Programs installed with Chocolatey cannot be executed - windows

I am having a problem with programs that I installed with Chocolatey - namely that they cannot be executed. I am running Windows 10.
Chocolatey itself works - I can download and upgrade programs
the folder C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin\ is set in PATH under System Variables
I have a couple of packages installed, but I'll use two as an example here: ffmpeg and nano
If I run either nano --version or ffmpeg--version with Powershell I get in both cases:
ResourceUnavailable: Program 'nano.exe' failed to run: Access deniedAt line:1 >char:1
'+ nano
'+ ~~~~.
And the same for ffmpeg.
The weird thing is if I run the same with GitBash I get for nano:
GNU nano, version 4.9.3
(C) 1999-2011, 2013-2020 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
(C) 2014-2020 the contributors to nano
Email: Web:
Compiled options: --enable-utf8
and for ffmpeg
bash: /c/ProgramData/chocolatey/bin/ffmpeg: Permission denied
Any help is greatly appreciated!

Someone had a similar issue here and people thought antivirus software was the cause: Program 'tempCodeRunnerFile.exe' failed to run: Access is deniedAt line:1 char:110 VS Code error


How to run gprolog on macOS Sierra

I have just installed gnu-prolog using brew install gnu-prolog. When I try to run gprolog in the terminal I get gprolog: command not found. I tried doing the same to my other machine that is running ElCapitan and all worked perfectly.
Is there a way for me to get gprologto work for macOS Sierra?
Sounds like an issue with your Homebrew installation. But you can also install GNU Prolog using MacPorts or by downloading its Mac OS X installer from its website.
For the ones using MacPorts - you may download an installation package of gnu prolog directly from its site. It used to solve older installations issues and I have found it to solve the current one as well
use the link
On a Mac, the standard GNU Prolog installation package puts Prolog in the /opt/local/bin directory, which isn't normally in your path.
After installing the GNU Prolog package, open Terminal and type this command:
open -t ~/.bashrc
At the bottom of that file add this line:
export PATH="/opt/local/bin:$PATH"
then save & close the editor. Then type this command:
source ~/.bashrc
This reloads all the commands in the .bashrc file into your current Terminal session. The next time you open Terminal you won't have to do that.
Now you should be able to start GNU Prolog by typing this command:
The output should look like this:
GNU Prolog 1.5.0 (64 bits)
Compiled Jul 8 2021, 23:55:41 with /usr/bin/clang
Copyright (C) 1999-2021 Daniel Diaz
| ?- buildtool is unable to detect windows

I have build a website with Erlang and Cowboy with ErlyDTL on a Linux OS.
Now I want that my website can run on Windows and want to use the with Relx build tool.
When I give the make command it gives me the error:
Unable to detect platform. Please open a ticket with the output of
uname -a.
uname -a output:
MINGW32_NT-6.2 LENOVO-... 2012-11-21 22:34 i686 Msys
How can I fix this problem in a easy way with explanation because I don't know much of makefiles ;).
I have Windows 8.1 64 bit OS.
My is version 1.2.0-634-g2f69190.
I installed MinGW with msys so I can run make and make distclean.
I have the following extra packages installed during this intallation:
So the PATH to MinGW is c:\MinGW.
With CMD I started C:\MinGW\msys\1.0\msys.bat
Then with the bash shell I ran de postinstall script This gave me no errors.
Then I have installed some extra packages for MinGW with success:
mingw-get install msys-rxvt
mingw-get install msys-unzip
mingw-get install msys-zip
mingw-get install msys-wget
I have red but I couldn't understand what I have to do because the lack of explanation.
So is there a solution? If yes what is it and please give some explanation with it so I can fix my problem and understand what I'm doing.
Thanks in advance

"couldn't make stderr distinct from stdout" when running Cygwin commands

I am trying to setup some old version of Cygwin on my Windows 7 x64 OS. So far so good. Now I am stuck at srdout/stderr distinction problem:
$ vmake
1 [main] make 7060 dtable::stdio_init: couldn't make stderr distinct from stdout
$ ls /
1 [main] ls 8180 dtable::stdio_init: couldn't make stderr distinct from stdout
Cygwin.bat Cygwin.ico bin cygdrive etc lib proc setup.log setup.log.full tmp usr var
I am running:
$ uname -srv
1 [main] uname 5876 dtable::stdio_init: couldn't make stderr distinct from stdout
CYGWIN_NT-6.1-WOW64 1.5.25(0.156/4/2) 2008-06-12 19:34
The Cygwin installation had DOS line-endings option selected (for some legacy code compatibility).
To fix another issues with line endings (bash had troubles processing /cygdrive/c/cygwin-legacy/bin/vmake script, like issue described here: ) I've added these to ~/.bash_profile:
set -o igncr
After reading I also set:
$ CYGWIN=tty
This changed nothing. I am still getting
1 [main] make 7060 dtable::stdio_init: couldn't make stderr distinct from stdout
with different 4-digit number each time.
I have had the same problem here.
Then I remembered, that we replaced the "make" command
by an MSYS-Version (since the 'make' of the new
cygwin package did not handle any pathes with colons (":")
-> this lead to "multiple target" errors.
The replacement of the 'make' command solved this problem,
but caused "stdio_init: couldn't make stderr distinct from stdout"
when I was trying to compile other projects.
Do you have MSYS/MinGW installed on your machine, too ?
Try this:
make --version
it should look like:
GNU Make 3.82.90
Built for i686-pc-cygwin
if you get something like:
GNU Make 3.81
Copyright (C) 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.
There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
This program built for i686-pc-msys
You need to use the cygwin 'make' instead.
Perhaps this error occurs if you mix up the components of different cygwin versions...
A little note for people having this issue with other binaries like ssh. I had this error since cygwin was trying to run windows ssh client instead of the version in cygwin
Check that the executable is a cygwin version
I got this error when trying to launch a Msys executable from within cygwin. Msys is another 'linux on windows' environment and is incompatible with cygwin.
Specifically, I was trying to launch Git for Windows via a symlink in my /bin path. I apparently had installed it ages ago and created the symlink then, and didn't notice any problems until I tried to use git gui which then threw the couldn't make stderr distinct from stdout error. Interestingly, many of the git commands to work, or fail silently so it wasn't immediately noticable.
When cygwin tries to launch a program intended for the Msys environment, it throws the error.
To fix it, download the cygwin version of the problem app, and remove any symlinks you have in place that are pointing to the Windows version.
For the Git case :
I deleted /bin/git symlink
re-ran cygwin setup and installed git (cygwin version)
This helped me:
Try a Cygwin 1.7 beta test release instead:
Cygwin 1.5.25 is not really supported on Windows 7. Only Cygwin 1.7
gets tested on it.
Removing C:\DevKit\bin from my path made the problem go away for me.

Can anyone advise me on this ? I tried to compile using maven and got this message alongwith "Build Failure" message

Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.2.1:exec (generate-core-thrift) on project accumulo-core: Command execution failed. Cannot run program "C:\Documents and Settings\deepak\trunk\core\src\main\thrift\" (in directory "C:\Documents and Settings\deepak\trunk\core"): CreateProcess error=193, %1 is not a valid Win32 application -> [Help 1]
I went to the directory trunk containing pom.xml and executed: mvn compile
I tried finding the plugin at but couldn't find any .
Can anyone please explain what the problem is ? These open source things are so complex.
Apache Accumulo does not currently support Windows in its build system. Consider using Ubuntu, Fedora, CentOS, Mac OSX, or another Linux or BSD system. If you really must build in Windows, you my have luck with Cygwin.
It's 2022 and we can now build Apache Accumulo on Windows using Windows Subsystem for Linux.
If you want to access your Linux files from Windows, the path is:
Note: the above is only available when you have a WSL instance up and running.
Assuming you have a clean install of Ubuntu on WSL. Open a WSL terminal for the setup steps.
Install OpenJDK
Update list of available packages.
sudo apt update
Search for available JDKs.
apt search jdk
We will be installing JDK11 as Accumulo uses that.
sudo apt-get install openjdk-11-jdk
Check for a successful installation.
java --version
Configure JAVA_HOME
readlink -f $(which java)
Removing /bin/java from the end of the output of the above command gives us the path to the JDK.
nano ~/.bashrc
Add the following line at the bottom of the file.
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64
Reflect changes.
source ~/.bashrc
Ensure the changes are in effect.
Install make and g++
sudo apt install make
sudo apt install g++
Clone the repo and cd to repo root.
Now build using (from WSL terminal)
mvn package
If you are using a Windows terminal (likely when using IDEs or GUI tools) prefix wsl,
wsl mvn package
There is another description for error 193: "You may see Windows error code 193 when you are starting a Windows Share Point server or a Windows Exchange server. The error message will also generate general Service Control Manager messages in your system logs, too."
Windows error code 193
Although it doesn't have direct answer on your problem but may be it will be also helpful for you.

Compiling VLC on Linux: Error couldnt find Lua

I am trying to compile VLC for Linux. When I run the configure script, I am getting the error message
configure: error: Could not find lua. Lua is needed for some
interfaces (rc, telnet, http) as well as many other custom scripts.
Use --disable-lua to ignore this error.
I have lua on my system. I ran lua -v and got
Lua 5.1.4 Copyright (C) 1994-2008, PUC-Rio
whereis lua gives
/usr/bin/lua /usr/lib/lua /usr/share/lua /usr/share/man/man1/lua.1.gz
Which looks to be a standard location. Any ideas on why configure isn't picking up lua?
On Debian based
$ apt-get install lua5.2 liblua5.2-dev
Worked for me
As mentioned by Not_a_Golfer, you need Lua header/library files
Fix for rpm based systems:
sudo dnf install lua-devel
