

Ok I've found a solution; I'll share it here in case anyone is interested.
Instead of transforming my obtained results into an IEnumerable<SelectListItem>, I simply transform this into an IEnumerable<CustomDTO>.
The CustomDTO class looks like this:
public class CustomDTO
public int Value { get; set; }
public string Text { get; set; }
public int Age { get; set; }
//Add whatever more properties you think you’ll need.
In my controller, I then do the following:
var result = _myService.GetData().ToList();
return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
Where GetData() returns an IEnumerable<CustomDTO>.
Inside my View, I have an AutoCompleteFor() control to which I bind a client side
.Events(x => x.Select("onSelect") event handler.
The handler is defined like so:
function onSelect(e)
if (e.item == null) return;
var dataItem = this.dataItem(e.item.index());
var valueAttribute = dataItem.Value;
var textAttribute = dataItem.Text;
var ageAttribute = dataItem.Age; //This is how I get my additional value
So that's it.


How to update knockout model in mvc3 app

I've been playing with MVC3 with KnockoutJs for a few weeks and I've been wondering about something
say I have an mvc action which returns a simple list
public ActionResult AddFoos()
List<Foo> funds = new List<Foo>();
.. etc
return Json(funds.ToList(), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
which is then passed into the view model
var viewModel = {
fooChocies: ko.mapping.fromJS([]),
fooOptions: ko.mapping.fromJS([]),
loadInitialData: function () {
ko.mapping.fromJS(serverData, dataMappingOptions, viewModel.fooOptions);
In my type Foo I also have properties that show or hide ui elements
var Foo = function (data, preselect) {
var self = this; = ko.observable(;
self.Name = ko.observable(data.Name);
self.number = ko.observable('');
self.showProducts = ko.observable(false); <---
self.displayBigPanel = ko.observable(false); <---
My approach so far as been to dynamically create elements of the form
which passes through the ModelBinder and creates a List< Foo > as a parameter for controller action.
Finally the question...
When the user navigates back to this page I need to restore the UI with the fooChoices the user made.
It seems I have 2 choices with rebuilding the user selections (both via extension methods)
Use raw json as seen by
which in addition to basic model properties also provides info on hiding and displaying UI elements,
sb.Append("viewModel.fooCghoices= ko.mapping.fromJS(" + json + ");");
return new HtmlString(sb.ToString());
thus sending client ui info to the server and back
Manipulate the ViewModel directly in effect simulating the user actions
sb.Append("viewModel.fooChoices.push(new Foo(1509));");
sb.Append("viewModel.fooChoices()[0].selectedSubFoo = new Foo(273);");
In either case it feels a bit off and that a better pattern is out there. Would like to know if one way is better than the other or none of the above.
Many Thanks
Presently, your controller method returns a list of Foo. Consider creating a more complex object that holds both your Foos and your choices.
public class FooViewModel
public List<Foo> Foos { get; set; };
public UserChoices { get; set; }
Change your controller method so that it returns FooViewModel. This means user choices will be returned along with any Foos you are interested in.
public ActionResult AddFoos()
// Are there any choices stored in session?
// Use those first, otherwise create a new UserChoices object
UserChoices choices =
Session["User.Choices"] as UserChoices ?? new UserChoices();
List<Foo> funds = new List<Foo>();
.. etc
FooViewModel vm = new FooViewModel() { Foos = funds; UserChoices = choices };
// Return the whole object, containing Choices and Foos
return Json(vm, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
Also, consider some kind of action filter to allow you to pass complete objects easily. ObjectFilter is a good approach. It allows you to pass complex object structures easily without having to rely on specific markup.
ObjectFilter above a controller method. Pretty simple, just declaring that the controller should attempt to treat any incoming parameter called fooStuff as type FooViewModel.
ObjectFilter(Param = "fooStuff", RootType = typeof(FooViewModel)),
public JsonResult ProcessFoos(FooViewModel fooStuff) {
By defining a corresponding JavaScript view model, you can just convert the whole thing to a json string and pass it to the controller method fully populated.
So, example of corresponding js vm would be:-
var fooViewModel = function(data) {
var self = this;
self.Foos = ko.observableArray(data.Foos);
self.UserChoices = ko.observable(data.UserChoices);
// Don't worry about properties or methods that don't exist
// on the C# end of things. They'll just be ignored.
self.usefulJSOnlyMethod = function() {
// behaviour
var userChoice = function(data) {
var self = this;
self.DinnerId = ko.observable(data.DinnerId);
Typical call to a controller method decorated by ObjectFilter would be something like this ( assuming self is a fooViewModel ):-
var queryData = ko.mapping.toJSON(self);
data: queryData,
Any matching ( same name, same type case-sensitive ) property from the js vm will automatically end up in the fooStuff parameter of your controller method. Time to save those choices:-
Also note that I'm persisting user choices in the session here. This'll allow them to be picked up by any other controller method which may need them ( example in AddFoos above ).
ObjectFilter(Param = "fooStuff", RootType = typeof(FooViewModel)),
public JsonResult ProcessFoos(FooViewModel fooStuff)
// hey! I have a fully mapped FooViewModel right here!
// ( _fooServices.ProcessFoos will return updated version of viewmodel )
FooViewModel vm = _fooServices.ProcessFoos(fooStuff);
// What about those choices?
// Put them in the session at this point in case anyone else comes asking
// after them.
Session["User.Choices"] = vm.UserChoices;
return Json(vm);
Because we've:-
Defined a better C# view model
Defined a corresponding JS view model
Including UserChoices as part of that view model
....restoring the choice is simple at this point. Reference the part of the view model that contains the user's selected choice.
<select id="dinnerChoice"
data-bind="value: UserChoices.DinnerId"

How to get value dynamically added textbox values in MVC 3

I want to get the values of dynamically added Textbox on submit button in MVC 3.
I am storing the values in hidden field and getting using FromCollection. Is there any better approach?
If you name your values something like
MyValues[x] where x is a zero based, continuously increasing integer, you can receive the string values as a list of strings named MyValues.
This trick also works for properties if the main model object, if needed.
You should check some articles about how to bind to collections In ASP mvc, they could give you some ideas.
For example
You could do something like this (written very quickly outside of editor, so may have typos/issues):
Make a view model:
public class DynamicTextBoxViewModel
public IList<string> DynamicTextBox { get; set; }
public int OtherStuffInViewModel { get; set; }
Then in your Get Action:
var model = new YourViewModel
DynamicTextBoxList =
new List<DynamicTextBox>
new DynamicTextBox
TextBoxText = string.Empty,
OtherStuffInViewModel = xxx,
return View(model)
Then in your Post Action:
You would bind everything where you wanted it.
The idea is to move all the data into a ViewModel and pass that around so you gain the benefits of the ViewModel instead of passing around FormCollection - which is sloppier and more error prone.

How to compose and post a JSON object from jQuery to an MVC3 action method?

I have the following JavaScript code that gets the Id property (Guid) from every user row in a Kendo UI grid. Now I am wondering how best to compose these Id's and the owner roleId into a JSON object that I can pass to an MVC3 action method. Versus my silly string concat.
$("#command-add-selected").click(function () {
var json = "roleId: '51FC554E-353C-4D55-BE52-1B4BF9D2F17F', users: [";
var avail = $("#availableUsersGrid").data().kendoGrid._data;
for (var i = 0; i < avail.length; i++) {
json += "{ Id: '" + avail[i].Id + "'},";
json = json.slice(0, -1);
json += "]";
return false;
The action method can be GET or POST and need not return any value (this is another puzzle here, no returned view). All it does is domain updates that are fetched by other ajax code subsequent to the above code.
How can I pass the above type JSON to an action method essentially of void return type?
EDIT: This question answered the minor part of my question nicely, with how to dynamically add items to an array with push.
1.first of all u dont need to create the full json ur self use JSON.Stringify() method to change the javascript object to JSON string.
2.after u have created the JSON string u can GET or POST it to any normal method in any MVC Controller of visibility public.
even if the signature of the action method is like public ActionResult MehodName(string jsonString) u can always return null.
3. u can use built in JavaScriptSerializer class in System.Web.Script.Serialization namespace to deserialize the json string u recieve in the action to create an object with the same propertiese
make a javascript array names users then inside the for loop use .push() function of javascript to insert the objects like this
var users = [];
var user = {"Id":"YOUR ID VALUE"};
var objectToSerialize = {"roleId":"YOUR ROLE GUID","Users":users};
var jsonString = JSON.stringify(objectToSerialize);
Edit 2:-
so going by your previous comments u dont want that u need to deseralize the whole JSON object. going by your object architecture even if ur action method has a signature like this
public ActionResult GetUsersByRole(Users users)
//some code
and Users class like this one
class Users
public string RoleId{get; set;}
public User[]{get; set;}
and User class like this
class User
string Id{get; set;}
it would automatically bind property with your complex users object
In conjunction with Parv Sharma's solution:
function User(id) { this.Id=id; }
$("#command-add-selected").click(function () {
var avail = $("#availableUsersGrid").data().kendoGrid._data;
var userArray = array();
for (var i = 0; i < avail.length; i++) {
userArray.push(new User(avail[i].Id));
var obj = {roleId:'51FC554E-353C-4D55-BE52-1B4BF9D2F17F',users:userArray};
return false;
Should just be able to use Url.Action("NameofAction","nameofcontroller", json);
You may have to add an AcceptVerbs attribute to the action method as well, depending on if you want it to be a GET or a POST.
As far as the building part goes, I would suggest not using strings at all. Jsons are objects, not strings, so I would go ahead and build a "users" object with your foreach loop and then throw that object into your json return object.
edit: forgot to mention stringify. Yeah. Use that.

Get full name of Complex Type from ModelClientValidationRequiredIfRule method in custom ValidationAttribute

I am using the example at The Complete Guide To Validation In ASP.NET MVC 3 to create a RequiredIf validation attribute (it's about 1/3 down the page under the heading of "A more complex custom validator"). It all works fine with the exception of one scenario, and that is if I have the need to validate against a complex type. For example, I have the following model:
public class MemberDetailModel
public int MemberId { get; set; }
// Other model properties here
public MemberAddressModel HomeAddress { get; set; }
public MemberAddressModel WorkAddress { get; set; }
public class MemberAddressModel
public bool DontUse { get; set; }
// Other model properties here
[RequiredIf("DontUse", Comparison.IsEqualTo, false)]
public string StreetAddress1 { get; set; }
The problem is that when the attribute validation for the StreetAddress property is rendered, it get's decorated with the attribute of data-val-requiredif-other="DontUse". Unfortunately, since the address is a sub-type of the main model, it needs to be decorated with a name of HomeAddress_DontUse and not just DontUse.
Strangely enough, the validation works fine for server-side validation, but client-side unobtrusive validation fails with an JS error because JS can't find the object with a name of just "DontUse".
Therefore, I need to find a way to change the ModelClientValidationRequiredIfRule method to know that the property it is validating is a sub-type of a parent type, and if so, prepend the ParentType_ to the "otherProperty" field (e.g. otherProperty becomes HomeAddress_DontUse.
I have tried passing in typeof(MemberAddressModel) as a parameter of the attribute, but even when debugging the attribute creation, I can't seem to find any reference to the parent type of HomeAddress or WorkAddress from that type.
Based on the suggestion from The Flower Guy, I was able to come up with the following which seems to work. I simply modified the following in the customValidation.js file:
jQuery.validator.addMethod("requiredif", function (value, element, params) {
if ($(element).val() != '') return true;
var prefix = getModelPrefix(; // NEW LINE
var $other = $('#' + prefix + params.other); // MODIFIED LINE
var otherVal = ($other.attr('type').toUpperCase() == "CHECKBOX") ? ($other.attr("checked") ? "true" : "false") : $other.val();
return params.comp == 'isequalto' ? (otherVal != params.value) : (otherVal == params.value);
I also added the following method to that file (within the JQuery block so as to be only privately accessible):
function getModelPrefix(fieldName) {
return fieldName.substr(0, fieldName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1).replace(".","_");
Cannot do it exactly right now, but the problem is in the client javascript function:
jQuery.validator.addMethod("requiredif" ...
The js is not sophisticated enough to cope with complex view models where there may be a model prefix. If you take a look at Microsoft's jquery.validate.unobstrusive.js (in the Scripts folder over every MVC3 application), you will find some useful methods including getModelPrefix and appendModelPrefix. You can take a similar approach and change the requiredIf validation method - take a look at the equalto method in jquery.validate.unobstrusive.js for a helping hand.

Automatic mapping seems to not like 'Name' fields

I have a model that looks like this.
class Aspect {
Guid Id { get; set; }
string Name { get; set; }
string Description { get; set; }
// multiple other properties
In my View (ASP.NET MVC 3.0) I am trying to use the KnockoutJS mapping plugin. I call upon it like this. (Html Helpers listed beneath)
// attempt to bind any data we received from the server
var serverData = #Html.Interpret(Model);
// auto map the knockout attributes from the server data
var viewModel = ko.mapping.fromJS(serverData);
// apply the knockout binding to the viewModel
ko.applyBindings(viewModel, $("#__frmAspect")[0]);
// attach the jquery unobtrusive validator
viewModel.Save = function() {
// we will try to send the model to the server.
$("#__frmAspect").attr('action'), { model: ko.toJS(viewModel) }
// bind the submit handler to unobtrusive validation.
$("#__frmAspect").data("validator").settings.submitHandler = viewModel.Save;
For the most part, this actually works. However, for whatever reason, it does not like the Name field.
It creates it, mind you. If I place a breakpoint at postJson in the knockout.js file, I can sit there and see that the ko.observable() does exist. It just is not getting set by the input field.
Can anyone tell me why this might be?
My Html Helpers:
namespace System.Web.Mvc {
public static class KnockoutHelpers {
public static MvcHtmlString Interpret<TModel>(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, TModel model) {
return new MvcHtmlString(model.ToJson());
public static string ToJson ( this object item ) {
return new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer( ).Serialize( item );
Looks like we got this solved on the KO forums. Autocomplete was not firing the change event on the Name field.
Defined the data bind like: data-bind="value: Name, valueUpdate: 'blur'" to make this work.
