Go how to get mouse/Cursor position on windows - windows

im trying to get the x and y position of the windows-cursor or windows mouse in Go.
I already found this package https://github.com/go-vgo/robotgo which can listen for mouse events, but i cant find the code which is used for that.
func getCursorPosition() (x, y int) {
return 0, 0
I want to replace "0,0" with the real cursor position.
Thanks for your help!

Have you read the documentation?
If you had, you might have noticed the function GetMousePos() (x,y int).


Plottable.js entityNearest not giving me the nearest entity

Im implementing the code below in a React, Typescript project.
When hovering over my graph I don't get the nearest entity its roughly 5 years off, on my x-axis(time).
I've tried switching out entityNearest for entityNearestXThenY but it yielded similar results.
Below is my pointer interaction function:
new Plottable.Interactions.Pointer()
.onPointerMove(function(p) {
var entity = hiddenGraph.entityNearest(p);
var date = parseTime(entity.datum.x);
var value = currencySymbolNoPrecision(entity.datum.y);
var displayValue = (value + " • " + date);
.onPointerExit(function() {
Pointer tracking is also very jumpy. My dataset is the gold price per month since 1950. I've checked the dataset to ensure that there are no problems there.
In the image below my mouse is hovering roughly where the red circle is.
Please let me know if I can provide any further information.
I eventually reached a solution by directly editing the coordinates of the mouse after it had bean calculated:
p={x: p.x-(compensationValue), y:p.y}
While I understand this is by far not the best solution to the problem I had, it has managed to resolve the problem and seemingly with no adverse effects on different screen sizes or when nesting components.

How to move a SCNNode in the direction it is pointing at after an rotation is applied

My dilemma is this:
I have a spaceship positioned somewhere in space between stars and planets. The camera is added as a child of the spaceshipNode and you always look at the back of the spaceship (raised a few units above).
I use CoreMotion to rotate the spaceship like this:
func startMonitoringMotion() {
self.motionManager?.startDeviceMotionUpdates(to: OperationQueue.main, withHandler: { (data, error) in
guard let data = data else { return }
let attitude: CMAttitude = data.attitude
self.ship.eulerAngles = SCNVector3Make(Float(attitude.roll - M_PI_2), Float(attitude.yaw), Float(attitude.pitch))
and the rotation works as expected.
Now I want to move the spaceship in the direction it is facing but I have no clue how to do it. I have tried different approaches but I have failed miserably.
I have searched this forum countless times for several days but with no luck.
I hope someone can point me (and my spaceship) in the right direction.
Thank you in advance.
I've found that the easiest way to do this is to grab the third row of the node's worldTransform property, which corresponds to its z-forward axis.
func getZForward(node: SCNNode) -> SCNVector3 {
return SCNVector3(node.worldTransform.m31, node.worldTransform.m32, node.worldTransform.m33)
ship.position += getZForward(ship) * speed // nb scalar multiply requires overload of * func
// if node has a physics body, you might need to use the presentationNode, eg:
// getZForward(ship.presentationNode)
// though you probably don't want to be directly modifying the position of a node with a physics body
See the discussion here Getting direction that SCNNode is facing
iOS 11 update
iOS 11 adds handy convenience functions for getting the orientation of a node. In this case the worldForward property is the one you want. Also, all of the properties on SCNNode that return SCNVector and matrix types now have versions that return simd types. Because simd already has overloads for the arithmetic operators, you no longer need to add sets of arithmetic overrides for the SCNVector and SCNMatrix types.
So we can get rid of out getZForward method above, and just have the line:
ship.simdPosition += ship.simdWorldFront * speed

Manually selecting a feature in a map generated by d3.js (for the purposes of zooming in this case)

I'd like to implement a map that zooms in on an area similar to Mike's click-zoom-example http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/2206590
In fact I have this working fine already. My problem is that I can't rely on the click event to implement the zoom — the zoom will be triggered by another event (a link). So when I get to this part of Mike's code:
function clicked(d) {
var x, y, k;
if (d && centered !== d) {
var centroid = path.centroid(d);
I'm a bit of a loss as I don't have 'd'. So, I'm assuming that I can instead, manually pass 'd' to my click function when I call it. But how do I actually select the feature (which is what 'd' represents) I want from the map?
To be a bit more concrete, I have a map of the world. The paths within the SVG group contain class information (e.g. the one for France looks like):
<path class="subunit FXX FRA" id="FXX" data-subunit="FXX" data-countryName="France" data-countryCode="FRA" d="M153.88838704622088,519........"></path>
How would I pass the 'France object' to the clicked(d) function? Or is there another approach altogether that I should be trying.
Any tips or help greatly appreciated.
You can use D3's select for this purpose:
d3.select(".FRA").each(function(d) {
// same code as inside clicked
Get the data associated with the France object:
And pass it to clicked:

Why does the locator look semi-transparent in this Dynamic graphic?

I want a position a locator on a graphic, and update its position based on the mouse position. Here is some sample code:
Graphics[{Yellow, Rectangle[]}],
With[{pt = MousePosition[{"Graphics", Graphics}]},
{ If[pt===None, ,Locator[pt^2]], Text[pt, {0,0}, {-1,-1}] }
}, PlotRange -> {{-.2, 1.2},{-.2, 1.2}}]
The weird thing is that sometimes the locator displays normally, sometimes it displays at what looks like half opacity. It flips from normal to half-opacity as I move the mouse around.
Why is this, and what can I do to fix it?
I'm using Mathematica 8 on OSX.

Algorithm for heat map?

I have a list of values each with latitude and longitude. I'm looking to create a translucent heatmap image to overlay on Google Maps. I know there are server side and flash based solutions already, but I want to build this in javascript using the canvas tag.
However, I can't seem to find a concise description of the algorithm used to turn coordinates and values into a heatmap. Can anyone provide or link to one?
The basic idea would be to create a grid and project every lat,lng coord to that grid. I would use a 2D array of ints.
The psuedo-code would be:
for each coord
cell = coord projected to grid
increment cell value
for 0 to # of passes
for each row
for each col
if grid[row,col] > 0 then
grid[row,col] += 1
increment_adjacent_cells(row, col)
So, the idea is that the higher the int value, the hotter that cell is. increment_adjacent_cells should increment the values in all 8 adjacent cells.
I have tried to solve this in javascript using the canvas element, here is my current result:
I have to fix the gaussian filter and the color mapping, because it doesn't give good results currently.
A faster way of building a heatmap could be to use a queue:
Add an element to queue (first in heatmap(x,y, val))
While (!queue.isEmpty())
elem = queue.pop()
queue.push(elem.x + 1, elem.y, val-1)
queue.push(elem.x - 1, elem.y, val-1)
queue.push(elem.x, elem.y + 1, val-1)
queue.push(elem.x, elem.y - 1, val-1)
This saves on tons of iterations!
Look at this project if you are looking for something that looks more like 'tv weather maps':
