Blacklist for external token ASP.NET - access-token

Currently, I'm developing an app service using Microsoft M365 authentication. The problem comes when the user has already logged out, but the token provided by Microsoft is still valid, and can still be used to access my backend API. I've tried to revoke it using Microsoft graph
GraphServiceClient graphClient = new GraphServiceClient( authProvider );
await graphClient.Me
But another problem is that all my sessions are revoked too, so is there any way to implement a blacklist to store the token? I can only use MSSQL Server to store data.


Google API Refresh Token and Access Token Questions (Java BE + Web App)

I want to do something very similar to this tutorial, in which I'm getting the authCode from web client and sending that authCode to a Java BE app to get credentials of an user and then, using the credential to gain access to google sheet api to create a spreadsheet on user's drive.
According to google-api-java-client/oauth2 doc:
GoogleCredential takes care of automatically "refreshing" the token,
which simply means getting a new access token.
Would I still be able to take advantage of the above statement, in which GoogleCredential automatically refreshes the token if I'm authenticating and asking for permission on the client web app - aka, I call the grant offline request on web app and then, getting the actual GoogleCredential in a Java BE app (using the authCode)? If so, how does that work? Why would others suggest to store the refreshToken in a db?
If I do decide to store in a db, would storing the refreshToken with the key as my app's unique identifier for a user be OK (instead of using the suggested sub identifier)? Is there a limit on the amount of time I can call the token to get a new accessToken per user? Even if an accessToken hasn't expired, is it better to just get a new accessToken for every new request (seems more secure)?

How to OAuth using WeChat Login for Parse Server

We would like to enable WeChat Login on our iOS client that is connected to a Parse Server backend on Heroku. From reading through the PFFacebookAuthenticationProvider, it seems that we need to write a custom authentication provider for WeChat.
WeChat Login is based on OAuth 2.0. It works as followed:
1. From our app, an authorization request is sent to the WeChat app installed on the same phone. WeChat app is called to the foreground.
2. After user approved the authorization request, a code (NOT the access token) is sent to our app.
3. With the code and our app id and app secret, our server can then call WeChat API and get the appropriate user id and access token from WeChat. This step has to happen on our server, as we cannot include the app secret within our client app.
On the WeChat documentation, it is strongly recommended that we keep the access token strictly in the control of server (anyone with the access token can make requests to WeChat API and it will be counted towards the usage limit for our API calls).
If we are to follow this practice, we cannot save the access token in the authData field of the user. Would it be acceptable to save only the code and id from WeChat into the authData and save the access token to another class that only the master key has access to? This obviously requires us to write a custom AuthAdapter for the Parse Server.
Or is there a better way to implement this custom auth? The custom auth documentation for Parse Server is pretty thin and I plan to improve it after I can get it working for myself.
You can definitely update the auth adapter to exchange the code for an access token server side. The logic would be similar to other adapters, failing to login/signup if the server is unable to process the code to access token exchange.
If the authData object has that code, you can add additional logic to exchange it.

Invalid session when trying to create a session in OKTA

Very new to okta flow, please bear with my ignorance.
I am doing a poc to access sharepoint from my external site and sharepoint is authenticated through OKTA. I want to start getting list view data from share point and expose it on my site.
1) What is the difference of authenticating using username / password flow (vs) using token to authenticate into OKTA?
Step 1: Auth in through username / password get the session token
Step 2 : After this I tried to create a session as per docs:
You're probably missing a valid Okta API token (cf. Getting a Token ) when calling the /api/v1/sessions endpoint. In any event, you should use the /api/v1/authn endpoint for authentication purposes and that one usually doesn't need an api token (unless you want to authenticate it from a trusted application).
The /api/v1/sessions API with the username/password payload is deprecated so you should shy away from using it in favor of the /api/v1/authn API.
I hope this helps!

User Session Token for in xamarin sdk missing

We are using sdk in our xamarin mobile app to authenticate our users. After the user logs in, we would like to store the session token in the local secured storage to log him automatically when he uses the app next time.
However, in sdk for Xamarin, the session token on ParseUser class is not exposed. How can one get the session token? Or is there an alternate way to cache authentication details locally?
This website talks about how they are updating their sessions :
Right here they talk about how to upgrade you application to use the new sessions:
Basically you need to set: ParseUser.EnableRevocableSessionAsync(); right after you initialize your ParseClient, in the global asax in .net probably.
Then you can do this:
var session = await ParseSession.GetCurrentSessionAsync();
var token = session.SessionToken;
From then on you can use the following to get the user:
await ParseUser.becomeAsync("session-token-here");

How to reset google oauth 2.0 authorization?

I'm using Google APIs Client Library for JavaScript (Beta) to authorize user google account on web application (for youtube manipulations). Everything works fine, but i have no idea how to "logout" user from my application, i.e. reset access tokens.
For example, following code checks user authorization and if not, shows popup window for user to log into account and permit web-application access to user data:
gapi.auth.authorize({client_id: CLIENT_ID, scope: SCOPES, immediate: false}, handleAuth);
But client library doesn't have methods to reset authorization.
There is workaround to redirect user to "", but this
approach is not that i need: thus we logging user off from google account not only from my application, but also anywhere.
Google faq and client library description neither helpful.
Try revoking an access token, that should revoke the actual grant so auto-approvals will stop working. I assume this will solve your issue.
Its very simple. Just revoke the access.
void RevokeAcess()
HttpClient client = new DefaultHttpClient();
HttpPost post = new HttpPost(""+ACCESS_TOKEN);
org.apache.http.HttpResponse response = client.execute(post);
catch(IOException e)
But it should be in asyncTask
It depends what you mean by resetting authorization. I could think of a three ways of doing this:
Remove authorization on the server
Go to, find your app and remove it. The next time you try to sign in you have to complete full authorization flow with account chooser and consent screen.
Sign out on the client
In this way Google authorization server still remembers your app and the authorization token remains in browser storage.
Sign out and disconnect
This is equivalent to (1) but on the client.
Simply use: gapi.auth.setToken(null);
Solution for dotnet, call below API and pass the access token, doc -
string url = "" + profileToken.ProfileAccessToken;
RestClient client = new RestClient(url);
var req = new RestRequest(Method.POST);
IRestResponse resp = client.Execute(req);
