Algorithm for heat map? - algorithm

I have a list of values each with latitude and longitude. I'm looking to create a translucent heatmap image to overlay on Google Maps. I know there are server side and flash based solutions already, but I want to build this in javascript using the canvas tag.
However, I can't seem to find a concise description of the algorithm used to turn coordinates and values into a heatmap. Can anyone provide or link to one?

The basic idea would be to create a grid and project every lat,lng coord to that grid. I would use a 2D array of ints.
The psuedo-code would be:
for each coord
cell = coord projected to grid
increment cell value
for 0 to # of passes
for each row
for each col
if grid[row,col] > 0 then
grid[row,col] += 1
increment_adjacent_cells(row, col)
So, the idea is that the higher the int value, the hotter that cell is. increment_adjacent_cells should increment the values in all 8 adjacent cells.

I have tried to solve this in javascript using the canvas element, here is my current result:
I have to fix the gaussian filter and the color mapping, because it doesn't give good results currently.

A faster way of building a heatmap could be to use a queue:
Add an element to queue (first in heatmap(x,y, val))
While (!queue.isEmpty())
elem = queue.pop()
queue.push(elem.x + 1, elem.y, val-1)
queue.push(elem.x - 1, elem.y, val-1)
queue.push(elem.x, elem.y + 1, val-1)
queue.push(elem.x, elem.y - 1, val-1)
This saves on tons of iterations!

Look at this project if you are looking for something that looks more like 'tv weather maps':


How to show only limited number of records in box plot dc.js

I want to show the most recent 10 bins for box plot.
If a filter is applied to the bar chart or line chart, the box plot should show the most recent 10 records according to those filters.
I made dimension by date(ordinal). But I am unable to get the result.
I didn’t get how to do it with a fake group. I am new to dc.js.
The pic of scenario is attached. Let me know if anyone need more detail to help me.
in image i tried some solution by time scale.
You can do this with two fake groups, one to remove the empty box plots, and one to take the last N elements of the resulting data.
Removing empty box plots:
function remove_empty_array_bins(group) {
return {
all: function() {
return group.all().filter(d => d.value.length);
This just filters the bins, removing any where the .value array is of length 0.
Taking the last N elements:
function cap_group(group, N) {
return {
all: function() {
var all = group.all();
return all.slice(all.length - N);
This is essentially what the cap mixin does, except without creating a bin for "others" (which is somewhat tricky).
We fetch the data from the original group, see how long it is, and then slice that array from all.length - N to the end.
Chain these fake together when passing them to the chart:
.group(cap_group(remove_empty_array_bins(closeGroup), 5))
I'm using 5 instead of 10 because I have a smaller data set to work with.
Demo fiddle.
This example uses a "real" time scale rather than ordinal dates. There are a few ways to do ordinal dates, but if your group is still sorted from low to high dates, this should still work.
If not, you'll have to edit your question to include an example of the code you are using to generate the ordinal date group.

Visual Studio - Range chart - Adding background colours per category group

I am using a Range chart to create a Gannt Chart of sorts. I am attempting to do two things:
1) Change the background colour of the range chart based upon one of two Category groups, I have two groups, an outer and an inner, and I would like the background colour to change based on the outer grouping. I have a piece of code that determines a colour but, i'm having trouble applying that to the background. I was hoping interlacing colour would help me, that you aren't able to determine the frequency of the interlacing from what I can tell.
The code I'm using is:
Private colorPalette As String() = { "#C85200", "#FF800E", "#5F9ED1",
"#2CA02C", "#A59D93", "#B8341B", "#352F26", "#F1E7D6", "#E16C56", "#CFBA9B"}
Private count As Integer = 0
Private mapping As New System.Collections.Hashtable()
Public Function GetColor(ByVal groupingValue As String) As String
If mapping.ContainsKey(groupingValue) Then
Return mapping(groupingValue)
End If
Dim c As String = colorPalette(count Mod colorPalette.Length)
count = count + 1
mapping.Add(groupingValue, c)
Return c
End Function
2) Position the X and Y axis labels between the major grid lines. The X axis is a date, and the end user would like the date to be between the two grid lines (representing a day) rather than on each grid line, I've had a look around but can't seem to find anything relevant.
Any help or guidance would be appreciated, thanks!

VTK - How to read Tensors/Matrix per cell from a NIFTI Image?

I'm trying to implement a MRT-DTI real-time fibertracking visualization tool based on VTK.
Therefore we need to read the DTI tensors/matrices per cell stored in a NIFTI Image (.nii) and I really can't figure out how to do this.
It's not a problem to retrieve a single scalar value from the NIFTI file, but I don't know how to get the tensor (3x3/4x4 matrix).
We would really appreciate any help !
Since the NIFTIImageReader is supposed to read a tensor NIFTI image as a multi-component vtkImage we tried this:
vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageExtractComponents> extractTupel1 = vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageExtractComponents>::New();
vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageExtractComponents> extractTupel2 = vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageExtractComponents>::New();
extractTupel2->SetComponents(3, 4, 5);
vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageExtractComponents> extractTupel3 = vtkSmartPointer<vtkImageExtractComponents>::New();
extractTupel3->SetComponents(6, 7, 8);
extractTupel1->GetOutput()->GetPoint(pointId, tupel1);
extractTupel2->GetOutput()->GetPoint(pointId, tupel2);
extractTupel3->GetOutput()->GetPoint(pointId, tupel3);
But it doesn't work. Maybe the GetPoint-Method is the wrong choice?
Please help :)
Answer by David Gobbi, really much thanks to him!:
No, the GetPoint() method will not return the tensor value. It will return the coordinates of the voxel. So vtkImageExtractComponents is not necessary here, either.
A vtkImageData always stores the voxel values as its "Scalars" array, even if the voxel values are not scalar quantities.
A simple (but inefficient way) to get the scalar values is this method:
GetScalarComponentAsDouble (int x, int y, int z, int component)
For each voxel, you would call this method 9 times with component = [0..8].
A much more efficient way of getting the tensors is to get the scalar array from the data, and then look up the tensors via the pointId:
vtkDataArray *tensors = reader->GetOutput()->GetPointData()->GetScalars();
double tensor[9];
tensors->GetTuple(pointId, tensor);
This is orders of magnitude more efficient than GetScalarComponentAsDouble().

Finding area of the image

I used connected component labeling algorithm (bwconncomp) to label the different parts of a binary image (MATLAB). Now i need to calculate the area of different labels and remove the labels with smaller area. Can i use the default area finding command or is there any specific commands for that in matlab...Help..
From the documentation:
CC = bwconncomp(BW) returns the connected components CC found in BW.
The binary image BW can have any dimension. CC is a structure with
four fields...
The final field in CC is PixelIdxList, which is:
[a] 1-by-NumObjects cell array where the kth element in the cell array is
a vector containing the linear indices of the pixels in the kth object.
You can find the area of each label by looking at the length of the corresponding entry in the cell array. Something like:
areas_in_pixels = cellfun(#length, CC.PixelIdxList);
The PixelIdxList is a cell array, each member of which contains the linear indexes of the pixels present in that connected component. The line of code above finds the length of each cell in the cell array - i.e. the number of pixels in each connected component.
I've used cellfun to keep the code short and efficient. A different way of writing the same thing would be something like:
areas_in_pixels = nan(1, length(CC.PixelIdxList);
for i = 1:length(CC.PixelIdxList)
areas_in_pixels(i) = length(CC.PixelIdxList{i});
For each connected component, you can then find the size of that component in pixels by accessing an element in areas_in_pixels:
areas_in_pixels(34) %# area of connected component number 34
If you don't want to write lots of code like above just use built-in functions of MATLAB to detect the area. Label your components and from the properties of the component you can find out the area of that component. Suppose Bw is the binary image:
[B,L] = bwboundaries(Bw,'noholes');
stats = regionprops(L,'Area','perimeter');
for k = 1:length(B)
You can make this better still by avoiding the for loop with the following:
[B,L] = bwboundaries(Bw,'noholes');
stats = regionprops(L,'Area','perimeter');
area = [stats.Area];

Google maps polygon optimization

I extracted country outline data from somewhere and successfully managed to convert it into an array of lat-lng coordinates that I can feed to Google maps API to draw polyline or polygons.
The problem is that that there are about 1200+ points in that shape. It renders perfectly in Google maps but I need to reduce the number of points from 1200 to less than 100. I don't need a very smooth outline, i just need to throw away the points that I can live without. Any algorithm or an online tool that can help me reduce the number of points is needed.
Found this simple javascript by Bill Chadwick. Just feed in the LatLng to an array and pass in to the source arguments in a function here Douglas Peucker line simplification routine
it will output an array with less points for polygon.
var ArrayforPolygontoUse= GDouglasPeucker(theArrayofLatLng,2000)
var polygon=new google.maps.Polygon({
theArrayofLatLng is an array of latlng that you collected using google maps api.
The 2000 value is kink in metres. My assumption is, the higher the value, more points will be deleted as an output.
For real beginners:
Make sure you declare the js file on your html page before using it. :)
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/GDouglasPeucker.js"></script>
I think MapShaper can do this online
Otherwise, implement some algorithm
If you can install postgis which i think is easy as they provide an installer then you can import the data and execute snaptogrid() or st_simplify() for which i cannot find an equivalent in mysql.If you decide to go with postgis which i recommend cause it will help you down the road i can provide you with the details.
Now for an easy custom solution you can reduce size by cutting or rounding some of the last digits of the coords and then merge the same coords resulting actually in a simple snaptogrid().
Hope it helps
I was looking for exactly the same thing and found Simplify.js. It does exactly what you want and is incredibly easy to use. You simply pass in your coordinates and it will remove all excess points.
simplify(points, tolerance, highQuality)
The points argument should contain an array of your coordinates formatted as {x: 123, y: 123}. (Afterwards you can convert it back to the format you wish.)
The tolerance should be the precision in decimal degrees. E.g. 0.0001 for 11 meters. Increasing this number will reduce the output size.
Set highQuality to true for better results if you don't mind waiting a few milliseconds longer.
Mostly likely what you want to divide the points into 2 half and want to try my Javascript function:
function shortenAndShow ( polyline, color ) {
var dist = 0, copyPoints = Array ( );
for ( var n = 0, var end = polyline.getVertexCount ( ) - 1; n < end ; n++ ) {
dist += polyline.getVertex ( n ).distanceFrom ( polyline.getVertex ( n +1 ) );
copyPoints.push ( polyline.getVertex (n) );
var lastPoint = copyPoints [copyPoints.length-1];
var newLine = new GPolyline (copyPoints, color, 2, 1);
gmap2.addOverlay ( newLine );
I agree the Unreason's anwser,The website support GeoJson,I used it in my website,and it cut down my geoJson ,But I think you also need this world country geo Json
