How do I add manual labels to a line chart in jpgraph? - label

How do I add manual labels to a line chart in jpgraph? I want the final value of each line in a line chart labeled on the chart - at the end of the lines. I only want the final value, not every point labeled - See below
Line Chart


Seaborn: Place the y-label in a line with the points on the coordinate axis

I want to place the y-label in the left upper corner in line with the points on the coordinate axis. The label should replace the axes ticks in that area.
Here is an example from a paper that I read:
I found a lot of information on how to move the label to the top left corner. However, how do I remove the ticks and move the label closer to the axes?
The best solution that I found:
# style
sns.set_context("paper", font_scale=1.6)
# plot
sn_dis1 = sns.displot(idx_pix_count_pd, hue='Dataset', x="Size", fill=True, palette='bwr', kind="hist", bins=500)
# y-achses
axes = sn_dis1.axes.flatten()
axes[0].set_ylabel("Count", fontsize=16)
axes[0].yaxis.set_label_coords(.0, .9)
The approach proposed by Trenton (Edit: Who delete his comment to my original question) did not work for me as the text is horizontal vertically. But I learned something from it and am sure that you somehow can make it work like that.
# style
sns.set_context("paper", font_scale=1.6)
# plot
sn_dis1 = sns.displot(idx_pix_count_pd, hue='Dataset', x="Size", fill=True, palette='bwr', kind="hist", bins=500)
# y-achses
ticks = range(8)
labels= list(range(7)) + ['Density']
axes = sn_dis1.axes.flatten()
# do not show default label

2 lines LineGraph in dc-js

I might have missed something obvious but how do you plot a non-stacked line chart in dc-js ?
I have used the example jsFiddle as a base to try and add a second group to the lineChart definition but to no avail here :
I defined a second group as :
speedSumGroup2 = {return d.Speed * d.Run / 500;});
How do I plot it along with speedSumGroup ?
The stacked chart adds each line to the previous.
If the lines should be independent, the series chart is the way to go.

d3.js line chart instead of area

I have a working d3.js area chart How can I change it to become a line chart instead? I have been trying to include a line variable var line = d3.svg.line() without success.
You could just add the following css, to show the area as line:
Live example here:
Here's an example using d3.svg.line instead of d3.svg.area:

Nvd3- is it possible to display any string value at x-axis at nvd3 line / bar chart?

I am using NVD3 chart library to display charts in my application.I used to show many chart types say line,bar,pie,scatter,etc..
Till now ,i used to show only integer/float values at x-axis of line/bar chart chart..Its working well.(Sample data : (x-10, y-50),(x-20, y-100))
But the problem is,when am trying to display the line chart with some string value at x-axis,the nvd3 chart doesn't display anything..Dont know where am going wrong?
(sample data : (x-sun,y-50),(x-mon,y-75),(x-tue,y-100))
Need help.Thanks in advance
Try this, it works for me:
select all the svg element that corresponds to text. container is a variable referring a string for selection of text;
d3.selectAll(container + ' .nv-x .tick text').text(function(d){return d;})

Highstock : Yaxis last horizontal label value not showing

Im having an highStock chart that is not displaying the last yAxis horizontal line value.
Let's take a look on the picture as it shows the problem: It shows 299, 400, 600 but the last one is not displayed
You should set showLastLabel as true
