Nvd3- is it possible to display any string value at x-axis at nvd3 line / bar chart? - nvd3.js

I am using NVD3 chart library to display charts in my application.I used to show many chart types say line,bar,pie,scatter,etc..
Till now ,i used to show only integer/float values at x-axis of line/bar chart chart..Its working well.(Sample data : (x-10, y-50),(x-20, y-100))
But the problem is,when am trying to display the line chart with some string value at x-axis,the nvd3 chart doesn't display anything..Dont know where am going wrong?
(sample data : (x-sun,y-50),(x-mon,y-75),(x-tue,y-100))
Need help.Thanks in advance

Try this, it works for me:
select all the svg element that corresponds to text. container is a variable referring a string for selection of text;
d3.selectAll(container + ' .nv-x .tick text').text(function(d){return d;})


Not able to provide string variable for xAxisLabel or yAxisLabel in DC.JS charts

I am plotting a line chart using DC.js
I am providing label to my yAxis like
Its working fine in this way.
But in my application I support localization so I am giving a String variable with the label. This is not working
var label = "Time";

How to customize legend text in pie chart for angular-nvd3?

I have a pie chart in angular-nvd3. https://krispo.github.io/angular-nvd3/#/pieChart The issue I have is with a pie chart, I have 5 slices, when all the pie slices are labeled, it looks very scrunched together. I want to instead modify the legend so that instead of just displaying the keys, I want to show:
<key> + <number of records in that key>
Using "labelType" I can change what is shown on the labels of the slices pie chart, but how can I change what is shown in the legend?
Could not find anything in the API to do this.
But here is a bit of hack to do it via d3:
After render
1) get all the text DOM
2) run a for loop on all the text.
3) get the text's data and change the inner HTML.
dispatch: {
renderEnd: function(e) {
//for each text
d3.selectAll(".nv-legend text")[0].forEach(function(d){
//get the data
var t= d3.select(d).data()[0];
//set the new data in the innerhtml
d3.select(d).html(t.key + " - " + t.y);
working code here

nvd3.js tooltip date expression & refresh issue

Currently, i'm developing realtime stackedAreaChart using nvd3.js.
nvd3.js is great, but i have two problem.
Example is following
1. First Problem
when i use following code
.tickFormat(function(d) {
return d3.time.format('%X')(new Date(d)); })
Tooltip shows "Nan:Nan:NaN" like following pic, but i want to show "12:33:33".
2. Second Problem
When i mouse over some position in chart, tooltip shows that position's content.
When chart is moving(updating) , tooltip doesn't show current position's content
But, until i move a mouse, tooltip content is not updating.
How can i update tooltip content like following examples in rickshaw.js?

Line Plus Bar with Multi Bars?

I'm trying to make an chart using the default line plus bar chart, but I want to use two or more streams in the bars, is it possible?
Currently, when I try to do this, I got some trouble with the effects of the chart, and so I can't show properly the hover balloon of the bars, he always display the data of just one of the streams. But the main problem is the dates of x axis, displaying 1970's dates, when I remove the second stream of bars, the dates display well:
Anyone already tried to do this kind of chart successfully?
Adding Fiddles:
Fiddle with two columns stream and messy dates
Fiddle with just one column stream and ok dates
I'm calling this kind of graph:
The problem with the dates is that your data contains timestamps (i.e. in seconds), but Javascript expects milliseconds. This is easily fixed by multiplying the values by 1000:
series.values = series.values.map(function (d) {
return {
x: d[0]*1000,
y: d[1]
The tooltip problem is actually a bug in NVD3 -- it's not meant to be used this way. The problem boils down to the mouseover handler assuming that the first item of the data is representative of what you want. You can fix this for your case by selecting the item by data point number modulo 2 (because there're two bars):
.on('mouseover', function(d,i) {
d3.select(this).classed('hover', true);
point: d,
series: data[i%2],
pos: [x(getX(d,i)), y(getY(d,i))],
pointIndex: i,
seriesIndex: i%2,
e: d3.event
This will only work for exactly two bar series though. Updated jsfiddle with the modified NVD3 code here.

Show tooltip of a column chart programmatically in StockChart (highchart)

I've a Highstock chart (Line with markers and shadow) and would like to show a highstock tooltip programmatically, i.e. when i select, for example, a row on some table (that contains chart data) i would like to show the corresponding highstock tooltip.
Is that possible?
For StockChart this solution doesn't work:
In this example you have to replace this:
to this:
The solution is available here.
If what you want is to trigger tooltip on the plot near ith data point, then probaly you can use this answer, which suggest to do something like
where chart is the result of your new Highcharts.Chart. (jsfiddle from the comments to that answer).
I guess that if you want to do it on <tr> click, than your js could finally look like this
var chart = new Highcharts.Chart({ <your options> });
$('#yourTableId tr').click(function(){
var i = $(this).index(); // `this` points to <tr>, get its index
